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  1. tennis.yellow.balls

    Recommendations for Low Flex + Big Sweet Spot, Mid Plus Rackets?

    Thanks Everyone! Thanks Everyone! Greatly appreciate the advice. I'll probably demo a few of the rackets mentioned above and see how it goes. Thanks again! :) :)
  2. tennis.yellow.balls

    Recommendations for Low Flex + Big Sweet Spot, Mid Plus Rackets?

    I've been using the Microgel Radical Mid+ rackets for a while now, but realizing that the sweet spot is not that big and against fast pace, I often have mishits. Is there such a thing as a low flex + big sweet spot in a mid plus size frame (between 98-100 sq inches)? Any advice or...
  3. tennis.yellow.balls

    2015 Wilson Blades

    Stiffness Dear TW, Do you have any idea what the stiffness are of the new Blade line? If so, are they similar to the current specs? Thanks!
  4. tennis.yellow.balls

    Equipment Ratings Suggestion

    Correct! SF, thanks for your comments. I agree with you 100% that ratings are subjective. I would just like a way to see the good, bad, and whatever else type reviews that are left on the stuff on TW website. I've read through many feedbacks on certain strings and the majority of them are...
  5. tennis.yellow.balls

    Equipment Ratings Suggestion

    TW -- maybe this has been asked before, but would TW every considering putting in a rating system like stars or whatever icon symbol you want to use? For example, if I was looking at a string, for me to know how good or bad it is based on customer feedback, I would need to read all the...
  6. tennis.yellow.balls

    Blade 93 and Head IG MP Softness

    rackets i've played with both rackets back and forth for a couple of weeks and they are different types of rackets. imho, the prestige is not as stiff as the blade 93. i think the difference is that the prestige is a little more forgiving on mishits because of the head size versus the blade...
  7. tennis.yellow.balls

    Head IG Youtek Prestige MP 25th anniversary

    ? Until they run out :)
  8. tennis.yellow.balls

    New Wilson Blades

    Stiffness Any chance TW tester(s) were able to measure the stiffness on the 16x19 or 18x20? Thanks :)
  9. tennis.yellow.balls

    Question for Jason. RE: The new blog/Blade

    Stiffness Any chance you were able to get the stiffness rating of the 16x19 versus the 18x20 versions? Thanks :)
  10. tennis.yellow.balls

    C10 Pro vs C10 Pro 2012

    One of the things I've really noticed that is different is that, it's really hard to find rackets that have the same balance and weight even with the same production years. I recently bought a pair of C10 (current paintjob) and the head balance and weight were off by a couple of ounces as...
  11. tennis.yellow.balls

    Midsize for the baseline hard hitter - Help pls

    If you are deciding between the 3 sticks, I vote for the IG Prestige Mid as I like the old school feel of the original PC600 and this modern racket seems to come the closest and I've demoed all three you mentioned and like the IG Prestige Mid the most. Just my opinion :)
  12. tennis.yellow.balls

    A Better Racket for Flat Hitters?

    Low Powered Rackets Was reading and saw some mention of using a low powerde rackets. How does a low powered racket help with flat hitters? I guess the reason I ask is if you have a low powered rackets, would this require you to try to hit hard and giving you less control?
  13. tennis.yellow.balls

    Macbook Pro Ram Help

    Memory Slots Flexible I have the same MBP. Answers to your questions: If I could buy a single 4gb module and use it along with a 2gb module of a different brand. (Sort of like using a hybrid on strings) ANSWER: Yes, you can use different memory brands and capacity If I could just get...
  14. tennis.yellow.balls

    Cristiano Ronaldo vs Rafa Nadal
  15. tennis.yellow.balls

    Insoles - best one for tennis shoes?

