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  1. Topspin Shot


    Two hands are more stable. And yes lol. But in general the thing that tennis players don't get about pickleball is that while any individual shot is easy, you have to be extremely consistent to win. Whoever cracks first, whether that's making an error or sitting one up, loses. And the good...
  2. Topspin Shot


    It's easy to hit a backhand into the court. Moderately easy to hit exactly where you want it to go. Very hard to hit 19 out of 20 exactly where you want it to go. A two hander gives you the consistency to do that.
  3. Topspin Shot

    Gen z volley

    Does this work when you're not a foot from the net?
  4. Topspin Shot

    Doubles NTRP 3.5 & 6.0 vs 4.5 & 4.5. Who wins? Strategy?

    If the guy's really a 6.0 and they're playing to win, they'll win easily. When the 6.0 is serving or returning, the 3.5 won't even stand on the court. And when the 3.5 has to serve or return, the 6.0 will start in the singles ready position center baseline, and the 3.5 will hit his serve or...
  5. Topspin Shot

    Hitting Video

    Awesome hitting! Out of curiosity because I don't think I ever asked, what was your playing background? Were you D1 or pro?
  6. Topspin Shot

    What do you think about Inertial Tennis

    His video cuts out after almost every shot. For all we know he can't keep more than two balls in the court.
  7. Topspin Shot

    What do you think about Inertial Tennis

    I think it's up there with the worst tennis instruction I've seen in my life.
  8. Topspin Shot

    Got my butt kicked by Sir Mix-a-Lot

    No I went back to medium tensions; I don't play enough these days for the higher tensions to be worth it.
  9. Topspin Shot

    Got my butt kicked by Sir Mix-a-Lot

    Hello, didn't expect an entire thread lol. I modified the racquet handle because my wrist tendons are messed up, so I can't lay it back. The modified handle changes the forearm-racquet angle, so it's as if I'm laying my wrist back. And it is legal; the racquet was 27 inches to begin with and is...
  10. Topspin Shot

    Washington DC, Oct 2-6

    I live in DC, would be down to hit!
  11. Topspin Shot

    I am a 14-year-old girl who is 8 utr and wants to improve to 10 utr within the next year. How can I do it?

    I'm more qualified than almost everyone else on this forum, and I wouldn't give any advice to OP other than listen to your coach because I haven't seen her game, and even if I did, I'm still not good enough to coach her. So OP, listen to your coach, and best of luck reaching your goals.
  12. Topspin Shot

    How do you beat moonballers?

    Going to be honest here. You're coming off as quick to make excuses and unrealistic about your own abilities, which makes you easy prey for moonballers who don't make excuses and are realistic about theirs. Accept that right now you're not good enough to beat this guy and put in the hard...
  13. Topspin Shot

    Physics question: Is power all about racquet head speed?

    No, you also have to hit through the ball and hit the sweet spot.
  14. Topspin Shot

    How to prevent permanent damage to eyesight from serving into the sun with one simple rule change (which also makes the match fairer)

    Suggestions: 1. Wear sunglasses. 2. Let the server choose what side they want to serve from in each game. 3. Don't insult people who don't like your idea.
  15. Topspin Shot

    Weirdest scorelines?

    6-4, 3-6, 6-7 (7), 7-6 (3), 70-68
  16. Topspin Shot

    Hypothetical: If you suddenly magically acquired an ability, would you improve more if you had the Nadal forehand or the Djokovic backhand?

    Nadal forehand because it's a forehand, and you can run around a backhand a lot easier than a forehand.
  17. Topspin Shot

    Monday April 8 Total Solar Eclipse

    I drove 9 hours each way to Indy to see it, was so worth it. One of the coolest things I've ever experienced. It was like the universe stopped for 4 minutes.
  18. Topspin Shot

    Doubles: Tall Athletic Guy All Over The Net

    That's the worst approach you can have. If he's 6 foot 5 and can cut almost everything off, then he's made your job easy. Put zero effort into keeping it away from him and instead focus on hitting it crisply down the middle. If you don't give him a floater, he can't put it away. If your partner...
  19. Topspin Shot

    Miami Dolphins practiced in 80 degree Miami weather all week for a - 27 degree game in KC. Coldest game in NFL history.

    Nothing like fans calling for the coach's head after a playoff loss while giving the coach no credit for getting the team to the playoffs. Happens every year.
  20. Topspin Shot

    How to get from Utr 4 to 7 in one year

    Find a coach who trains juniors who are UTR 7+ and talk to him/her.
  21. Topspin Shot

    Can someone explain how, biomechanically, hitting up on the serve generates more speed than swinging forward?

    When people say to hit up, they mean direct your energy up at the ball instead of down toward the service box. But your racket still snaps over the top of the ball and hits it down into the box. The idea is that if you direct your energy at the ball, you'll hit it faster (and better) than if you...
  22. Topspin Shot

    Where should you aim returning vs I formation?

    Don't worry if your return goes to him. If it's a good quality return, he'll have a hard time hitting anything other than a neutral volley.
  23. Topspin Shot

    Dealing with a cheater in a ranked match

    If a friendly match, don't play him again. If a competitive match, hook back and call a line judge.
  24. Topspin Shot

    Someone explain this NFT nonsense to me

    It was a scam.
  25. Topspin Shot

    Rublev arms his FH and he's an OK player

    Remember the days of oserver, PoMo, MMI? This is a weak era for trolls.
  26. Topspin Shot

    Let's talk about returns

    Yeah for sure, the purpose of the video was to show that you can't just do a surface-level analysis of win percentage at net vs. at the baseline and use that to make claims about which strategy you should choose. Which isn't picking on some straw man; there were/are analysts doing exactly that...
  27. Topspin Shot

    Let's talk about returns

    There are ways to do this; maybe I'll get to it at some point in my dissertation. ;)
  28. Topspin Shot

    Let's talk about returns

    I looked into this a couple years ago.
  29. Topspin Shot

    Let's talk about returns

    For context, @MyFearHand is like the 5.0 version of Djokovic, his returns are sick. :-D
  30. Topspin Shot

    AI generated plan to improve my forehand

    Imagine if GPT recommended you try the PoMo forehand. Then we'd know where its training set came from. :oops: