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  1. HellsBells

    Need help with my singles game

    LOL @ the comments about red shirt. I'm starting to worry about some of you lot! Even if you didn't recognize who he is, have a closer look at the 2 FHs around the 10 second mark. Those are effortless, demolition job, wrecking ball FHs. What 3.0 or 4.5 has that??
  2. HellsBells

    Dark energy vs. light energy as fuel for emotional/physical/edge in matches

    No need for that dark/light energy voodoo crap. I just sacrifice a goat and worship The Magic Crystal a few times before a match. [/URL]
  3. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    That's about the most ridiculous statement I've read on here given the number of meltdowns he has over nothing and the number the spats he has with people. You just like him because he copies the silly pictures you constantly post.
  4. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    You forget that I was in that thread at the time to witness your emo-meltdown live. When you threaten an 18/19 year old kid like Matt with your 'attorneys', accuse him of committing a 'crime', and then threaten him with the police, and then eventually go crying to the mods, I'd say it's pretty...
  5. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    Yeah, I bet you chat with him all the time.......after you had the biggest online emo meltdown with him that I have ever seen on the internet :D. I bet he loves to hear from you after you threatened him with attorneys, accused him of committing a crime, then threatened him with the police, and...
  6. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    You can't have much going on in your life if you're taking screen jobs from YouTube videos and photoshopping them just to imitate someone else. It's also rather ironic that you keep on following and posting in Matt Lin threads when your silly emo-meltdown with him was the reason he got banned...
  7. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    Why are you copying JoelDali's posts and posting silly pictures? Everyone just scrolls past and ignores them anyway, so I'm not entirely sure who you're trying (and failing) to impress.
  8. HellsBells

    Tennis shops in London

    The Wimbledon AETC shop PWP on Wimbledon Road Tennis Nuts Wigmore Sports (pricey though) Sweatband
  9. HellsBells

    Pre-stretching Ashaway Monogot ZX - using a 2nd racket as a stretching rig

    I've re-used ZX before (it still plays great), so I can't imagine that there would be any problems in pre-stretching it in another racquet particularly when you're not even weaving the string.
  10. HellsBells

    Battle by the Border: Matt Lin vs. San Diego

    Fiasco? It's not like you would do any better. According to the post in your other thread, you're a 3.5. You'd have your ass handed to you by Matt.
  11. HellsBells

    LeeD, come back

    Knowledge of what? Technique? Coaching? Matchplay? Player development? Open tournaments? Life on the pro circuit? How can he have any real knowledge of anything when he's never played higher than the 2.5/3.0 level.
  12. HellsBells

    LeeD, come back

    Everyone's got more knowledge of the boards that you and LeeD. Both of you spam so much, you lose track of what you say.
  13. HellsBells

    LeeD, come back

    Because you and LeeD are prolific spam merchants who talk the talk and ruin the forums but can't actually play. There's even a huge thread about you here: Maximags started copying your silly spam before he...
  14. HellsBells

    LeeD, come back

    Why are you talking about yourself in the third person? You were doing this under your previous username Maximagq. Have your learned nothing during your time away?
  15. HellsBells

    Pandemonium in the Park Round 2

    In terms of USTA league levels, you'd be a 3.5
  16. HellsBells

    What NTRP rating am I?

    If it was just one post of exaggerated war stories per thread, I could understand.....putting it down to the rantings of a cranky senior citizen, but damn....that dude hijacks entire threads with his OCD inane, off topic spam and exaggerated stories.
  17. HellsBells

    What NTRP rating am I?

    LeeD, Do you really have to ruin every single thread with your self-obsessed "me me me" inane spam?
  18. HellsBells

    What NTRP rating am I?

    3.5 - 4.0. He may be able to hang in a 4.0 USTA league but definitely no higher than that as there's too much stroke inconsistency and errors. If I was the OP, I'd be less concerned about NTRP levels and more about stroke improvement. The stroke on the FH is quite deficient with too much use of...
  19. HellsBells

    Before You Sell Your RF97.............

    All the 3.5s are getting ready to put their RF97s on E Bay as we speak....
  20. HellsBells

    Lotto Raptor Evo v Barricade 8, Nike Air Max Cage etc?

    I watched the review but would welcome some more user do they compare in terms of fit, comfort, performance etc to the Barricade 8s and Air Max Cages?
  21. HellsBells

    Anyone tried Graphene Radical MP W/Cap Gommets?

    That Ltd is such a great looking racquet - I just wished they had got rid of those orange head logos - would have been a killer in black / green / blue.
  22. HellsBells

    Prince Textreme 100T the brilliance of Captain Orange

    There's no way this is a flexy racquet. It's definitely on the firm side. Put a poly in there and I'd even go so far as to say that it starts feeling harsh (the whiffle ball bat analogy is a good one).
  23. HellsBells

    'Keeping the head shape correct' during stringing

    I saw it on a webpage but left out the identifying details as a matter of courtesy. I was more interested in what the contraption was and how it worked. Thanks. I also have two of these Head Instinct racquets (retail ones) but one feels longer and more oval than the other one. Measuring it...
  24. HellsBells

    New Nike Tennis Bag

    ^ Is that real grass? :D Not convinced by the silver color - looks like something from an astronaut's spacesuit.
  25. HellsBells

    Fake Luxilon reels

    The most disappointing thing is that E-Bay don't do anything about it. Even when you report a listing as counterfeit, they still don't pull the listing. They seem more interested in $ commission on the sale irrespective of what it is.
  26. HellsBells

    Major tennis player says he actually "doesn't like playing tennis"

    Why? He was asked a question, and was simply being honest. I'd rather that than some BS fake PR weighted response.
  27. HellsBells

    'Keeping the head shape correct' during stringing

    Apparently, this was requested of a tournament stringer by a pro player at a recent tournament (see below) How does it work exactly? Why are the starting clamps there with a piece of string?
  28. HellsBells

    Volkl Organix 6 or SuperG 6 Anyone?

    Old woman's racquet. Comically light. Feeble swingweight. The blue rinse brigade will be bunting balls back and forth all day long with that.
  29. HellsBells

    Thin/ light replacement grip recommendation?

    Problem with Kimony is that they're so thin (0,8mm) that they reduce the grip size significantly. It's like going down a grip size or two.