Search results

  1. JonWood

    Atlanta Tennis Championship

    I think Georgia Tech would be a good place to have the tournament. They have all of the outside courts with seating. And GT is also right in the middle of Atlanta. The same as at Yale campus can do the same at GT. The Alexander Memorial Coliseum (basketball)is right across the street from the...
  2. JonWood

    Miami Masters TV Schedule

    I have the sports package, I get all the tennis channel, soccer and all of that.....i have CSS.....Comcast Sports no clue, atleast once Monday comes I am thinking they will show it at the right times, since the weekend sports like college baseball are not being...
  3. JonWood

    Miami Masters TV Schedule

    Even though it says those times, I looked it up on my comcast guide and it doesnt show tennis coming on here on FSN South until 12am to 4am......I hate FSN with their different regions and whatever each region wants to show at any time they can do.
  4. JonWood

    Miami TV Schedule, Livestreams, Questions, and Complaints

    I just checked the schedule on tennis magazine's website and it shows tennis starting tomorrow LIVE on FSN at 1pm. Just looked at my Comcast GUIDE on digital cable and not showing any tennis tomorrow. Looked at FSN website and they arent going to start showing tennis in the Atlanta area until...
  5. JonWood

    Young's racquet and bag

    Hit an inside out forehand winner down the line or cross court from what I remember, the first tiebreaker we played was decently close like 7-4 or something like that (it was the first time I had ever hit with him in a competitive kind of way)
  6. JonWood

    Young's racquet and bag

    I worked one year teaching at the tennis center his parents run now in south Atlanta, I knew at the time he signed contracts with Nike and Head. I was up at the tennis center last week and there are Gamma signs on the court fences and inside the building so I am pretty sure he is getting Gamma...
  7. JonWood

    What Adidas Hat Is This???

    i know this thread is like a year old, but i saw the pros in this years 08 Aussie Open wearing the hat still, and i have searched still allllll over trying to find out what the name of the hat is and where to get one, I asked my adidas clothing rep and he didnt have one in the warehouse at the...
  8. JonWood

    Dallas Challenger Streaming Video

    Just letting you guys know that there is streaming LIVE video everyday of the matches on this website, and also if you miss the matches they put the files on the site to view too, pretty awesome since there is no other tennis on tv right now. Some well known names playing in Dallas...
  9. JonWood

    New head stick for Youzhny too

    I know when I watched him play Federer in Dubai he was using the MicroGel Extreme, and the week before (not sure what tourney he was playing) he was still using the Instinct XL. In the match with Fed. it looked like he wasnt playing too good with the MicroGel Extreme, and what I think is he...
  10. JonWood

    Help finding website of NY custom racquet company

    yep thats it, i googled so many rps, psn. All these letters before racquet sports but still didnt see what i wanted. Thanks guys!!!
  11. JonWood

    Help finding website of NY custom racquet company

    I cant remember the website to the company that make the rackets of agassi, davenport, and some of the others. They are listed in the TENNIS magazine but i dont remember which one its in. It is something like or something like that. They are based out of New York. Can anyone...
  12. JonWood

    Any PTMers Here?

    I'm a Sport Management major going to work for the USTA when i graduate, thats somewhat close. I've always been told that connections are the best in getting you into companies and its so true, I know alot of high up people in the USTA so that is helping me alot.
  13. JonWood

    Racket on ATP Tennis Highlight This Week

    No its not the extreme, the racket was red with the new microgel technology on the sides. Watch the new ATP highlight show on tennis channel this week when it airs 100 times and watch for when they are talking about the tennis ball and how its made and stuff. They show a red head racket with the...
  14. JonWood

    Racket on ATP Tennis Highlight This Week

    No it wasnt a flexpoint, it had the new microgel tech. on it and it was red with the torsion bar in the middle of the throat. Its not a racket that has been released yet didnt know if anyone knew anything on it
  15. JonWood

    Racket on ATP Tennis Highlight This Week

    Did anyone see the racket when they giving details about the tennis ball. It was bouncing a ball and it was a new Head racket with the new technology with a, I think its a torsion bar that the Ti Fire and Ti. Heat had. What racket is that, I havent seen anything on it yet.
  16. JonWood

    What Adidas Hat Is This???

    It was worn by Mardy Fish and Sam Querrey at this years AO. I saw some other posts but no answer to it, does anyone know? It's not the clima hat that has the stripes in the back I know. Heres a picture:,,1_247968981_246,00.jpg
  17. JonWood

    Adidas Hat worn by Querrey and Verdaso during Aus. Open

    I've searched everywhere to find it, can't find any info on it yet
  18. JonWood

    Adidas Hat worn by Querrey and Verdaso during Aus. Open

    Anyone have a clue? The Bryans were wearing them as well.
  19. JonWood

    Adidas Hat worn by Querrey and Verdaso during Aus. Open

    I was wondering the same thing. My adidas rep. is too busy with college and high school players right now so I dont want to bother him. Anyone know???
  20. JonWood

    Pete Sampras versus Ginepri on clay......

    Oh yeah heres the link for the exhibition in Atlanta to verify it
  21. JonWood

    Pete Sampras versus Ginepri on clay......

    Yeah, he is playing Saturday in Atlanta, guess he is flying overnight. I got the tickets for free from the USTA Executive Director of Atlanta (front row right at the baseline) and I am going with the Georgia Tech assistant coach who is a good friend of mine.
  22. JonWood

    Pete Sampras versus Ginepri on clay......

    did you guys not see my post up there? said i was going and its in atlanta.
  23. JonWood

    Pete Sampras versus Ginepri on clay......

    This Saturday they are playing again here in Atlanta in an exhibition. I am going to it, got front row seats.
  24. JonWood

    why does D. Young keep switching rackets?

    Yeah, the radical is a custom, the flexpoint is actually a real one and so is the instinct.
  25. JonWood

    Has anyone seen "The Zoo?"

    It was a documentary that they did i think of last years kalamazoo nationals following around a few players from it. I looked it up to see if it was out to buy but i cant find it, anyone else have any luck finding it?
  26. JonWood

    NCAA Championship on TV????

    Last year the championship was on ESPN, I havent heard if it is going to be this year. Does anybody know?
  27. JonWood

    Women might get same pay as men at Wimby

    I know everyone has their own opinion about this subject, but heres mine. I dont see how equal pay can be given to the women when only playing 2 out of 3 sets. Men play 3 out 5 sets the whole tournament, maybe 3 or 4 hours a match, maybe more. Early matches for women can last like not even an...
  28. JonWood

    Young not concerned despit losing record

    Well most of you, if you have read some of my other posts I know Donald personally. Hes a cool guy, though still has the teenager in him as we all can see but from being around him and getting the chance to hit with him a few times his game is def. building and he will be winning pretty soon. He...
  29. JonWood

    Henin-Hardenne, what do you think?

    i third that, i was gonna say that but thought i might get jumped by people sayin thats a dumb reason
  30. JonWood

    Henin-Hardenne, what do you think? I dunno, I just think she is not attractive at all, she is dressing like my grandmother would dress, how old is she like 23???