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  1. J

    Leather Grip to Ezone 100

    Any issue switching out the stock grip to a leather one? I know it will increase overall weight, but I prefer the feel. Any downsides/ balance issues?
  2. J

    X1/MLT - Anything better and as comfortable

    That's a great post! Thank you.
  3. J

    X1/MLT - Anything better and as comfortable

    I am currently using X1 bi-phase mains and Velocity MLT crosses both at 54lbs. I find the power, durability, and comfort to be good. But, I wish there was a little more spin/control. Poly has previously given me tennis elbow, which is how I ended up playing X1. Would be open to trying it...
  4. J

    EZONE DR 100 Replacement

    The DR has one skip hole when stringing the mains. The EZONE 100 2022 skips two holes on the head of the racquet and one on the throat. So that indicates a slightly more open pattern.
  5. J

    EZONE DR 100 Replacement

    Thanks! That's very helpful.
  6. J

    EZONE DR 100 Replacement

    No thanks. Looking to buy a few of a new racquet. So looking for suggestions to test. I've also played with the pure aero 2019, but found the launch angle to be too high.
  7. J

    EZONE DR 100 Replacement

    Looking to replace my DR100 with something that has similar power, comfort, and launch angle. I will demo the new EZONE 100 (but noticed it is a slightly more open string pattern than the DR). Looking for additional recommendations.
  8. J

    Poly at 20lbs ala Mannarino or Multi at 54 - which is easier on the arm?

    I find it interesting that he plays a full poly bed with super low tension instead of a gut hybrid. Is poly at 20lbs an option a high level rec player with arm issues should try as an alternative to hybrid or multi? I plan to try it out and curious about others' experiences.
  9. J

    AC Joint Arthritis

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I continue to play tennis around twice a week without shoulder pain. I do not have any negative side effects I'm aware of from the cortisone shot. I feel for you and remember how painful and depressing the AC joint arthritis was. Good luck and let us...
  10. J

    Tennis in N VA.

    Restarting this thread: I will be traveling to northern VA in the next few weeks. I'd like to know if there are any clubs or courts which have drop in clinics I could join. 4.0 player.
  11. J

    AC Joint Arthritis

    Hi, I’m the original poster. After my post I had a cortisone injection. I had read so many mixed things about getting the injection. But, it completely worked for my AC joint arthritis. I’ve returned to to tennis. I play competitive singles 3-4 times per week. After the injection I waited for...
  12. J

    Nadal Pure Aero Paint - When available?

    When will the paint of the racket he is using at AO be available?
  13. J

    EZONE 100 2020 vs Pure Drive 2021

    Any other comparisons for these side by side?
  14. J

    Yonex EZONE 2020 AO

    How does the EZone 2020 AO 100 compare to the pure drive?
  15. J

    EZONE 100 2020 vs Pure Drive 2021

    I’m conserving between these two rackets. I’m unable to demo them side-by-side. I currently play the DR100 and have demoed the previous Pure Drive. Would appreciate thoughts from anyone who has tried both.
  16. J

    AC Joint Arthritis

    I'm mid-30s healthy and athletic. Three months ago I began feeling pain on the top of my shoulder while hitting forehands and serves. Two months ago I stopped playing tennis after the pain began limiting my range of motion - could not complete full forehand follow-through. I took two months off...
  17. J

    Pat the Dog, or not....

    I think Tomaz "Feel Tennis" and the Top Tennis Training Instructors both teach a similar drop on edge forehand. As a recreational, developing tennis player 'm currently going back and forth between this type of forehand and the Macci forehand (drop into tap the dog position). I've also been...
  18. J

    The Yonex DR100 (E) Zone

    I play the DR100 with cyclone 17 at 52lbd and a leather grip.
  19. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    Agreed, so for a slice serve, where do you feel you contact the ball (from servers perspective of below and side)? Or what is the feeling you have on the serve?
  20. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    I appreciate the comment. I think few good tennis players/athletes think this technical. I’m just asking if I should add a touch of topspin to my slice first serve or keep trying to hit the upper right corner of the ball hard into the court.
  21. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    But what i’m asking is not so much about the clock face as should/do high level slice serves have a small topspin component to them? The feel of hitting slightly up on the serve, with a racket face angle pointing into the court gives me a little topspin on the slice (8 to 2) whereas hitting at...
  22. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    Great point. No
  23. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    Good points. Thanks for the help. Sounds like there is not a universal standard. I’ll try aiming a littler higher with the slice only spin, but if the consistency isn’t there just add a bit aloof topspin as needed.
  24. J

    Slice First Serve - Some Topspin?

    I recognize this is probably getting too technical for my own good. But, i’m working on my slice first serve: TTT says hit the ball at 1:30 or 2:00 on the back of the ball (i.e. not the top or side). For me this creates a hard slicing ball that barely clears the net (and I make one or two out...
  25. J

    Help Customizing my DR 100

    Hi, I just bought a DR 100 and i'm interested in adding a tennis warehouse leather grip and slightly increasing the overall racquet weight and swing weight while keeping it around the same 4 points headlight as it comes in stock form. I have tried using the TW customize tool, but would...
  26. J

    Poly or Hybrid Strings for Pro Staff Classic 6.1 SI

    No, i’m looking for the most power and spin from a string setup on this frame.
  27. J

    Poly or Hybrid Strings for Pro Staff Classic 6.1 SI

    I am restringing my old pro staff and would appreciate sting and tension recommendations. I’m looking to get more spin and power out of the frame with the lowest cost possible. I was thinking full bed of cyclone 16 at 54 lbs or a hybrid setup. Thoughts?
  28. J

    Which is Better? Flexible Frame w/ Poly or Stiff Frame w/ Multi?

    Great post Big Bagel, thank you! This was my logic, but wanted to confirm it. Besides the DR98, what else would you look at? I'm doing a demo of a few racquets. I am also think the pure strike 16x19 (i know it is stiffer than the DR, but seems to have a little more stability and put away...
  29. J

    Which is Better? Flexible Frame w/ Poly or Stiff Frame w/ Multi?

    Which Volkl would play the most like a pure aero? (And gets solid reviews) V-sense 8?
  30. J

    Volkl advisory thread.

    V-Sense 8 300 for $129.99 seems like the best deal around right now for a highly rated racquet. What are people's experiences with the V-Sense 8 compared to pure drive/pure aero?