Search results

  1. Aceman

    Tomic's racquet

    what racquet is using in this moment?
  2. Aceman

    Pro Kennex Destiny 315 FCS

    nothing? :(
  3. Aceman

    Pro Kennex Destiny 315 FCS

    Hi i need information about this frame, has anyone tried it? Feedback? TY
  4. Aceman

    Madison Racquets???

    I've bought that racquets :) Is there a website?
  5. Aceman

    Madison Racquets???

    nothing? ty
  6. Aceman

    Madison Racquets???

    Hi guys,can you tell me some information about madison racquets (model mg-840).. I can't find something in internet,do you known it? ty (and sorry for my english)
  7. Aceman

    Does it exist?

    Thank you :-)
  8. Aceman

    Does it exist?

    Yes and the only racquet that i've found is:
  9. Aceman

    Does it exist?

    Hi I'm searching a racquet with these specs: Head Size:from 90" to 95" Strung Weight: from 10.5 to 11.3oz strung Balance: from 1 to 4 pts HL Beam Width: 18/18/18 or 19/19/19 or 20/20/20 String Pattern:18 Mains / 20 Crosses But I can't find it,can you help me? ty
  10. Aceman

    Philippoussis vs Robredo

  11. Aceman

    Philippoussis vs Robredo

    Hi Do you know what kind of grip does Philippoussis use in his forehand and backhand?yu
  12. Aceman

    Microgel/Youtek radical grommet to Lm radical? help

    Hi friend,I need your opinions: I'm searching head liquidmetal radical Mp grommets but it is not easy to find it,so I would ask you if it is possible to use in my Lm radical mp the grommets of microgel radical mp youtek radical mp ty
  13. Aceman

    head liquidmetal radical MP weight customization

    Hi I would trasform my lm radical mp in lm radical tour with customization,does someone help me? ty
  14. Aceman

    Anyone hit with the new dunlop aerogel 500 tour?

  15. Aceman

    Anyone hit with the new dunlop aerogel 500 tour?

    I always used racquets with high headlight (6/7),so according to you is however important to customize AG 500 or not?
  16. Aceman

    Anyone hit with the new dunlop aerogel 500 tour?

    I've some questions about Dunlop Aerogel 500 Tour (not 4d): 1)does it generate good topspin (for example for a semiwestern player) ? 2)has the old AG500 tour the same stability than 500 tour 4d or there are differences? ty
  17. Aceman

    Head Ytk Speed VS Microgel Radical Pro

    Ty,so u are talking that MGRP is easier than Youtek because it help u in topspin?
  18. Aceman

    Head Ytk Speed VS Microgel Radical Pro

    :(:(:(: nothing?
  19. Aceman

    Head Ytk Speed VS Microgel Radical Pro

    I'm reading the specs about this two racquets and I found that the only consistent difference is the balance (7,8hl and 4hl). Does someone tried these racquets?Differences?What is the best in flat/topspin play?ty
  20. Aceman

    SPPP Pure and Topspin Concept Pure - The same String??

    I would know if the topspin concept pure is also good or not for flat players? ty
  21. Aceman

    Microgel Radical Pro VS Yonex RDS 001 MP

    And in the flat game?
  22. Aceman

    Microgel Radical Pro VS Yonex RDS 001 MP

    so do you think that mg radical pro is better from baseline than rds001mp? other opinions
  23. Aceman

    Microgel Radical Pro VS Yonex RDS 001 MP

    Hi friends,has someone tried both racquets?Sensations?According to use what racquet has better control?What is the most complete? TY
  24. Aceman

    Dunlop Aerogel 200 or Head Radical Microgel Pro

    Are you talking about 18x20 or 16x19?
  25. Aceman

    Dunlop Aerogel 200 or Head Radical Microgel Pro

    and the topspin?is it easy on aerogel?
  26. Aceman

    Babolat Pure Storm LTD VS Wilson Kpro Tour

    other opinions?
  27. Aceman

    Babolat Pure Storm LTD VS Wilson Kpro Tour

    According to you what is better in: 1)groundstrokes (flat/a little topspin shots) 2)net 3)serve
  28. Aceman

    Babolat Pure Storm LTD VS Wilson Kpro Tour

    did you changed leather grip with normal grip?
  29. Aceman

    Babolat Pure Storm LTD VS Wilson Kpro Tour

    is The Ldt better on flat hit or with topspin?I used flat hit or with a bit of topspin
  30. Aceman

    Babolat Pure Storm LTD VS Wilson Kpro Tour

    uhm..others opionions?