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  1. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    It doesn’t feel like most other polys. I like that it was adaptable. I felt like I got out of every shot what I put into it. Touch and softness when I need it, wicked spin or pop when I swing harder. And it played pretty consistently too. A tad too stiff for the first hour, then nice and steady...
  2. shaysrebelII

    Best Polys for 18x20 string pattern

    Hard to choose between BHS and Hyper G, but I went with BHS since it’s cheaper. I really liked both on my 93P.
  3. shaysrebelII

    What are ex-Barricade users using?

    I wore the SCB for awhile and ended up not liking them. Now I wear the Gel Res 7 and like them, but might go back to the Barricade Boost when they wear out.
  4. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    I tried it and wrote about it a smidgen either in this thread or the one in the racquets forum. Long story short, I liked it out of the box but its best characteristics were gone by about the 7 hour mark, so I cut it out at that point. It was harsher than I thought it would be, but really fun...
  5. shaysrebelII

    The final candidates of my 1 year test

    What gauges are you using?
  6. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    After hitting with it for 6 hours or so (been using other frames/setups) I think you’re right. Defense/rallying are fine at 51, but if I try to flatten the ball out, it’s a little too powerful and the ball goes flying. Serving accuracy is a little less predictable as well, and against tougher...
  7. shaysrebelII

    Head Gravity

    My demo was a full bed of Lynx 17 at 51. It played awesome.
  8. shaysrebelII

    Head Gravity

    I’m wrapping up a week-long demo of the Gravity Pro and I have a lot of thoughts. Context: I’m a lefty all court mostly doubles player. I’m also among the 93P fans looking for a little help on defense versus big hitting opponents. Lately I’ve been hitting with a Pure Aero Tour (the older, neon...
  9. shaysrebelII

    kyrgios is the most talented player ever after fed

    Legitimate question: how old are you?
  10. shaysrebelII

    The Prince Phantom 93P is a gift to us from TW - My Review/AMA

    Quick bump just to say I might be moving on from the 93P. I haven’t been clicking on serve returns, and with playoffs in my doubles league coming up, I need to be able to count on my returns. I practiced with my modded Pure Aero Tour this morning and went 2-0 in sets against some of my better...
  11. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P

    When I’ve done that in the past, it’s produced a glare sometimes when spinning the racquet in my hand before points. Not a huge deal, but more distracting than the paint scrapes. Goodness knows there are enough scuffs to try Sharpie-ing part of the racquet and see how it goes without committing...
  12. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P

    Tempting for sure. The paint on both of mine is SUPER scuffed up by now...
  13. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Forgive me! I reckon natural..? But it might be black. I know I have both colors lying around, but I can’t remember if I have both in 1.25. Do they play differently? It’s been awhile since I used Velocity. Edit: just confirmed, I will be stringing up Velocity in the natural color. Any tension...
  14. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Last night I played a topsy turvy doubles match that made plain to me that it’s time to move on from PLII. It was fun to use on its best days, but its playability duration was super strange; even last night it felt fine, but the control was nonexistent. As I was swinging, I had no idea where the...
  15. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Tourna BHS felt pretty dead so I cut it out this morning in favor of Luxilon Ace. I played an hour of singles today alternating between it and my backup (still with KB PLII). Early impressions are positive — looking forward to reporting back with more!
  16. shaysrebelII

    The best Wilson Six One 95?

    Fun coincidence: I’m pretty firmly a 93P 18x20 user now, but I got out my n 6.1 95 16x18 for an informal hit a couple days back. So nostalgic! It’s certainly not easy to swing, but it hits a great ball if you’re precise and locked in. I’m definitely eyeing the k6.1 95 reissue, but I probably...
  17. shaysrebelII

    Adidas Solecourt Boost Official Thread

    My feet are about to come through the front of my pair of SCBs after only about 2 months of wear. Has anyone who has moved on from this shoe found anything with similar cushioning but better durability?
  18. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Played two hours of pretty competitive singles today, alternating between my main 93P (currently strung with Tourna BHS 1.20) and my backup 93P (with KB Pro Line II 1.15). Both were fun but I give the slight edge to BHS. I found the control to be a little better but I didn’t lose much in the...
  19. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom Pro and Phantom Pro100P

    With TW’s 4th of July sale ongoing I was wondering if any of you could catch me up on how this frame hits. I currently play mostly doubles and exclusively use the PP 93P, but I could use a more forgiving stick for singles and rallying. I demoed the 100P awhile back and liked serving with it but...
  20. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    When I ordered my first 93P that’s the exact string and gauge I asked for. For tension I went with 45 and I loved it.
  21. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    My Tourna Big Hitter Silver 18 is settling in really nicely. Around hour 5 or 6 now and it does pretty much everything I ask. I played my best set of doubles in years last night (a pretty informal setting but still, a 7-5 win over a skilled team) so I probably will leave this one in until it...
  22. shaysrebelII

    The Prince Phantom 93P is a gift to us from TW - My Review/AMA

    Finally cut out Blue Rock N Power. I didn’t end up hating it as much as I feared, but it still ranks last place for strings in the 93P so far. Gonna try Tourna Big Hitter Silver 18 next. Since the price point on it is so good, I might buy a reel if this playtest goes well.
  23. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    It’s the only erratic-feeling string I’ve played so far in the 93P. What sets this frame apart is its precision and feel. Blue Rock N Power managed to tank both of those attributes. There’s a chance it mellows out; I’ve only logged about 1.5 hours with it. But I’m not holding my breath. Plus, it...
  24. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    That was interesting, thanks. Unless someone can convince me otherwise, I’ll keep stringing the 93P 2-piece!
  25. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Tiny update: really not liking Blue Rock N Power. Not sure what I’ll go to next but I am curious: do any of y’all string the 93P 1-piece? I’ve done 2 piece every time and I’m not sure it would matter, I’m just curious.
  26. shaysrebelII

    Your greatest WORST string of all time is...

    A few come to mind. When I first read the thread title I took it as, “Worst string according to everyone else that you actually like.” For me, that’s Golden Set Snake Bite, which has a bad reputation, but I use with pretty good results. It seems like most of y’all are treating it as, “What’s...
  27. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    Part of the reason I’m partial to slightly higher tensions might be that I’ve been using pretty thin strings. If the Hyper-G and Max Power gauges are 1.15 and 1.20 respectively, as reported a few posts above, I stick by my earlier recommendation. Thicker strings would probably necessitate a drop...
  28. shaysrebelII

    Prince Phantom 93P- Best string set up

    It seems like I like slightly higher tensions in the 93P than most here, but I’d say 48/45.
  29. shaysrebelII

    RIP Tourna Tac grips.. what to use now?

    I’ve generally gone away from tacky overgrips with the weather heating back up, but every time I go back to them, my favorite ends up being Solinco Wonder Grip. There are grips that are tackier, or are more cushioned, or with better feel, but I don’t think there’s a better tacky overgrip in...
  30. shaysrebelII

    Closest alternatives to RS Lyon?

    Definitely some food for thought then. I’ll add it to the demo list. RS Lyon 1.20 is still my favorite string in the 93P, though I was pleasantly surprised by Outlast 18.