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  1. pats300zx1

    XSPAK CRBN1 knockoff

    I used a discount code....
  2. pats300zx1

    XSPAK CRBN1 knockoff

    I have the new CRBN 1x 14mm and getting the Legacy Pro for $130 shipped it was a no brainer. Hopefully it ships by the end of Feb.
  3. pats300zx1

    A Pickleball confession

    I hope they switch to rally scoring at the next rules change.
  4. pats300zx1

    Tennis-Pickleball War In LA's worse than the Crips vs the Bloods....
  5. pats300zx1

    Pegula drinks a beer in her press conference

    And it wasn't even a light beer !!! WTF !!!
  6. pats300zx1

    Another pickleball rant...

    Here is my personal pickleball experience. I am almost 59 and have been plagued as of late with injuries that really have prevented me from playing tennis as much as I used to. I really haven't played since last September due to elbow and back issues. So recently one of the guys that I used...
  7. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    Doubtful. I ordered back on Dec 2 as part of the last pre-order and still haven't received mine.
  8. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    Still waiting on my order. Wanted to ask a question to fellow Proton owners. A friend of mine wanted to borrow my Proton asked if the Proton can be used with pickleballs. Has anyone tried it with success??
  9. pats300zx1

    My Tennis IQ - youtube channel

    Great channel. One of my favs. Karue was/or is Naomi Osaka's hitting partner.
  10. pats300zx1

    Clash 2.0

    got a pic ???
  11. pats300zx1

    Tennis Elbow Survey - Racquet / String / Tension

    Babolat Pure Drive 2018 Silinco Hyper G 55 lbs 2 Hand Backhand FH Grip - Semi Western BH Grip - Eastern
  12. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    I reached out for an update.
  13. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    I am order 1223 and was also told to expect a shipment at the end of February.
  14. pats300zx1

    Novak Djokovic will give a press conference at 13.00 GMT according to the BBC.

    22 minutes into this press conference and we learn nothing new......
  15. pats300zx1

    The situation in Australia begs the question, what will happen in Paris? Or the American HC swing before that?

    The way our Southern Border is right now he won't have any me....He can walk across in RGV...
  16. pats300zx1

    Djokovic DENIED entry into Australia -- Wrong Visa

    THIS ^^^^^^ made my day lmao....
  17. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear and PRP Success

    Thanks for the input. That's encourgaging. I have been dealing with this for over 3 months now and NO TENNIS. Sounds like PRP might bring me some hope.
  18. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear and PRP Success

    Yeah they won't pay for them here either. I was told the cost would be $800.00 per injection. I meet with another elbow doc after the holidays. If given the option I am probably going to give PRP a try. I have been battling this for 3 months and it's getting old :(
  19. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear and PRP Success

    I saw my doc today and he doesn't feel that the ligament tear is something that would warrant surgery. However he did comment that a PRP injection could help with the small extensor tear that I have and some swelling I have on the medial side. Can any forum member who has had a PRP injection...
  20. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    I actually emailed them and inquired about a potential ship date. Based on the volume of pre-orders I am not optimistic about their projected delivery.
  21. pats300zx1

    Hydrogen Sports PROTON

    I’m 1223 and I got an email saying to expect mine at the end of February.
  22. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear and PRP Success

    Has anyone had any success with PRP injection for a possible ligament tear of the elbow? I saw my surgeon yesterday regarding a full tear of my lateral collateral ligament and small tear of my extensor tendon. I thought he would have recommend surgery for the ligament tear but he was very non...
  23. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear

    I really appreciate your input. My guess is that the LCL tear stems from a bout with TE that I had about 2 years ago. My TE was also due to playing with a Babolat PD and poly. I have since switched to a Clash 100 and multis. I went to my Ortho based on a sudden onset of GE in the same...
  24. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear

    The tear is of the radial collateral ligament (LCL) from the lateral epicondyle (MRI says focal full thickness tear central aspect). I also have a minor tear (less than 50%) of the extensor tendon (partial low grade tear). I also have swelling of my pronator teres. I am meeting with my...
  25. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear

    The tear is of the radial collateral ligament (LCL) from the lateral epicondyle (MRI says focal full thickness tear central aspect). I also have a minor tear (less than 50%) of the extensor tendon (partial low grade tear). I also have swelling of my pronator teres. I am meeting with my...
  26. pats300zx1

    Wilson Clash v2?

    Last I heard was at least April 2022. This was before the supply crisis though.
  27. pats300zx1

    Elbow Ligament Tear

    Hey All....I have been suffering with Golfers Elbow for about 3 months now and after 6 weeks of PT my doc decided to order an MRI. Prior to the MRI I noticed that my Pronator Teres muscle was inflamed and I had medial elbow pain. I had my MRI today and got the results and it appears I have...
  28. pats300zx1

    Platform to Pinpoint Serve Stance

    Has anyone currently using a Platform serve stance switched over to a Pinpoint? If so, did you find it was more advantageous and/or more difficult to switch?