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  1. R

    ACL Torn

    Keep your weight to a minimum, of course there will be a tradeoff with power but then again it will also help the power-to-mass ratio up to a point. If you weigh less, there is that much less impact on your joints with every step, start, stop.
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    Any Coria´s Slow Motion video of Serve or backhand?

    Agree .. John Yandell is a nice guy and has made a good website .. if no one is willing to pay for the service, it is going to disappear. If you don't have a credit card, why not ask to use your parent's credit card?
  3. R

    Shaking Hands with Jerks?

    I would shake their hand at the end. However, during the match I would do this ... I know it's not recommended, but still... The first time something is called out ... I tell them .."that one was definitely in." If they don't change their call, then the next ball near the line that I don't...
  4. R

    Would you rather hit out or hit the net?

    Depends how far out, and how deep into the net. I'd rather hit a foot long than a foot below the net, but rather hit the tape then hit 3' long.
  5. R

    Advantages of Prestige Bumper Grommets?

    It ensures that your stringer really earns his pay.
  6. R

    would you buy the flexpoint prestige when it comes out?

    Wait for the new technology coming out... I hear it uses square holes and leather power pads in the holes like Federer ... it will kick the O3 technology's butt.
  7. R

    Real 6.1 Classic?

    If you want a backup I have another 6.1 classic I can sell to you for $30. That's about $40 canadian.
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    Teaching a beginner the serve

    Speaking as a 3.0 who needed a lot of help with my serve, this is what I was taught and seemed to help: 1) correct feet positioning and placement - this eliminates one variable. I was told to put front foot about 45 deg to court, back foot paralle to baseline, toes lining up 90 degree, about...
  9. R

    Middle agers + ( what racquet do you use )

    Head Classic MP (aka Prestige MP) This is pretty much the same construction and paint as the Head Prestige classic, except with a 102" head, 18x19 strings, and lighter (11.7 oz). I tried the Prestige Classic for a while, but being a weak player (about 3.0) needed something less demanding. This...
  10. R

    How old were you when you began learning the sport?

    43 here... I wish I had started at 40
  11. R

    Is stringing a Head Prestige a pain?????

    Not to mention the CAP grommets -- essentailly instead of having your holes out in the open, they are all covered with a cap that has a needle thin hole through which to access the string holes. I took a razor knife and cut the holes a little larger where the holes were blocked, and cut off a...
  12. R

    Can't get my CAP grommets back on my Prestige Classic!

    Get a new set of grommets - the i.prestige grommets fit
  13. R

    Help with tennis elbow

    there are various strengthening exercises you can do - see a physical trainer or physical therapist. Also, give it rest, loosen up the strings on your racket by as low as you can stand (I play with 50 now). main thing is start reducing the amount you play.
  14. R

    Higher or lower Tensions

    I would agree .. play with the lowest possible tension that you can control ... i was starting to get tennis elbow, lowered the tension by 8 lb to 50, now no problem. (This is on a CP machine so it's about 58 on a crank machine).
  15. R

    softest multifilament?

    I think that 515 is about as soft as NRG
  16. R

    How much do you spend on tennis yearly

    Private Lesson - $2,000 / year Group Lessons, Round Robins - $300 / year Indoor Lesson - $600/year Racquets - $100 / year Strings - $100/year Balls - $50 / year Clothes - $60 / year Ball Machine fees - $100 / year League Fees, lights - $100 / year Overgrips, grips, misc equipment - $100...
  17. R

    Order you use racquets

    I don't break strings much, so I use a racket until it loses playability, then restring the OTHER racquet, until it loses playability, etc. This way I am always using a newly strung racquet, and have a backup. It doesn't work if you're a chronic string breaker though. If I did break more...
  18. R

    Do you string racquets yourself ?

    That's right. I've tried both ways and I follow the USRA recommendation.
  19. R

    Is it worth getting a ball machine?

    A ball machine can be useful in practicing somethings about your stroke. However, it can be deceptive in that because of the predictability you can swing much harder and with greater spin than you can in a game. Against a real person you will mishit hitting that hard. Another common mistake...
  20. R

    Arm friendly racquet for my wife?

    I like the Prestige Classic MP. It is listed as #8 best for the arm at the racquet web site (forget the URL). It is lighter than the POG or PC at 11.6 ounces and has a bigger head at 102" so it is more suitable for beginners.
  21. R

    Do any Men use a 4 1/4 grip size???

    take the grip recommendations from tennis warehouse with a grain of salt. according to them, I should be using a 4 5/8" grip. But I measured my hand against my pro's and our hands are exactly the same - she uses a 4 3/8, and I found that was a good size for me as well.
  22. R

    Grip in ready position

    I have a semi-western forehand, and 2-handed backhand with continental lower (right hand) and semi-western upper (left hand) grip. In the ready position, which is better? 1) semi-western right, hold racket by neck. This requires no change for the forehand grip, but a change in both hands...
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    question about putting weight in handle.

    The best stuff for weighting a handle is silicon sealant ($5 from home depot). It absorbs shock, and will not move. You have to be careful adding it, because you won't be able to change it later (well you can with a screwdriver and a lot of work ..but better to get it right the first time).
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    Greatest Post You May Ever Read, Tell Everyone

    We want a pic ... a post of you being hoisted in the air by your team would be great .... or a sexy pose for Brent so he can fantasize some more about having your baby!
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    Greatest Post You May Ever Read, Tell Everyone

    Great story ttwarrior1 :) I'm just amazed that everyone is taking this so seriously instead of laughing at it....I have to admit that the point about them lifting up a 350 lb guy kind of stretches things...but what the heck, literary license.
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    Parental Interference

    This is a very good point. I used to give my daughter some unwanted advice about hockey...then she told me "Dad, you don't know anything about hockey!". Good point, I thought. I started hockey last year, and now I worry about how to improve MY hockey and leave her alone. Tell your Dad that...
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    Stringing secrets

    another vote for using a scrap piece of string. I use 5 string scraps, 1 for each one that crosses over, and 1 extra for the tie-off that crosses over as well. I do 1-piece so that's all I need. cuttig out the previous strings leaves lots of scrap peices.
  28. R

    Need suggestions re: a replacement for Head Prestige mid

    How about the Prestige Classic MP? Same construction as the Prestige, but lighter 11.7 oz, and bigger headsize 102".
  29. R

    Help!! How To Shave A Racket Down From 4 1/2 To 41/4*****

    This depends on the racket, so I can only speak for head Prestige/Prestige MP series. The pallets on these are plastic. I've shaved 1 down 1 size by using a sanding block with emery paper (about $5.00 at home depot) and a pair of calipers (about $10 at home depot). You need a correct...
  30. R

    A very interesting story!

    Well I'd be very careful about dealing with this guy ... if he's a liar and a con man, it's a bad idea to do business with him. Your Mom should be warned. He probably isn't rich either ... a rich person wouldn't con a person over a tennis racket (maybe over an oil company, or an internet...