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  1. heretoserve

    Tips to hit a heavier ball

    Use a bowling ball.
  2. heretoserve

    Giving up...

    Great! Just remember. You can't swing out to the target freely if 1 your racquet face isn't closed or hooded prior to impact because you have to make the floppy adjustment to get it vertical, and 2 if your not coming from under the ball. If you swing on the level of the ball your racquet will...
  3. heretoserve

    Groundstroke break down?

    Another interesting thing I have heard about pulling your head is it's relationship to personality. N(intuitive thinkers, big picture people) on the briggs myers will have more of a tendency to get ahead of themselves when ball striking and move their head to see where the ball is going...
  4. heretoserve

    Help me to improve my serve!

    Maybe this will help. Sorry didn't get the whole cartwheel memo.
  5. heretoserve

    Help me to improve my serve!

    Good job turning more. Now still do it but don't let the tossing arm come more than parallel with the baseline. Hopefully you can see that you can still turn even if the tossing arm stops when parallel with base line. To get the toss out in front that tossing arm will make an arching motion...
  6. heretoserve

    Giving up...

    Can't wait to hear how getting the palm and strings to go out further to the target worked out for you!?
  7. heretoserve

    Help me to improve my serve!

    Turn more.
  8. heretoserve

    Giving up...

    OK here you go. Ready to be famous? 1. You can't come over a tennis ball! You have to close your racquet below the intended point of contact and track out to the target with your palm. People can sit in here all day and talk about the windshield wiper forehand but it doesn't exist. You swing...
  9. heretoserve

    Giving up...

    "Discontent is the first necessity of change." - That guy???
  10. heretoserve

    Giving up...

    Post some video of your strokes and I'll try to help. :)
  11. heretoserve

    8 year old Venus and Serena Williams video made for Vic Braden

    Have been looking for this video for ever. This is why you always see Serena finish high, have a quick take back etc. Richard may be eccentric but he knows where the good information is! Enjoy!
  12. heretoserve

    1hbh, WIP

    Looks better
  13. heretoserve

    The Serve: Racquet by Ankle Adds 10-15mph

    Research done by Andy Fitzell has shown that the racquet doesn't really start to accelerate on most players(even the ones who start at the ankles) until it gets to the "twisted y" position(hahahahahaha I just made up a word! I'm gonna fit right in here). However when you pause at the
  14. heretoserve

    Living Room Lesson

    Thank You!
  15. heretoserve

    1hbh, WIP

    Like I said. Happens to fast to see. You would need some slow mow. I see many people that don't get it low enough or closed enough when they start with it open. I would just be sure that your ball spinning so much that it's blurring and 2 that it's spinning straight up and down.
  16. heretoserve

    1hbh, WIP

    I would be cautious of that open racquet face. I would assume that you have random moments of hitting the back fence with this fence. I think pros with good backhands who lay that racquet open at the onset are sure to get it closed and low before their hit (one thing you can't really see at...
  17. heretoserve

    books and dvds that cover the modern game

    Question. When will the game no longer be modern?
  18. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    oh! Beat me to it!
  19. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    I also think the "bow and arrow position" does nothing for power, only helps get to a toss further out and keep the body up at contact.
  20. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    Great video! I will go into more detail about the unnecessary [(not quantity of motion)love you forum guys!] motions in Soderling's serve. 1. The excessive knee bend. This video clearly shows that Roddick's knee bend is mostly to facilitate coiling the body. Soderling got way down with his...
  21. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    I think Soderling is very talented but has a lot of unnecessary motion in his serve. Match Summary 2011 Aussie open 4th Round Soderling Vs Dolgopolov Soderling 1st serve% - 62% Double Faults - 6 Winning % on first serve 59% Average second...
  22. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    Darn! Thought I did a pretty good job on that one actually. It's like any rubber band tensioned or muscle stretched. The muscle contraction can't keep up with the un-stretching of the tensioned muscle. I would have to disagree with that. I find many people understand uncoiling the links but...
  23. heretoserve

    Remaining Sideways On The Serve

    There are 6 links in the kinetic chain on the serve. Foot to knees, knees to hips, hips to shoulders, upper arm, forearm and hand. The body is at a 45 degree angle at contact because the 3rd link(hips to shoulders)decelerates drastically right before the fourth, fifth and sixth link come...
  24. heretoserve

    posters who you want to see hit.
  25. heretoserve

    End of backswing, FH

    Here is a picture of the turn. From here it might go a touch further back but will mostly drop from gravity from here. Hope it helps!
  26. heretoserve

    End of backswing, FH

    Here is a picture of the ready position.
  27. heretoserve

    Living Room Lesson

    Thank you for the compliments 5263. I would expect nothing less.
  28. heretoserve

    End of backswing, FH

    If you have a good ready position(Racquet centered, elbows raised, racquet slightly tilted forward and pushed away from body) which most people don't. All you have to do is turn your body and separate your hands a little bit. Pros to model your ready position after would be Dementieva, Fish...
  29. heretoserve

    Living Room Lesson

    Hello TW Forum, I have been feeling really good about the success that I have been having with my players and thought I would post this video so you guys could tear me a new one. You know, keep me humble. I was hoping parents could use the video to work with their own kids by mimicking this...
  30. heretoserve

    another "watch my lame youtube video" post

    Thank You! haha I love your honesty! Actually your strokes are not bad. It's more of a rhythm issue now. Don't get hypnotized by the ball. Get in front of the rhythm and take time away from your opponent...........and don't forget the little people!