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  1. P

    Thoughts on a change from LM Instinct Tour XL

    Thanks guys! I will look for those, but it's not very easy to find them to try in my region, i am still tending more to the tweener side, but open for whatever comes around. Test list so far are the speeds, prince textreme tour and VCores. @ozbikebuddy I'd like to hear how the VCORE worked for...
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    Thoughts on a change from LM Instinct Tour XL

    Well, i've been playing the apd for about 2 months now, mostly with the strings i bought it with, a mushy SP Tornado. Restrung last week with my good old SPPP 1.23 @56, it's on my limit of stiffness, and the ball flew on me even worse. I still need to give this stick a shot, but keeping an eye...
  3. P

    Will It Pallet?

    Anyone knows if this would work on a babs APDC?
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    Thoughts on a change from LM Instinct Tour XL

    Hey Guys, I am in desperate need for some help. I've own for a good time a Head LM Instinct tour XL, don't know if many here have played this frame but just fitted my game like a charm. The thing is i used it when i was in my 20's, now at my mid 30's after a good time without playing it became...
  5. P

    Playing flat hitters with old balls?

    You guys can`t imagine how jealous I am right now.... seriously, less then $2 for wilson champs! Here in Brazil the cheapest you can find it is at outraging $15 ( local currency), about 10 US$. To the OP, I've been there, many times actually.. the thing is to make the best out of it. Knowing...
  6. P

    How to lose spin?

    Agreed, spin is much more from stroke than equipment.
  7. P

    How to lose spin?

    Thanks LeeD! I can imagine this karate chop, with the hand swinging horizontally perhaps finishing at the opposite elbow? Correct me if I am wrong but it would work on higher balls, like at least at hips height. I'll surely try this against the wall and on court tomorrow. Much appreciated mate!
  8. P

    How to lose spin?

    Hi Guys! Well, I think i have a problem that is quite the opposite of most people (at least the ones I play with). Learning the game mostly on clay courts I went from a very classic conti grip to a western grip, looking for spin. The thing is, I grew up, quite tall and heavy (190cm, 100kg)...
  9. P

    Single Backhand Help

    Hi, I may not have the best technique but somethings i can add re. topspin on 1hbh: As people were saying try to focus on low to high movement, bent knees and for a start, to get the feel really don't go through the ball, don't mind much the depth, you'll add it when you get comfortable...
  10. P

    Best Tennis Books

    I'll look for Pressure tennis, and Caloi, Open is a time very well spent! It's funny but a shrink talked me into reading it after saying that he was reading and I had a lot of Agassi's mental issues. (doctors talk...) At the end of the book I found out he was right! I just wish i could play...
  11. P

    Best Tennis Books

    thanks for the feedback guys! Now I got more confident about them I ordered both for a start, i have the inner game in my hands, but it will take ages (6 weeks) to have winning ugly, because i live in freaking brazil, it wasn't published here, so i will have it imported and read in english...
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    Best Tennis Books

    It's surely honored of him, but what i ment as a nice guy was regarding his personal attitude on the tour... doesn't change the merit of all he has done for the sport and for the society with his school.
  13. P

    Best Tennis Books

    Hi guys, Let's put some literature to the business! I just read Agassi's Open, nice reading, though i personally think he is not the nice guy the book shows. What I thought was intresting was how well he spoke about winning ugly from B. Gilbert, i got curious and started searching for good...
  14. P

    Need some help with GUT

    Update Yeah, I guess Jim_e was right! it's frayed big time didn't brake yet, even with approx. 15h of clay court on it. So, time for an update on this experiment status: I loved the pocketing feel, the "life-saving" power on stretched up shots, BUT the lack of spin IS actually hurting my...
  15. P

    Need some help with GUT

    I am playing a YT prestige pro. I've spent a whole strip of string savers and there's fraying and notching all around, i just hope you're right! After having some look I've narrowed my gut choices to klip 15 or gaucho 16, what would i expect of difference among them and klip 17? How about a...
  16. P

    Need some help with GUT

    I Tried It!!!!! Guys, After waiting soooo long I recieved my TW package and strung full gut, @ 57 (remember my original tension was 50 on SPPP) put the sting savers on and hit the courts yesterday. I must tell that it felt SOOOOOO awesome, i mean, it can be placebo, but i loved it anyway...
  17. P

    Need some help with GUT

    First things first, about meowmix comment: I am not a stringbreaker indeed, the whole idea of the poly was to tame the gut, which i've not tried but sounds a lot powerful, i like the idea of a control-oriented multi, I've seen RIP control around, but never tried, can anyone compare it to...
  18. P

    Need some help with GUT

    Thank Firstly, already tks for the answers! I think i'll burn these sets trying combos, i just hope they last enough for me to enjoy!! I might try these combos and then try buying some more. I can't wait for them to arrive!! I would need to dig for those gaucho around here, Laverator: do...
  19. P

    Need some help with GUT

    Hi guys! This is one of my very few posts, though i've been reading the whole TT for 2 years now. I would be glad if someone could help me to decide on how to string. I live in Brazil and here gut's price is abusive, so i took courage and bought 4 half-sets from TW and i am thinking on how to...
  20. P

    The Head Microgel Extreme Pro Pro Original CLUB

    Count me in!! Hi guys! Count me in! I have one of these babies since it came out, and have been switching from and to it ever since. Now i am playing a prestige pro and decided to go hevy on the customization, took the pallet off and placed it 1 inch below, extending it without any...