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  1. D

    Roddick should have won that match

    aint you happy that US open is just around the corner?
  2. D

    Need help selecting strings for N Six-One 95

    this should be in the strings section.. But yeah, luxilon would be nice :)
  3. D

    Murray's Scottish Tennis cap

    imagine him and federer battle it out on the catwalk runway~~
  4. D

    Best match of wimbledon 2009?

    the minority are a bunch of rod-haters that don't even know what Roddick did in that match.
  5. D

    Best match of wimbledon 2009?

    no need for personal insults like that... You should apologise.. some people / countries might not have broadcasts for murry v.s wawrinka. P.S currently 43% of people have been insulted by your remark...
  6. D

    Nadal on the Cover of Men's Fitness Mag.

    yeah, sorry, should have said left arm.. i think the other bro assumed the same.. but yeah, left arm not left hand...
  7. D

    Men's semi final - Roddick vs Murray

    I actually hope Murray wins, because seriously, the final would be very predictable if Roddick makes it through.
  8. D

    Nadal on the Cover of Men's Fitness Mag.

    interesting how his left hand doesnt seem bigger than right.. i thought he would have a massive left hand~
  9. D

    I got one of Andy Roddick's racquets.

    dont make a promise if you cant keep it~ simple rule~ netbudda, somehow i think you are going to be the world's best dad, but the worlds worst parent.~
  10. D

    Would Federer make a great coach?

    do you never get tired of kissing fed's ass, your post counts are flying off the roof, but each one is either calling others haters, or kissing fed's ass~ i am starting to wonder if you are actually Fed himself~ 800 posts in one month , thats 27 a day you kissed fed's ass...his ass would be...
  11. D

    When did the Aussie Open become relevant?

    being the first slam of the year.. people are going to watch it , like it or not and no , its not a poor cousin of other grand slams... all grand slam is as important as each other.. ask federer.
  12. D

    Chances of Federer getting the Non-Calendar Grand Slam

    according to my calculations, i am at 23.55 , care to explain why you have an increase of 0.02 % ?~ seems awfully optismistic in my eyes...
  13. D

    WC Juan Carlos Ferrero vs. [3] Andy Murray

    the lack of discussion shows you how excited we are~
  14. D

    Dominate Or Unify

    I just want to win one :)
  15. D

    I Need Help!!!

    not sure if you are trolling , or you are Fedace in diguise~ but the OP said Durable~!!
  16. D

    Womens quarterfinal- Serena Williams vs Azarenka

    althought djokovic seems to be playing for a while now~ lets remember that he is still 22, and 21.5 at the time of this video~ still a young gentleman.. sometimes its not easy to be always in the public eyes.. besides, andy did make the joke, so its not like djokovic just comes out gun...
  17. D

    Wimbledon mens quarterfinal- Hewitt vs Roddick

    lol~ betting on non-white are more racist that whites.. geez, thats another racist comment~ and there is a reason you like non-popular players, because you dislike popular players, hence makes you a possible hater or loser-lover~ :)
  18. D

    Womens quarterfinal- Serena Williams vs Azarenka

    williams sisters would give the bryan bros an ass whopping too~ thats how much testerone they have~!! GO Williams~~ Destroy Women Tennis once and for all~ More Men Tennis Air Time~~!!
  19. D

    Is There A Serve Doctor In The House?

    i think its her belly that is throwing her off balance~~ the belly is getting too big for a pro athelete~~
  20. D

    Why US media covers Sharapova that much?

    because she is hot, and there are some americans who are shallow, and just want to hear her moan~~ simple really..
  21. D

    The "I want to see Murray get destroyed in front of the Queen by Federer" thread

    i hope he wins though, give the queen something to smile about, i dont expect her to live too many more years~ hope this will bring a smile on the old girl's face..
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    Wimbledon mens quarterfinal- Hewitt vs Roddick

    cant wait for this match to start!!!
  23. D

    Wimbledon 2009 Men's Quarters: [2] Federer vs [22] Karlovic

    u sir, just made my day .. cheers :twisted:
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    Hewitt the quintisesential fighter of fighters

    well, nadal never stopped winning slams at 21 years of age .. i await your
  25. D

    R16: Murray vs Wawrinka

    sometimes its just called bad sportsmanship, if you overdo it..
  26. D

    Hewitt v. Stepanek

    me thinks somehow the ukraines or the russian wanted a different result, so had heweitt chuck a groin injury to make it look legit, after giving the first two sets, they take their money, then proceed to let the boys play the game... financial crisis, funny matches all over the world..luckily...
  27. D

    Hewitt v. Stepanek

    and your mother will always think you are more handsome than justin timberlake , leonardo di caprio and brad pitt combined.... go figure..
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    Hewitt the quintisesential fighter of fighters

    the fact that you had to go down to the level to call Stepanek, uglynek simply shows your class and your possible age.
  29. D

    I got one of Andy Roddick's racquets.

    Agree with you 100%. The guy needs to understand, its not like we will die if we dont see the racquet, but the fact he made a promise to us, which he should keep..