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  1. Searah

    Why exactly is Jack Sock always in Laver Cup?

    the only famous doubles player.
  2. Searah

    In terms of achievements, Alcaraz will be better than Rafa outside of clay

    think a lot of people don't even know alcaraz, so that speaks for itself.
  3. Searah

    Strings with the crk-crk sound

    hello :) i've always found more connected with strings that have the crk-crk sound when moving them. they feel tight? but some of my rackets with a synthetic gut.. are very tight.. but when i try move the strings.. they have no crk-crk sound. so i'm guessing it's not due to tightness. but the...
  4. Searah

    Serena Fans Check-In: How are we feeling?

    i know it's rude but i find it funny watching her lose knowing she is just wanting 1 more grandslam. not only that she is boosting everyones confidence when they beat her. i think serena lost round 1 to a random person at wimbledon? which then made her refuse to show up to that ceremony of...
  5. Searah

    Stop this nonsense, stop this racquets

    i think it would be interesting to see one serve only. no faults allowed.
  6. Searah

    How excited are you for the Elena Rybakina-Ons Jabeur Ladies' Final?

    i've never heard of these girls before. i might tune in if i have nothing going on.
  7. Searah

    Ajla disappointed at the press asking her about Nick Kyrgios

    i mean she isn't exactly famous. if you can get more info or drama on the kyrgios situation than that helps them more. people will just skip pass any info on a girl who lost that nobody knows. sorry harsh.
  8. Searah

    Wimbledon tennis star Nick Kyrgios, 27, charged with assaulting ex-girlfriend Chiara Passari

    i mean he does have rage issues, but don't know about assault. how long ago was this? why now? is this just another amber herd case? didn't zverev also assault his ex?
  9. Searah

    Tsitsipas on Kyrgios: "He was probably a bully in school"

    kyrgios may get vocal and angry but he doesn't cheat. Tstistipas has a record of cheating.
  10. Searah

    2019 Yonex Regna (Japanese exclusive)

    i use Regna 98. after going from Dual G 97. my first thoughts after spending so much on it and my Dual G was $100. Day 1 no good difference. it's very dampened also. i don't feel as close to the ball. next few days. it started to shine a bit more. My slice serve especially.. is really flying...
  11. Searah

    Can you throw over the fence from the baseline? (without taking a running start)

    i'm small and fragile but i am literally hitting the top of the fence. tennis courts i'm at have wire above it for possums tho. my balls hitting the wire and falling back down. i can't clear the wire. my full on flat serve is inconsistent due to my height. (i blame my height anyway) i prefer...
  12. Searah

    Daniil Medvedev says the kid in him "stopped dreaming" after what he experienced today with the crowd.

    everyone be taking notes how effective dropshots worked on meddy.
  13. Searah

    2019 Yonex Regna (Japanese exclusive)

    i looked on the website, it says it is not available until December!? you had no issue?
  14. Searah

    2019 Yonex Regna (Japanese exclusive)

    what makes Regna so good? it's so expensive due to them making limited amounts.. from what i read. Why limited amount tho? If Regna is so good.. why do no pros use it? what is it lacking. Why do you use your Regna over other rackets? Was it worth the extra price? thankyou :)
  15. Searah

    Ultimate racquet of choice - tournament players and/or coaches

    what about the Prince Twistpower 100 or 97 tour. i really enjoy this racket, maybe too light for you tho.
  16. Searah

    Asian Guy in Shapovalov’s Player Box

    me and my roommate was making fun of his "fish clap" everytime the camera goes to him he does his stretched out fingers clap. i call it the fish clap :)
  17. Searah

    Prince Twistpower X97 Tour

    i first played with in japan, i used the left handed version of the racket.. then was told i was using wrong one since i was right handed. i couldn't tell the difference lol.. i'm not that smart at noticing differences tho. but i did notice i was getting some arm pain when i used poly strings...
  18. Searah

    When did tennis last have a controversy this big?

    still one going on and that is Peng Shuai being held hostage in china.
  19. Searah

    Which grand slam final loss do you think hurt Serena the most?

    in terms of long term damage, maybe the Osaka one since people will continue watching serenas meltdown video on youtube. my favourite was Qiang Wang beating her tho. shame the highlights was only of serena even tho serena lost.
  20. Searah

    My students are achieving twisto serves when i can't

    so you couldn't figure out the first post. so it's my fault you can't? clearly you don't like mysteries like you claim to.
  21. Searah

    My students are achieving twisto serves when i can't

    i also teach 3 year olds-10 year olds.. for them i get them to use a frying pan grip for serves. holding the racket so the strings are facing forward.. basically a high five. just bringing the racket forward and the strings are always going forward.. ball toss . high five . ball toss. high five.
  22. Searah

    My students are achieving twisto serves when i can't

    it's more because they're getting such a good twisto serve that i can't even get with a continental.. so i thought maybe they switched to a frying pan grip which might be creating some crazy spin.
  23. Searah

    My students are achieving twisto serves when i can't

    Twisto serves. a serve that not only jumps up and forward but to the side. so it jumps to the side upon landing. teaching serves aren't my specialty but i can get my students to be consistent is what i am always happy with. i've moved from just teaching flat serves.. to topspin.. slices.. to...
  24. Searah

    Overrotating / Opening up to early on the FH

    plant your right foot into the ground.. lifting up onto your toes as you swing. in the clip you showed.. you're almost hitting while moving. just like boxing.. they almost rotate their foot while on toes for power.
  25. Searah

    Peng Shuai Video Interview

    i heard on radio that she now says "she never said anyone sexually assaulted her" i think people just need get her out of china and she can live in Australia or something. or maybe Taiwan, because why not add fuel to that already fragile situation. save peng :(
  26. Searah

    Anyone else feel uncomfortable about Laver Cup?

    have not been watching, isn't it like 11-1? sounds like the worst laver cup yet in terms of competitiveness.
  27. Searah

    What next ?

    shame he did so bad in olympics or would be perfect year for him.
  28. Searah

    Tsitsipas emphatically rejects cheating accusations

    table tennis and volleyball can openly call a timeout whenever they want. of course limited amount but they don't need to come up with excuses to what it is. since everybody already knows it's a tactic to stop momentum. tennis should just embrace the tactical timeout instead of people being...
  29. Searah

    Am I the only one who doesn't blame Fed's age for the loss?

    federer fan but federer is mentally weakest out of rafa/djoko.
  30. Searah

    Forehand Loop ATP vs WTA Forehand Questions

    really i thought wta was more flat and atp was more loopy. or looking at the net.. ready for a forehand. your arm goesback not to the backfence but to the next fence if you keep taking it back. thought that was wta. as atp shorter takeback.