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  1. *Val*

    Give me Fedal any day!!

    Yeah the sport does miss Rafa, and in particular the Fed-Rafa rivalry. No other rivalry matches it, I know people say the 2012 AO final was one of the greatest matches ever, but the last truly great final of the AO was 2009. Both Djokovic and Murray grind too much, even though Rafa is something...
  2. *Val*

    Losing the will to play! Tips needed

    Btw I'm in UK so it's not NTRP ratings but I tried to place the levels within those ratings for the USA posters here. I don't know if our LTA ratings can really be converted directly to NTRP but I'm pretty sure they're playing 7.1 and higher. I'm not sure if that's in the 5.0+ range, but judging...
  3. *Val*

    Losing the will to play! Tips needed

    P.S sorry for the absurdly long post kinda needed to get that all out. Yeah you're right, I guess I'm really self-conscious about how others perceive me (I was the same with football) and kinda hate the prospect of being the kinda 'clown' of the group since I do actually take it seriously and...
  4. *Val*

    Losing the will to play! Tips needed

    Hi guys Need a bit of help improving my game and finding the motivation to keep on with the sport really. Recently I've been practicing more regularly, but with people quite above my level and it can be quite disheartening constantly being the worst player on court. It's winter so I'm only...
  5. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    can anyone comment on whether it is normal for the bruising to appear later? the swelling of the kneecap came first and as that came down the purpley bruise appeared, and now its quite achey/sore, but I have been resting it since the end of last week note i'd have seen a doctor already but...
  6. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    I started actually resting it after last post. The swelling has mostly come down but I'm left with a lot of bruising. Purpley bruise on the inside of the kneecap. If anything it feels more achey than it did before, I dunno if that is just the healing process. Ah the things that keep me away from...
  7. *Val*

    Nike N.E.T shorts vs. Advantage shorts?

    that's funny cos i thought the NET were infinitely better than advantage... but to each his own
  8. *Val*

    Disc herniation - Some thoughts (Long)

    Well yes the protrusion can diminish over time but ASFAIK never to the point where there is zero protrusion (unless surgery is involved, which is the purpose of an operation), and the outer part (annulus) can never repair the hole properly. But to suggest that the protrusion will resolve itself...
  9. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    I don't know if this is related to my herniated disc, I have a L4-L5 herniation and symptoms typically on the left side. Occasionally the outside bit of the left knee gets a bit sore if the leg/nerve is tight, but in my three + years of having it nothing like this has ever happened (it has never...
  10. *Val*

    Disc herniation - Some thoughts (Long)

    Where on earth did you read that? Does not happen. Discs do not heal
  11. *Val*

    Back pain! Heat or Ice?

    Absolutely, for the first few months after injury I was icing multiple times a day, and I still keep ice packs in the freezer at the ready in case I need them. I can't imagine putting heat on my back. Both a chiropractor and physio told me ice, not heat. I always thought this was because it...
  12. *Val*

    Nike N.E.T shorts vs. Advantage shorts?

    I think I tried a pair of advantage in my usual size L but they were way too baggy. Sent them back. I normally wear N.E.T/showdown.
  13. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    Funny you should mention it. I tend to get clicky knees. My physio said don't worry about it though.
  14. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    Well the time it takes to see a doc here in the UK the swelling will probably be over. Swelling over the kneecap. Most painful to the touch on the outside parts of it. But it doesn't feel painful to walk with or even run (not that I've been for an extended run in past couple of days, but just...
  15. *Val*

    Back pain! Heat or Ice?

    Really? I've had a herniated disc (lower back) for over 3 years and always used ice
  16. *Val*

    Swollen knee

    Hi guys I'm having an issue with a really swollen (left) knee and need some advice. I don't think I hurt it playing tennis, but since tennis is my sport I thought I'd come here. The thing is, I'm not sure how I've hurt it, I think I may have bashed it but I can't fully remember. I just...
  17. *Val*

    White nike dri fit shorts changing color

    Oh right, I thought soft water had fewer 'things' in it as opposed to hard water which has more chemicals/minerals, therefore requiring more washing powder in the wash (since washing powders recommend greater dosage for harder water on the box) But yeh this is definitely something to think...
  18. *Val*

    White nike dri fit shorts changing color

    we have naturally soft water in my area (I did a test with one of those indicators a while back), so I don't think we have any water softeners, at least I don't put any in the machine!
  19. *Val*

    Are nike's shoes larger than adidas's in size?

    really weird, I have had nike tennis shoes and more casual shoes, always 9.5, whereas 10 in adidas, maybe it varies more in the US
  20. *Val*

    Are nike's shoes larger than adidas's in size?

    yes, half a size bigger, 9.5 in nike and 10 in adidas for me (that's in uk anyway)
  21. *Val*

    Nike Large or Medium?

    Maybe medium or small? Definitely not large! I'm 6' 1/2" and 182lbs and wear M in nike shirts
  22. *Val*

    White nike dri fit shorts changing color

    Yeah all whites do get dingy, but this was really weird cos they changed shade completely within 1 use/wash. I keep close tabs on my white tennis gear. Well here's the deal, could be four things that caused it: 1. Soaked in cold water to get bit of blood out 2. I mark all my tennis balls...
  23. *Val*

    White nike dri fit shorts changing color

    I bought a couple pairs of the nike 'showdown' shorts in white, and recently washed 1 of the pairs and noticed after it totally changed shade of white! I did soak it in cold water to remove a small blood stain, cause I had a cut on my finger when playing, then put on (quite a lot) of this stain...
  24. *Val*

    Roger Federer, an introvert???? Vote and give your reasons for voting

    Who gives a ****? Fed's probably somewhere in between, it's not like there are two opposite poles called 'extrovert' and 'introvert' and you can only be one or the other. Murray is definitely an introvert though, at least for the media.
  25. *Val*

    Roger Federer rf 300 weeks special edition nike

    Maybe his 300 outfit should feature a red cape?
  26. *Val*

    Murray is finished...

    Haha +1 Never dismiss a consistent top 4 player. Ever!
  27. *Val*

    If you were the Djoker what would you work on next?

    Getting out-supported and out-done in likeability factor by Murray must be quite hard to achieve... LOL
  28. *Val*

    If Serena Williams was on the mens tour...

    I don't get these threads, when I watch women's tennis it seems to be pretty high quality to me (relative to their gender) - their shots have pace/depth and players like Serena have big serves. So what is the main difference with the men's? Tactics, fitness, power...? Obviously the top male...
  29. *Val*

    We waited 76 years for that celebration?...

    andy clearly has serious issues with showing his emotions, that celebration was surreal