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  1. Noah Swift

    A similar string to Volkl Cyclone: Recommendations Please

    Big hitter black by Tourna is a pretty good match-up for this, played with both, in the same racket layup and it feels extremely similar.
  2. Noah Swift

    Laserfibre Native Tour

    I absolutely love Native Tour, but the 17gauge is too thin for me at this point. It used to last a while, but now that I've bumped tension up a bit, I can't keep these strings in the frame. But I really like playing with them. This is the string that converted me to round poly's. Thank you so...
  3. Noah Swift

    Worst racquet to ever win a grand slam?

    Thank you Irvin for your wisdom among ignorance.
  4. Noah Swift

    Flaws of stringers: What to watch out for?

    um a hitch knot is suggested...
  5. Noah Swift

    String suggestions for 11yr old

    A nice multi would be good, but if he struggles with control, move toward the hybrids.
  6. Noah Swift

    String pattern: more to it than just the number of mains / crosses?

    Dont forget about the lift between strings, some have larger spaces vertically as well, for example the Babolat PA
  7. Noah Swift

    Tennis Warehouse: Laserfibre Native Tour co-poly playtest (Made in USA)

    cool thank you! follow up question, what is the projected price for these string sets? and will reels be sold(i want to get my coach to buy a reel)?
  8. Noah Swift

    Full bed of syn gut or multifilament in Pure Aero

    The Pure Aero IMHO works best with a full bed of poly, then second with a hybrid, then multi, simply because of control purpose. I also hit the ball pretty hard, but still control applies to everyone.
  9. Noah Swift

    Full bed of syn gut or multifilament in Pure Aero

    One of my teammates was similar, he hit a full multi PA, not too much power yet, but he had zero control
  10. Noah Swift

    Tennis Warehouse: Laserfibre Native Tour co-poly playtest (Made in USA)

    when does this come out on tennis warehouse? @Laserfibre Official
  11. Noah Swift

    Etiquette question?

    no its not bad form, you want what you want, you're the customer, you control the retailer really, without you no business
  12. Noah Swift

    Tennis Warehouse: Laserfibre Native Tour co-poly playtest (Made in USA)

    I feel terrible for responding late, been busy away from my computer. Tension: 54 lbs Gamma progression II dropweight. Regular Setup: 54 lbs Tourna big hitter black on a pure aero Racket used: Pure Aero Power: Loved the added power, as I already hit with good pace, this string complemented...
  13. Noah Swift

    New frames this summer/fall?

    babolat pure drive coming out in fall
  14. Noah Swift

    Pure strike 17 loose butt cap

    Put a staple in it. Same thing happened to my teammate. Just take grip off and staple it down
  15. Noah Swift

    Babolat Aeropro drive cortex

    not my favorite to serve with when i was hitting with it, but good control and court penetration on ground strokes. not super stiff, no, but it depends on the arm and definition of stiffness
  16. Noah Swift

    Has anyone seen Rafa's new Pure Aero on Instagram?

    that thing is sick
  17. Noah Swift

    Heating the water for frog

    Sounds like you have a good idea going here. it's not an uncommon occurrence that a heavier racket leads to more plow through/pace. Lower tensioned polys will help bring up pace, however risking loss of control...
  18. Noah Swift

    Has anyone seen Rafa's new Pure Aero on Instagram?

    cant see the img...could someone describe it?
  19. Noah Swift

    Feedback on these racquets? Looking for a player's frame. 1hbh.

    ps has always played well for 1 handers, and has good court penetration and control
  20. Noah Swift

    Best strings for pure aero

  21. Noah Swift

    Hybrid in a Pure Aero Tour

    if youre putting gut in mains, i wouldnt use a shaped/rough poly cross, it could prevent wanted main snapback...the hybrid i used before full poly was poly main, syn gut cross, worked well mostly because of the round cross, so id recommend a round cross
  22. Noah Swift

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head MXG Racquets

    cool thanks for the info.
  23. Noah Swift

    Pure Aero vs Pure Drive and Strings

    if youre looking for a pd, you should wait on the 2018 to come out, maybe something to compare to. i use the PA and like it quite a bit. you do have to be careful on some shots but nothing that cant be handled. tourna big hitter black is the cheapest alternative to volkl cyclone i have seen...
  24. Noah Swift


    yeah...but as an unemployed high school student who has no time to become employed, i really want to find a cheaper solution
  25. Noah Swift


    where would I find such a person in the inland empire?
  26. Noah Swift


    so, one of my rackets got run over--its a long story--but does anyone know of a way to repair the cracks? they dont go all the way through.
  27. Noah Swift

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head MXG Racquets

    do playtesters get to keep the items tested? always wondered this
  28. Noah Swift

    Racquet Technologies: Real vs Marketing

    i hadnt heard about this...too bad i didn't get a refund on that lol...thanks for the info
  29. Noah Swift

    racquet technologies that work

    Woofer from babolat def works, and the fsi tech because it alters string pattern