    I've tried super feet, soles, and a variety of retail insoles and because i have really high arches, I haven't found anything good. I was wondering if it's worth it to spend 100's of dollars on getting custom insoles? I notice that Raonic, Djokovic, and a lot of pros use insoles. I am not...
  16. tennis.yellow.balls

    Need advice with a torn calf muscle

    3 months had a partial tear and it took me about 3 months. reading the posts, the one thing that i agree with is -- you need time for it to heal and even when it seems heal, you really don't know, so always take it slow in the beginning. it's a horrible injury and even though, i feel i can go...
  17. tennis.yellow.balls

    No1e's Racquet

    Awesome acquisition and nice pictures...thanks for sharing!!!!
  18. tennis.yellow.balls

    andy murray needs to gain 10 pounds

    10 pounds of mental muscle i've seen him play multiple times and if he can focus for more than 8-10 games in a row, he'll win on the big stage. his mind wonders quite a bit from what i observed. i saw him play against querry and he was hitting well for a few games and then he decides to take...
  19. tennis.yellow.balls

    TW: Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18X20 and 16X18) Stiffness?

    TW: Is the stiffness of both version of the EXO3 Tour 100 really a stiffness measurement of 52? How is this determined? I went to a local pro shop that had the rackets in stock and they told me that they had measured it on their Babolat machine and it was not 52, but higher. Thanks for any...
  20. tennis.yellow.balls

    Andy Murray vs. Tim Smyczek at Farmers Classic, L.A. Tennis Open, UCLA 2010

    Check out the vids: (Warm-Up) (Returning Serve) (Single Point)
  21. tennis.yellow.balls

    Things get ugly between two greats...

    lost respect for agassi i totally lost respect for agassi tonight. djokovic makes fun of people all the time, but you don't see them take it personal. he made fun of mac and mac just brushed it off. agassi told pete that he was too serious, so pete made fun of him in a joking manner and...
  22. tennis.yellow.balls

    favorite racquet of all time

    Donnay all the way!!! Donnay Pro One
  23. tennis.yellow.balls

    Decrease Swing Weight

    Is there any way to decrease the swing weight of a racket to make it more maneuverable? I notice that some posts here says, to make the racket more headlight to make it more maneuverable, but that just means adding more weight to the handle end. I would rather find a way to make the racket...
  24. tennis.yellow.balls

    Silicone in Handle?

    Good Advice Hey, thanks for the information and to all who contributed positively. :) Has anyone found any other techniques for adding silicone into the handle beyond adding cotton to plug up the handle/frame junction? I notice from pictures in different threads that there are a lot of...
  25. tennis.yellow.balls

    Silicone in Handle?

    To all and any that customize their rackets, can some please help explain why people put silicone in the handle? :confused: Does this reduce shock? Make the racket more flexy? Thanks.
  26. tennis.yellow.balls

    TGK Series (Pro Stock) Frame Materials

    was reading through most of the post on pro stock frames. seems like there is different levels of stiffness mentioned, but did not catch on if there was any mention of the materials for these frames. anyone know if the TGK series is 100% graphite? what about the PT10 or PT57 series? are...
  27. tennis.yellow.balls

    Graphite, Fiberglass, or Other Materials?

    Thanks thanks for all the information and knowledge sharing :) another question regarding material/ seems that a lot of these days, all these companies are trying to market new technology that improves stability, bigger sweet spot, feel, etc. with this in mind, why wouldn't...
  28. tennis.yellow.balls

    Graphite, Fiberglass, or Other Materials?

    hello...this is directed to anyone that has knowledge of racket compositions, please. i am wondering what combination of materials or if not a combination, what materials makes the best feeling rackets and soft flex rackets? i have read through numerous posts in the forums that graphite...
  29. tennis.yellow.balls

    Tiger Woods seriously injured in auto accident

    Does it matter? does it matter what tiger does in his personal life? do we see him less of a golfer with all this coming out?
  30. tennis.yellow.balls

    Laserfibre Supernatural Gut Prostock

    thanks ClubHoUno thanks ClubHoUno -- i really would love to try this string and really thinking of buying it directly on their website, but now with the horror stores about customer service, i may go with the x-cel power and/or x-one.