Search results

  1. PGlock

    Best shoe size and or width for ASO ankle brace

    I would like some recommendations on what size shoe I should wear with an ASO ankle brace. I normally wear a size 12 shoe and have tried a 12.5 but they don't feel comfortable with the addition of the ankle brace. Should I go up a full size to a 13? I am also wondering if a wider shoe width, EE...
  2. PGlock

    Where did all the Pacific string go?

    Thanks. That is sad news. Down to my last set of Pacific string!
  3. PGlock

    Where did all the Pacific string go?

    I cannot find Pacific string anywhere right now. Pacific produced some great polys and really good natural gut. Hoping this is only temporary.
  4. PGlock

    New Federer racquet for Wimbledon?

    Paint only from what I have read.
  5. PGlock

    The Heavy Racquet Club. Playing with frames over 12.5 ounces.

    I have three RF97s, one weighs 366 grams and two weigh 362 grams.
  6. PGlock

    Christmas 2015

    Two Babolat Pure Aero Tour racquets and 5 sets of Wilson Revolve :D
  7. PGlock

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Year's to you and your families.
  8. PGlock

    wise 2086 first out main problem

    I think the height of the Wise tension head needs to be lower than the racquet. Try a shorter adaptor.
  9. PGlock

    Stringing Mistake (using gut)

    My opinion...If it is your racquet, I would give it a go. Gut is very durable but costly so the worst thing that could happen is you hate it and cut it out sooner than you would otherwise. Hard to predict if it will break sooner or not. Good luck!
  10. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: Volkl Overgrip Playtest

    Which color overgrip did you receive? Lime Green Do you typically use an overgrip? Yes. If yes, which one do you use? I normally use Wilson Pro Overgrips or Yonex Super Grap. Was the test grip easy to apply (any wrinkles during install, did the grip lay down nicely?) I felt like I had to...
  11. PGlock

    Alternative to Technifibre NRG2 17g

    Head Velocity has many of the same characteristics as NRG2 at almost half the cost. It does not play at the same exact level as NRG2 but it may be close enough in a hybrid.
  12. PGlock

    New Angell TC97!

    There was a link off of the racquets page last night. I just happened to hit the raquets button twice instead of going directly to the TC97 page. I think it is down today but I got a screen shot of it last night. I would post it but it included pricing so I don't think it would stay up on the...
  13. PGlock

    New Angell TC97!

    I have been following this thread with some interest and just checked the Angell site and ran across some TC97 variants with some placeholder text as descriptions. Does anyone know what the specs are for the TC97 Tour, TC97 Pro and TC97 Pro XL?
  14. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: Babolat POP (wristband sensor) Playtest!!

    Tennis experience/background: I have played tennis for over 35 years starting in high school and currently play in club and USTA doubles leagues at the 4.0 level. Describe your playing style: All court style Current racquet/string setup: Pro Staff RF97 strung with Babolat VS mains at 56lbs and...
  15. PGlock

    Isotropic Stringbed

    Interesting but that is an awful lot of tension changes to string one racquet so I don't think I will be trying this out very soon.;)
  16. PGlock

    Babolat Sensor Dual

    The manual that I have is signed and dated from the factory so if the seller has that it may give you a better idea as to how new the machine is.
  17. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: Babolat POP (wristband sensor) Playtest!!

    I tried this last night and crashed and burned. The POP unit was synched up prior to hitting and collected data but crashed when I was synching with the phone to download data to be viewed in the app. There is no data in the Activity section and there is nothing in the POP's memory now. Not...
  18. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: Babolat POP (wristband sensor) Playtest!!

    Just got mine today. Very light weight and comfortable. My unit got a firmware update while I was synching it so maybe that was what Babolat official was talking about earlier.
  19. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: red co-poly playtest (Tourna Prototype)

    String received: Tourna Red Prototype Tension(s) used for playtest: 51lbs on Babolat Sensor. It is officially Fall in Ohio and temps during the day are in the 60’s with some evenings in the mid 40’s. I am playing indoor and outdoor at this point so my comments are a hybrid for both...
  20. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: Babolat POP (wristband sensor) Playtest!!

    Looking forward to trying this out. Just sent confirmation email. Interested in seeing what it can tell me about different string set ups and tensions.
  21. PGlock

    Head Radical MicroGel OS - Cracking at Handle

    Thank you.
  22. PGlock

    Head Radical MicroGel OS - Cracking at Handle

    Yes, my friend purchased it from an authorized dealer about 5 or 6 months ago but not this site.
  23. PGlock

    Head Radical MicroGel OS - Cracking at Handle

    I think it was the hairpin at the top of the pallet, where pallet tapers off. There was no damage near the butt cap. The racquet is five or six months old at most.
  24. PGlock

    Replacement for Cyberflash 1.25

    I was a ALU Power junkie for quite a while and I also have a reel of Cyberflash. I still like ALU Power but it does lose tension and playability quickly for me so I was cutting it out after about 8hours. Cyberflash is similar but not as crisp in my opinion and I did not like it as well as the...
  25. PGlock

    RF97A too powerful with full multi

    I am having good success with both a full bed of poly and a gut poly hybrid but prefer the hybrid overall. I have tried a few different poly strings and have settled on Wilson Revolve 1.25 for now. I use it in a hybrid with Babolat VS 1.30 as the main at 54 lbs and the Revolve at 49 lbs in the...
  26. PGlock

    Head Radical MicroGel OS - Cracking at Handle

    I was playing with a friend of mine when the handle of his racquet cracked and split from the frame. The racquet had been playing fine but there was one shot when we heard a cracking noise. When we looked at the racquet there was no obvious damage that was visible. Two shots later, the handle...
  27. PGlock

    Question: String Change after tennis elbow for RF97. Please put your suggestions.

    I would try a full bed of Wilson NXT Control Tour which only comes in 16 gauge or a full bed of Tecnifibre NRG2. Both play well in this racquet and are easy on the arm. You can increase the tension a few pounds to compensate for the increase in power and still feel quite comfortable. Both of...
  28. PGlock

    How to calibrate the babolat sensor dual

    UK Skippy, Thanks for the calibration info. That is not in the standard manual that comes with the machine.
  29. PGlock

    Tennis Warehouse: red co-poly playtest (Tourna Prototype)

    I strung this in one of my racquets earlier today at 51lbs and will play with it tomorrow morning. Looks really good in a RF97 too.