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  1. mrmike

    Introducing the Tecnifibre Triax

    You can’t really only go by the raw specs to determine how a string feels. I am currently using Triax and I can tell you it’s quite different than a synthetic gut. It has the comfort of a multi, but way more control. One indicator of that is the Energy return number is lower. For me that is...
  2. mrmike

    Yonex VCore Pro 97 HD review...

    I have the new Tecnifibre Triax 16 in my 97 HD at 55 lbs. and it playing very well with that setup so far. It remains to be seen how the tension loss over time will be but right now its quite controllable and comfortable.
  3. mrmike

    The Cult of PT57

    TW website entry from back in 2001 when they were selling out the Chinese built 280.
  4. mrmike

    If you drive an expensive car you're probably a jerk, scientists say

    Classic! That scene must have been after Walter “broke bad” :-)
  5. mrmike

    Jack Sock has lost some weight, looks to be in the best shape of his career so far.

    Good for him! Obviously that was some sincere emotion after the win.
  6. mrmike

    Best Racquets For Tennis Elbow...

    The arm friendliest racquet I’ve ever owned is still the Head PT280. It has the mass of an RF97 but is noodley soft. Unique feel that I’ve never been able to match yet.
  7. mrmike

    Torn meniscus arthritis in the knee and senior tennis

    Meant to add this link, new treatment that had been undergoing trials.
  8. mrmike

    Torn meniscus arthritis in the knee and senior tennis

    I’m right there with you man. I’ve been dealing with knee arthritis in both knees and a torn meniscus in my right knee. I had the arthritis diagnosed through xrays and the meniscus through an MRI. Played tennis my entire adult life and the knee issues have been building the last 3 years or...
  9. mrmike

    The Cult of PT57

    I bought my first 280 way back in the day when TW was closing them out for like $59.00 ! What a mistake not to stock up then.
  10. mrmike

    The Cult of PT57

    Cool paint job. I see that’s the 16x19 version. So frustrated that Head won’t sell these to us. I’ve been on search for a second 280 but they are hard to find in good shape any more.
  11. mrmike

    The Cult of PT57

    I foolishly thought that maybe I could come close to the feel of my PT280 with an Angell TC97, but was mistaken. Is it true that the PT280 is also considered a 95 sq in frame by today's standard measurement method like the older Prestiges were also ??
  12. mrmike

    *****THE OFFICIAL HEAD PRO TOUR 630/280 Club*************

    Recently I decided to give the Gravity Pro a try to see if that frame could be a good match for my game. It started very well and I thought for sure this was going to be my go to frame. After a few months I was playing a guy who hits a pretty heavy ball and endured a series of shots that...
  13. mrmike

    Your Gravity Pro string setup...

    Not sexy, but I’ve been using Prince synthetic gut original 16 at 55 lbs. Plays well for me and I can change it out at short intervals since it’s cheap.
  14. mrmike

    Head Gravity Pro - Best String Set-Ups

    I have a set of the new Tecnifibre HDMX 16 in my GPro right now. Good control and reasonable spin for a comfortable one piece hybrid string. I’m not a poly player and this string is a decent compromise.
  15. mrmike

    Is Medvedev the new Miloslav Mecir?

    I think Mecir was a smoother mover with a equally smooth strokes and great touch. Medvedev is not quite as smooth mover but covers tons of court along with having more power on his ground strokes and serve than Mecir did.
  16. mrmike

    US Open 2019 R1: Serena Williams vs Maria Sharapova

    That’s why she always beats Maria. Plays right into her strength which is slugging. Players who can vary their strategy would do better.
  17. mrmike

    CBS Sunday Morning Tennis Segment

    Just watched this. Definitely shows the harsh reality of life on the tour when you’re not one of the top players.
  18. mrmike

    What Does Maria Sharapova Have To Do To Beat Serena Williams At The US Open?

    Haha, the trouble with that strategy is that Serena will start grunting even louder and then we’ll have a shriek fest . Have to watch with volume off.
  19. mrmike

    Q+ tour Pro 315 vs Volkl C-10 Pro

    I have two Kennex 315’s and can say they are very good racquets. I used to use the C10 in the past but the current generation of them feel clunky and stiffer to me. The 315 hits over its weight due to the kinetic system, and you can always add lead or tungsten tape if desired. Right now I am...
  20. mrmike

    The new blade V7 May just be the best blade so far

    The comments about the new Blade having that PT630 feel seem to be a common trend recently. Same comments have been made about the Head Gravity Pro. I for one am happy that racquet manufacturers are finally providing some alternatives to the overly stiff frames they had been churning out.
  21. mrmike

    The new blade V7 May just be the best blade so far

    Being a 5/8 grip player I don’t like the fact that Wilson decided to only make grip sizes up through 1/2 available on the Blades. In fact the only recent Wilson frames I know that 5/8 are available are the RF97 and the Ultra Tour. Switched to a Gravity Pro recently and love it so far. It’s...
  22. mrmike

    Best non poly you've ever tried? Need advice

    I agree with some of the previous posts regarding Babolat Origin. It has much better comfort, feel and tension maintenance than synthetic gut but of course it is 4x the price. I put it on my main racquet and Prince synthetic gut original on my backup.
  23. mrmike

    The truth about racquet material innovation

    I read a while back that the Pure Drive actually came from a ProKennex design. PK is one of the few actual innovators out there that try to improve racquet technology without materials gimmick claims. They just have a very low profile as far as pros are concerned. Seppi is the only top player...
  24. mrmike

    The Volkl C 10 is evolving!

    I agree that the newer C10 Pros do not feel the same to me as older versions. A while back I had pair of 2008 C10's, mostly black cosmetic with yellow accents. They were heavy, but headlight, flexy and smooth. I tried a 2018 model and didn't like it. Of course I fully admit that also could...
  25. mrmike

    Tomic harder to explain than Kyrgios

    Tomic reminds me of watching Miloslav Mecir back in the day. But without the “big cat’s” movement and mental strength.
  26. mrmike

    2019 Wimbledon R3: Roger Federer(2) vs Lucas Poille

    Even though he lost, Pouille played well in this match.
  27. mrmike

    ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro (315)

    I made a switch to the 315 recently and am very happy with this frame. It’s head and grip shape are very similar to a Head Prestige, but more arm friendly. This is an excellent racquet that will most probably fly under the radar since ProKennex does not have a lot of advertising hype or pros...
  28. mrmike

    What's the universal string?

    PSGD 16 is a pretty good universal string but it really drops tension in a hurry. Here are some RacquetTune results I recorded recently. Initial tension on a 16x19 frame set at 58, measured 57.7. 1.5 hrs: 52.3 lbs (-9.3 %). 3 hrs: 51.5 lbs (-10.7%). 4 hrs: 50.8 lbs (-11.8%). 5.5 hrs: 50...
  29. mrmike

    Anyone playing with the new ProKennex?

    My 315 is the same way. Looks like the glossy parts are a decal or wrap.