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  1. K


    Sorry, did not bother to check men. I assumed that rules would be the same. Now this is really absurd. At least nobody will complain that women do not deserve their pay:)
  2. K

    Balancing tennis and academics in high school

    Should be enough for a potential Stanford recruit who is considering going pro :)
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    Ivy League played regular scoring both singles and doubles. Doubles 8 games pro set with tie-break at 7-all.
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    Balancing tennis and academics in high school

    A lot of good advice already, just can add that if she goes to a regular (non-elite) high school when she is on a honors track in 9th grade she will be in classes with better kids. You probably want her to hang out with the right crowd. If you consider Ivy League your daughter should be on...
  5. K

    Teaching 2-3 year olds (advice? experiences? etc...)

    Take them to US Open. Let them continue playing soccer and keep taking them to US Open. Night session may work magic. Worked for my daughter on the third try. To be successful in tennis requires certain traits. If you see that they can be successful - do not give up. If not - let it go. Most...
  6. K

    Critiques on my son's forehand?

    PD, why OHBH for a girl? Very risky choice.
  7. K

    College tennis as a destination

    It probably depends on what he plans to do after college. Certain industries like tennis players:
  8. K

    ? for tennis parents re: coaches @ tourneys

    I love this attitude. This is why we did not have a coach for the large part of my kid's junior career. When she was young she had a coach who we met at a junior tournament where he was watching his students. This was a lowly 10U round robin tournament. He believed that he could not do his...
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    NY Times article on USTA funds (not a positive article)

    Some of the "corruption" examples in this article are unfair. JTTC in Washington is probably the best USTA Regional Training center. They have a good combination of recreational and HP tennis, they offer financial support to the talented players, they always had many good coaches and they...
  10. K

    Is doing hons. Classes necessary for serious tennis players ?

    I fully agree with the previous poster. As you were educated outside the US you cannot imagine the low level of Math education in US schools. The rude awakening usually happens during SAT testing. So put your daughter into Honors classes, especially math classes that usually have better students...
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    Elite Tennis Parent Job Description

    You do not have to come up with excuses why you are a tennis parent. Our Bionic poster is just jealous because he is NOT a tennis parent. By the way many parents of good junior tennis players are paying attention to their academics and keep them on track to become doctors or Wall Street moguls.
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    Elite Tennis Parent Job Description

    Some additional skills required for this position: Successful applicant should possess: - Exceptional writing skills to write effective post-tournament complaints to the Sectional and National Junior Competition Office. - Fluency in at least one foreign language and proven ability to...
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    Why isn't there a high school National championship?

    There will be one this year:
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    short women in tennis!

    Time to answer the original question. This forum used to be a good tool after all... Her game style will depend on her personality. Some shorter players are very aggressive and some are counter-punchers. Even if she likes to counter-punch she still needs to learn how to play aggressive...
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    Eddie Herr 2013

    This is for BG18 that is played on clay courts that do not have webcams. Court 3 is entertaining. Probably G12. Very aggressive FHs
  16. K

    Average serve speed from junior girls to ATP men.

    And these girls are ofter quite successful in junior tennis until the rest of the crowd catches up. But nothing to worry about because this thread will follow the fate of all other junior tennis threads.
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    Coaching a child to play big man tennis even if he cant at a young age?

    They had solid strokes with full swings but they would wait for the ball to come to them, stayed far behind the baseline and played very safe. Some were famous for winning 4 hours matches. Six years later it all changed. So I would not generalize. I vote for consistency first when they are young...
  18. K

    Coaching a child to play big man tennis even if he cant at a young age?

    Know a number of ball-bashing girls that are close to 6 feet at 17 who were super consistent or even complete pushers when they were young and short. Now coaches are probably telling them to be aggressive and they listen. Some of these former pushers are clearly enjoying smoking the ball - I can...
  19. K

    Why Do Junior Girls Avoid the Net?

    Girls change between 16 and 17-18. She will embrace more all-around game as she gets older but she needs to fill safe inside the court. For that she needs to own all the required shots and you can help her yourself - you do not need to be a good player - just learn to feed the balls. Feed her...
  20. K

    Help with junior tournament levels/equivalence

    Except National will be cut next year but there will be Regionals. You can also aim for Zonals G16 next Summer too. It may look improbable now but many top girls will not go as they will be doing Intersectionals and National Team and all other Nationals. So your daughter may have a shot...
  21. K

    Help with junior tournament levels/equivalence How old is your daughter? Your section is weak so girls draws will be small. Same kids probably play L7 and L6 based on what is convenient. If she is serious she will soon play L5-L3 and...
  22. K

    When to decide to change/upgrade racquets?

    Most older girls do not go heavier than that. Even if she is nice to her rackets they may eventually develop microcracks from constant restringing and as she gets older she will be breaking strings more often. She will need at least 3 rackets if she travels to tournaments. Pay attention to...
  23. K a crippled bird?

    Many Senior girls stop playing junior tournaments after September 1st so their TR ranking drops. Those who continue playing junior tournaments may see their ranking in the Senior class improves drastically. By the Summer you have a number of Seniors with inflated ranking (in their class)...
  24. K a crippled bird?

    What do you mean "so what"? I am paying $1000/week for my daughter's training and she is entitled to great ranking, not just good ranking. And I want to keep Dallas responsible when my daughter has her period or boyfriend issues or when she is tanking in front of college coaches. All this should...
  25. K

    Junior Thread Come Back Please!!!!!

    Talking about taxidermy. The original Junior Forum is preserved by taxidermists from TW for future generations of tennis parents. You can get to many threads by selecting the name of the poster that used to post there and choosing "Find more posts".
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    11 year old lacking motivation?

    Does she play any tournaments and how does she do in them? Make her play tournaments - the whole tournament structure acts as a great motivator.
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    Yonex Vcore 100S vs Vcore Xi 100

    Differences are very small. Xi is a little more stable and a little stiffer. You could say it has a little more power. If Vcore 100S is a more civilized Pure Drive then Xi version is a little closer to Pure Drive than 100S. I played with both strung with poly and liked Xi a little more. With...
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    Alternative string needed to replace multifilament strings for my daughter

    There are some more durable multis but they will still not last in a hybrid with a shaped poly. You need to be prepared that she will be breaking polys soon. We used this but why not to try...
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    Your help needed for college recruiting advice!!

    Many juniors already have D1 offers and a few already committed. Basically after you post SAT and GPA you may get an offer if the coach knows you. Tennis5 is right - in the top academic D3 the coach does not have full control of the admission decisions. So you get your positive pre-read, apply...
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    Prayers Needed!!!

    When you get it off the ground do not forget to start a thread called "Players needed". Good luck!