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  1. WildVolley

    A cat may 9 lives, but this man got ...

    Yes. It will be good to move away from the corruption of the last administration. Fauci had to be pardoned for the various crimes he committed during the Covid debacle, the least of which was repeatedly committing perjury before Congressional committees. There's far too much corruption in the...
  2. WildVolley

    A cat may 9 lives, but this man got ...

    With properly designed studies, you can more directly determine what is the result of the virus versus the vaccine. In any case, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed that the mRNA C19 "vaccines" were quite dangerous and therefore it is questionable if groups who were at...
  3. WildVolley


    The whole Super Bowl was a disaster. I paid little attention to both the game and the halftime show. The game wasn't close and the ads were terrible. The halftime show was boring. Most people over the age of 30 have no idea who Lamar is, and his "music" stinks. Good job NFL. You confirmed that...
  4. WildVolley

    What is your standing vertical jump?

    Yeah, I'm in my 50s. I've been training for almost a year to do masters track. I'd like to be competitive in the 100meters and long jump again for my age group, but so far small injuries have hampered my progress and I've really had to limit my training volume. The big drop in my vertical has...
  5. WildVolley

    What is your standing vertical jump?

    I'm in better shape than 95% of Americans my age, but I'm still depressed. I can almost touch a basketball rim from a standing jump, so about 23". When I was in my 20s I could dunk and had a running vertical that was significantly higher, perhaps 38" at my best. Now, even my running vertical...
  6. WildVolley

    Babolat SFX4

    Yeah, I worry a little about this. On the lateral side of the shoe there seems to be a little more structure, which I'm not sure I want. I prefer for it to be flexible so my little toe can push out the side without being squashed. At the moment, I only have one new pair of SFX3.
  7. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    How quickly did you gain flexibility? Did you notice improved hamstring flexibility in a week? A month? Longer?
  8. WildVolley


    I'm going to need to see more evidence than simply your opinion. My personal experience on the platform is seeing much more debate. More debate is the opposite of censorship. Many people who were kicked off the platform for engaging in political or scientific debate are now back. How is that...
  9. WildVolley


    Musk is far from perfect, but you've inverted reality. Twitter/X allows far more free speech and political debate than it did under Dorsey and Agrawal. The Biden administration was able to pressure Twitter, especially under Agrawal, to censor and ban their political opponents in a blatant attack...
  10. WildVolley

    Can a guy of a certain age put on muscle - my journey

    Muscle protein synthesis is said to go down as people age, which means that you need to up your protein consumption if you want build/keep your muscle. I had trouble putting on muscle when I was young because I wasn't eating enough. I think you are correct about doing slower or more reps for...
  11. WildVolley

    Can a guy of a certain age put on muscle - my journey

    There are studies showing that strength training of various forms can allow someone to maintain or even gain strength as they age. The goal should be to offset sarcopenia (age related muscle loss) and increase the number of years you can live without being disabled. I've played tennis with guys...
  12. WildVolley

    Earth's methane emissions are rising and we don't know why

    Join me. We'll hold a BBQ in front of a vegan restaurant.
  13. WildVolley

    Earth's methane emissions are rising and we don't know why

    I don't buy the anti-meat propaganda. I'd have more confidence in the claims of meat causing health problems if fewer people doing nutritional science studies weren't vegan activists and if Hong Kong didn't have the world's highest per-capita meat consumption and the longest expected lifespans...
  14. WildVolley

    Is running at 10 pm a good idea?

    I just couldn't function on that amount of sleep unless I was doing some serious illegal stimulants during the day which would have significantly shortened my life. People are really different. Some people can seemingly thrive on diets and lifestyles that would wreck other people.
  15. WildVolley

    Is running at 10 pm a good idea?

    Were you living on 4 and a half hours of sleep each day?
  16. WildVolley

    Is running at 10 pm a good idea?

    Having to adjust to unseen and uneven ground helps your balance until your foot hits the edge of a curb and you roll your ankle. Also, depending on where you live, it rather ups the danger level. When I lived in DC, jogging through my neighborhood at night greatly upped your chances of being...
  17. WildVolley

    Is running at 10 pm a good idea?

    I also have trouble falling asleep after vigorous exercise in the evening. I've limited my night tennis for this reason. However, a healthy 26 year old shouldn't die from taking a jog at 10pm. I'm in my 50s and taking a jog at night wouldn't kill me. Something unusual happened to this man.
  18. WildVolley

    Plantar fasciitis

    My bout of PF occurred when I was wearing Asics shoes that were too narrow for me. Moving to wider toe box shoes and ultimately going barefoot as much as possible ended it and I haven't had a problem in over a decade. I don't believe there is a single cause of pf, but I believe fit issues can...
  19. WildVolley

    Caveat on Temu shoes: not properly flexible

    So shoes should be designed to flex at the ball of the foot. I agree.
  20. WildVolley

    Bird flu treatment

  21. WildVolley


    Who needs electric vehicles now that Enron is bringing nuclear power to the home market.
  22. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    Looking at information on the internet it seems that there are multiple studies showing that passive stretching for 30 second holds can improve flexibility. I haven't seen good evidence on how much of a gain occurs on average and how quickly it can be achieved. On a positive note, it seems...
  23. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    Get to work. Here's one of the videos I followed when trying to rehab my hamstring strain (it still isn't 100%).
  24. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    I made the state meet in the long jump and set my high school record, but I had poor flexibility at that time. People would act as though I was faking it when I'd attempt to do the sit and reach. From your tennis videos, it is clear that you've been a tennis player who has relied on his speed...
  25. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    I haven't been a lifelong stretcher. I first noticed I wasn't as flexible as many other people during Presidential fitness sit and reach tests when I was in junior high. I did well on things involving speed and did poorly on upper body strength and the sit-and-reach. I've lost flexibility since...
  26. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    That's what I've assumed. The question is how much of a change is possible through training, and how much time and effort it involves. I find stretching my hamstrings extremely uncomfortable. Doing hard stretches causes a weird pain that almost makes me want to vomit.
  27. WildVolley

    Is flexibility primarily genetic?

    I've never been very flexible. For example, as an adult I've never been able to touch my toes while keeping my legs straight despite competing in a number of sports. When I talk to people who are quite flexible, such as being able to not only touch their toes, but put their head on their knees...
  28. WildVolley

    Can you jump the net?

    Wouldn't be a bad thing, necessarily. It is tragic how many older Americans can't live without assistance because they're too weak to lift themselves off of a toilet. Doing resisted squats of some sort would greatly reduce this number.
  29. WildVolley

    Can you jump the net?

    The closest I've come to a planche is when I'd crab walk when I was younger. That's walking on your hands but actually resting your torso on your elbows. A lot easier than a planche and still not exactly easy. Like most tennis players, I'm more focused on lower body strength and speed. I've...
  30. WildVolley

    Can you jump the net?

    I don't think the planche is a very practical exercise for functional movement. The Turkish get up seems more functional, as at least it has to do with getting yourself up off the ground. Various sorts of squats have to be some of the most basic and functional movement. If you can't squat down...