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  1. Peyote Bjornsson

    Should the Yonex Vcore 95 be discontinued?

    It is a great player’s stick, but its last two notable players (Giron and Shapo) have moved on to other Yonex sticks, in paint if not in fact, so the writing may already be in the wall; but an argument can be made that a frame’s worthiness should not be solely based on the number of touring pros...
  2. Peyote Bjornsson

    Should the Yonex Vcore 95 be discontinued?

    Im on the fence about this. part of me wants to Perceptify it, another part watched my kid happily play with it. And yet another oart of me wants to go back in time and play with it myself the way my kid had his weighted up.
  3. Peyote Bjornsson

    Guidance on Beef

    Not so far, though he did notice that when he tried the Whiteout V1 something like a yearand a half ago. That was one of his dislikes about the V1. Generally he thought the V1 was too raw feeling (heresy to you pure feedback guys, and don’t take offense as I was one of you when I played)...
  4. Peyote Bjornsson

    Guidance on Beef

    We had determind that if we were going to try something new, the options were going to be from this list due to decent swingweight combined with low static weight: Whiteout V2, Vcore 98 Tour, Gravity 98 Tour, Speed MP, RF Pro (which likely wouldnt have been an improvement over the H), or Aero...
  5. Peyote Bjornsson

    Guidance on Beef

    OK, got an update for all you beef lovers. As y’all know, my kid switched to the 97H late last summer. Lately, in an attempt to differentiate himself from the South American baseliners ( no disrespect to South American baseliners) he is currently sharing the swamp with and cometing against for...
  6. Peyote Bjornsson

    Paint chip..What paint will help with touch up?

    Here is a top that worked for me in the oast. I was ******** about this very thing to a girl I was dating in college, she suggested taking the frame with me to where she bought fingernail polish; she said it was surprisingly durable and came in any shade you could imagine. I accepted that dare...
  7. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    For folks with a Solinco contact or who are sponsored players, Bloo is available now in packs and reels in several gauges.
  8. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    I’m hoping the Bloo makes it to market. It is a very good string despite my son choosing OG Confidential over it as his everyday string.
  9. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    Yup. With my kid it boiled down to “what do I need” vs. “what is fun.” It takes a lot of maturity to choose need over want, and with his college season starting in less than a month it was time to make the adult choice for what is going to best get the job done for him. In this case, that meant...
  10. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    For anyone still interested, my kid decided to stick with OG Confidential over Bloo in his 97Hs. While he really liked Bloo, he felt that the OG was just a hair more predictable and reliable, especially when put under the duress of things like flat bomb serves to small targets. And as a natural...
  11. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    In the head to head bloo vs. confidential session this morning, it sounded like Confidental won this round, just a hair more predictability while still allowing him to create the various shots he wanted. But it was apparently not a decisive session, so testing continues. Could just be that he is...
  12. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    And now back to shape-agnostic comments. My kid strung up Bloo 17 and Confidential 17 yesterday, both at 53, for what will likely be the deciding head to head playtest this afternoon. My money is on the Bloo, but it is his tennis and his decision.
  13. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    I fell honored that a lot of you fine folks are now referring to the new Solinco string as “Bloo,” as I am pretty sure I was the first here to use that name for it. My son is hoping the Solinco marketing folks take notice as he is a 20 year old college player (likely the target demographic) who...
  14. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    He likes “boring” in the context of consistent and reliable string, but he likes making unpredictable and exciting things happen with the string. So there is a lot of priority balancing in his string choices, as is the case with most folks here.
  15. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    I think it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Trying to soften up the bed? Something else? If the former, maybe something like Velocity ir natural gut. If the latter, other folks have already responded here. PB
  16. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    I shared our feedback with them as well. For my son, it is a matter if settling on a gauge before committing to a reel. Seems to be what he wants in a string, mirroring your thoughts on the subject.
  17. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    Since 10JX doesn't really roll off the tongue, we are now referring to it as Bloo.
  18. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    We had a long talk about boring being a really good thing when it comes to strings. Strings need to be predictable and consistent so you akways know what to expect in performance/how exactly the balls is going to react and feel every time, etc. The previous king of boring for my son has been...
  19. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    Initial testing results are in. My son says it is”boring in a good way,” meaning predictable and trustworthy. He says it isn’t a spin monster, but he could get plenty of spin if necessary. Same with power. He really liked serving with it. Says it is comfortable while somehow still feeling a bit...
  20. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    My son strung up the 16L at 55 in his 97H last night. The string is beautiful, and it felt great bouncing it on my knee and hitting a few half volleys against the wall in the garage. To me it felt responsive and pliant. But my thoughts are irrelevant; he is taking it out on the court this...
  21. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    For what my son wants in a string, I think it will be but he hasnt had a chance to string it up yet. Will report back with results at that time.
  22. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    My son’s new blue string arrived last night but he wont be here to string it til xmas day, so nothing to report til after that.
  23. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    Agreed. If someone loves it, they love and have their reasons to love it based on court performance, shape irregardless. If they don’t like it, they don’t like it.
  24. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    If nothing else, it is a beautiful color. I hope it plays as well as it looks. I used to have a 1966 Rambler wagon that was this color inside and out. Great car for tournaments as all the seats folded down flat and I could live in there for a few days if necessary.
  25. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    I wasn't aware there was a pink one as I haven't been frequenting this board lately. Interesting. My kid has mostly eliminated his shoulder and wrist pain through technique adjustments, but softer than OG Confidential could help as well. The OG is his gold standard against which other strings...
  26. Peyote Bjornsson

    New Solinco 10JX String (Blue)

    Just ordered some of this blue stuff from Solinco for my son to slap in his 97Hs. It sounds like what he has been looking for; he has been playing O Toro lately and likes it, but wishes he had something that felt like O Toro but behaved more like OG Confidential sans the intermittent shoulder...
  27. Peyote Bjornsson


    My kid has been stringing it at 57 and with other strings he generally cuts them out after 3 or 4 sessions due to tension loss, but with O Toro is has been lasting a couple of weeks or he breaks it. Two weeks is roughly 8 sessions. He decides when it is time to gut based on feel and shot...
  28. Peyote Bjornsson


    My kid hasn’t tried Wasabi, but it likely would be great as from what Ive seen people seem to like Wasabi.
  29. Peyote Bjornsson


    Ive reached out to Toroline to see if they will confirm a new color for O Toro. I will report back with what they say, if they say anything.
  30. Peyote Bjornsson


    I informed my kid. His first reaction was a big smile, as he’s never been a fan of nuclear waste green, and then he asked if white would make is feel a hair firmer/crisper. I responded that I believed it would since in my experience the darker the dye the softer the feel, but Ive always been...