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  1. N

    Federer's blacked out frame

    A thorough analysis I loaded the photo into my customized photoshop, enhanced the pixels of the racket, and ran some filters on them. At last, with some confidence, I can confirm that Fed's new racket is probably willow, with a core of dragon heartstring. Which is a complete shock, because as...
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    Head Youtek Extreme MP vs Head Youtek Speed Elite?

    they feel fairly similar to me, as long as you're talking YouTek and not YouTek IG. The big diff is the weight they impart to the shot. The Speed Elite is a lighter frame, and if you're using spin you'll need a longer stroke to get the ball over the net and deep into the court. The Extreme MP is...
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    ok, yes, I followed the wilson guidelines and started the crosses at the bottom. I get what you're saying about stress. Thank you for your insight. It's pretty rare that I do 1-piece stringing, so I've never looked into the around-the-worlds. But this would be a good time. And I've got an old...
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    oh, I told him last night after it happened. I figured best to just get it over with instead of dreading it all day. Went fairly well, he's a decent guy, but I'm trying to make amends; helping him find a replacement, cover some of the cost. He's had this experience before, so it didn't come...
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    first, thanks to everyone for helping diagnose this, I really appreciate it. As to mounting, yes, that was most definitely locked down tight. I actually tightened both clamps a bit before stringing because I was worried about bend on this oversized frame. (so it was held tighter than the...
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    It may be superstition, but it's something I like to do to stretch the strings. Pull, move the clamp, repull, clamp. It's my way of giving the string a first stretch and then clamping it. In my head, it reduces tension loss. No and no. I've done a lot of slightly above-spec stringing jobs on...
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    but this was the 2nd racket i strung tonight, so I'm pretty sure it's not entirely my fault. I guess I have two questions: Is there special care needed for 110in heads? I treated it like any other racket. Do rackets in general become more frail as they age? This is not exactly this year's model.
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    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    I'd like to believe there was a crack, but I actually strung this racket just a couple weeks ago. But he thought the tension was too loose, and he was right. I hadn't noticed (I was hurrying) but one of my clamps was back-sliding. So I offered to fix it for free. I fixed my clamp and was taking...
  9. N

    Just broke a racket, my fault?

    I'm stringing a racket for a guy I know and sometimes play with. It's a wilson hammer 7.3 oversize, 110 in head. I'm stringing on a Neos 1000. Recommended tension is 55-65lbs, I'm stringing at 66lbs, as requested. Everything was going fine, doing a one-piece job, I was working on the 6th...
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    Idle Tennis Trivia while waiting for the rain to stop

    Does anyone know, what's the greatest point difference between #1 and #2 on tour in the Open era? This isn't the greatest trivia question since I don't know the answer, but hopefully someone does! (Or at least a good guess. And if it's too easy, how about a top 5?)
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    Preventing Ankle Sprains

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on preventing ankle sprains. I've sprained both of my ankles playing tennis, the left just this past June, the right one some time ago. Playing last night, I hurt both of my ankles - not badly, and they're fine now, but enough to worry me. The right ankle...
  12. N

    Sprained Ankle won't go away

    "It hurts most right in the morning when i wake up and take my first steps. " As a veteran of two sprained ankles, I highly recommend wearing a brace while you sleep. I tend to move about a bit and especially stretch when I'm a quarter awake, and that's when I've hurt my sprains. Keep a good...
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    Racquet Power

    From Saigonbond's link: "So if, consistent with this scientific meaning, we consider a powerful racquet to be one can achieve a certain ball speed with the least player effort per unit time, and we limit the time of the stroke, what power then becomes is the inverse of Work: low Work means high...
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    Racquet Power

    That's a great page, saigonbond, thank you. pyrokid, that's an interesting way to look at it. Playing with the Tennis Shot Trajectory tool, though, I can't find any circumstances in which the high powered rackets push the ball farther than the low powered rackets.
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    Racquet Power

    namartens, you are right: low power for high swing speeds. Sorry for all the confusion. pyrokid: I agree, it would be easier to get a faster swing on the beginner's racket. But, according to seemingly every websites specs, the beginners racket is high power for low swing speeds...from reading...
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    Racquet Power

    oops, I meant "beginner or tweener frames are...rated higher in power. apologies.
  17. N

    Racquet Power

    Hi all, I'm feeling a little confused by the meaning of "racquet power". Supposedly, players frames are low power, for low swing speeds, b/c they have small heads and a head-light balance. Beginner or Tweener frames are, of course, rated lower in power. For fun, I decided to use...
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    ATP 500 - Washington - Legg Mason Tennis Classic

    AAANNNDDDYYYY!! NOOO!!!! *sigh* If anyone could use Agassi as a coach, it's Roddick. Maybe Agassi could teach him how to hit more returns...
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    1989 Prince Graphite Comp 110

    You know, it's actually kind of tricky to weigh a racket on a kitchen scale. I came up with a better method than just putting in on there, and am getting a more reliable 11.5 oz. Which also feels more correct.
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    1989 Prince Graphite Comp 110

    it's 9 & 5/8 ounces, strung, with no grip, according to my kitchen scale. I don't know how to measure balance. I suppose I could be less lazy and look it up... Here's a cpl pics from my laptop camera. Not very fancy, I'm afraid.
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    1989 Prince Graphite Comp 110

    Picked up a Prince "Graphite Fiberglass Graphite Comp 110" today (from Goodwill), has a 1989 Copyright on it, so it was made that year or afterwards. Looking around, ere was an early 80s Prince Graphite Comp 110 that seems well-regarded, but I'm no sure this racket is the same. It's also a...
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    Roddick vs. McEnroe

    World Team Tennis match coming up in about a half hour on, airing on Tennis Channel. For those of us not blessed with the TC, is there any known streaming availability?
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    Neos 1000 Tension Release Issue

    Ok, a little more monkeying around with the balance between the allen bolt head on the one side and the hex head on the other, and it's done! All back together and tested, it works beautifully. I feel like I've made some great strides in understanding my machine this past week, and have made...
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    Neos 1000 Tension Release Issue

    What a pain. I started working with that brake tension bolt, and good lord is it finicky. The distance between so loose the locking lever just shoots out when released and so tight that it doesn't budge when released is so small it'd best be expressed in micrometers. I finally got it to where it...
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    Neos 1000 Tension Release Issue

    beernutz: Nope, there's no way to predict how hard it's going to be to push back. I have to give it a tap probably every 3rd or 4th release. I hold the tensioner carefully and do it as gently as possible so there's no rocking, but, yeah, I would rather not do it. David: Nope, it's not new...
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    Neos 1000 Tension Release Issue

    hey all, working with my Neos 1000, had it about a month, I'm having troubles with the tension release lever. The issue is that the amount of force required to push the lever back into its "released" position varies considerably. Sometimes it's easily doable, sometimes it requires a lot of...
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    A little worried, a little ironic

    It is an older machine, this one is a used model from TW, so the parts could be old. I'll see if I can determine that. I'll also see if I can do a video, stringing the other Ozone 7. Will update when that happens. Thanks all, and throw in any more ideas if you have them..
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    A little worried, a little ironic

    I am tightening them all the way, enough for the other rackets. But there's a hex nut on top of the clamps which one can turn with a hex key, that appears to tighten/loosen the clamp strength. I'm probably not explaining well enough for you to visualize if you haven't used a Neos....Suffice...
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    A little worried, a little ironic

    Well, I'm still new to stringing, so "user error" is definitely on the table. I can tighten the Neos's clamps, and that would help the slipping. I don't think it'd help the distortion much, though, especially when doing the crosses. I've done 3 other rackets, 2 wilson's and a head, and there...