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    MSV Focus Hex Ultra vs Focus Hex

    I hybrid focus hex 1.23 with syn gut or 1.20 max power. I wouldn't mind if focus hex was stiffer. Maybe I will try their 1.27mm gauge next time. I also use ultra cable 1.23. That is the bomb for spin. Its softness doesn't help tension maintenance, but it is acceptable as a compromise for bonkers...
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    At what gauge do you start breaking poly strings?

    I use medium stiff poly and prefer 1.25, 1.23, and 1.20mm. I have never tried 1.27mm but 1.30 lasts me a very long time.
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    Synthetic Gut driving cat crazy

    nylon and other types of syn gut like multi have a pleasant? kind of aroma/smell to it. Maybe it is the coating. I can see how cats might like that smell too lol...
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    How to use clostebol for athletic performance

    Any side effects like nut shriveling? lol... some steroids have very adverse effects including worsening mental health in addition to physical condition.
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    Alcaraz-Fonseca-Sinner: A quick stat glance at the potential next big 3.

    Great thread OP! Fonseca is the next great young player. Fundamentally sound. He won't be a flash in the pan. Having said that I am interested to see how far Shapo's improved game takes him this year. Those of you who lament the demise of the big 3 aren't very forward-looking. When there is more...
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    Blade v9 vs Blade Pro 18x20 vs RF 01 Pro

    eric42 I disagree. I think the average player can feel the difference of 2ra and a lot of people can discern a difference of 1ra. Stiffness equals power ceteris parabis. But I can't say anything definitely about blade pros because I have never hit one before. I do know H22s range from 58ra to...
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    Blade v9 vs Blade Pro 18x20 vs RF 01 Pro

    What is the flex of the blade pro for those of have hit with it...? one poster said either 64 or 65ra. This would make it 4 or 5 points stiffer than a regular blade v8 or v9.
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    Why don't open patterns benefit flat hitters?

    No, open patterns are better for those who can't generate the racquet speed AND have the technique to hit with more topspin. One can have decent technique but not enough swing speed to generate optimal topspin. Or one can swing fast enough and still keep balls in play as open patterns generate...
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    Why don't open patterns benefit flat hitters?

    Open patterns have a higher launch angle and help to impart more spin on the ball. In theory open patterns should help flattish ball strikers keep balls in play with more spin. I don't know where you get the notion that it doesn't, OP. If balls keep flying out, then increase the...
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    Mischa & Sascha Zverev spent longer time training because they want to end it with perfect point, often ask tournament to let them train longer

    No one wants to be subject to scrutiny unless assaults really did happen. And even then there is always pushback, incredulity, harassment from homeboys like yourself and of course, perpetrators themselves. Suppose your sister, mother, aunt, or niece was assaulted by a celebrity/athlete, but the...
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    College player racket help

    Generally, the better the player, the softer and heavier a frame he/she should wield imho. String selection and tension also make a huge difference. Are you on a college team? Maybe the coach will have some opinion as will your friends/team mates.
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    Ostapenko is now 5-0 vs Swiatek

    piercing shots > spinny shots Topspin isn't everything.
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    Mischa & Sascha Zverev spent longer time training because they want to end it with perfect point, often ask tournament to let them train longer

    Of course he settled. He and his team would not want to publicize this issue any more than it has been. Plus, even if found not guilty, sponsors could leave due to doubts and the veneer of impropriety. An athlete's (or celebrity's) value is in reputation and image. An athlete's sponsorship will...
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    Modern 95" rackets: thoughts and Ideas

    Regarding shanks, are you guys doing this off returns or off even regular groundies? No shame off of returns because returning is the hardest. If you are shanking off returns, probably even a 98 or 100" sized head won't help much.
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    Mischa & Sascha Zverev spent longer time training because they want to end it with perfect point, often ask tournament to let them train longer

    I am sure every guy who plays tennis - rec or pro has done this sometime in the with past. I did this in middle school with one of my classmates lol. I think a better use of time for the Zverev brothers is to end every session with an ab showdown lol. You know lift shirt, scowl, and show abs...
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    Modern 95" rackets: thoughts and Ideas The only 95 I have hit with is the Wilson 6.1 pro staff stretch. I also have a few vintage Yonex R27 rexboron frames (92 or 93" with 62ra flex). These are both fun to hit...
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    Dominic Thiem - would he still be playing now if he played with a softer frame?

    I don't know his frame specs, but I suspect his pure strike was stiff maybe 67ra and higher (and paired with poly strings). Might his wrist injury be delayed or avoided with a softer frame? He did have a fast swing and his shots were fast and heavy, but I suspect his frame was also stiff and...
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    Modern 95" rackets: thoughts and Ideas

    yes, the dunlop is more rounded at the tip area such that it performs more like a traditional 97" frame. The 18x20 version string bed is a bit more open at the top to emulate the 16x19 pattern and the variable density design just works. Tighter to tame the trampolining effect when balls are...
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    Is Shapovalov a contender in 2025?

    Since Thiem retired someone has to step up lol...Dmitrov is pretty good, but I think Shapo has a higher ceiling. Musetti has flair but not the power. Wawrinka has the power but not so athletic. Gasquet's game won't get any better as long as he accepts his best is what he has now in terms of...
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    Modern 95" rackets: thoughts and Ideas
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    Experiences with Angell 100 sq in 28 length at 290g?

    I've hit groundstrokes, volleys, and serves with a Wilson pro staff 6.1 stretch (28"), and the only thing which required me to really focus was the serve. All balls were heavier and more spinny, but of course it was a lot more unwieldy than standard length 27". The flex was 66ra so definitely...
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    Wilson H22 Users Club

    sunmin77 - what are the flex profiles of all those 6 frames? You left out the most important factor!
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    Is Shapovalov a contender in 2025?

    Like I've said in another thread he is one of the three biggest underachievers / waste of talent, along with kyrios and bublik. I am glad to see Shapovalov really elevating his game.
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    Which 2 of 3 would you keep?

    Keep all of them and try to make them the same spec as much as possible. Recognize that string and bumper guard wear will affect swing weight and static weight (and balance). Got to have at least 3 frames (and preferably more) if you want to be serious.
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    Do you put more faith in TW reviews or TWU numbers ?

    Reviews are entertaining though the specs are more important for me. Also, everyone needs to try a bunch of different frames to get a feel of what kind of frame they like. This will change as a person improves (or the opposite lol).
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    Which midsize racket would you choose if you had to play top spin?

    See? people (who are more skilled) can still put a 85" sized frame to good use to get huge topspin and baller slice. The modern version of this is a semi soft midsized frame like cx 200 tour, 95" head MP, to a lesser extent the wilson 95 6.1 and H19/H22 frames weighted up to around 360g. This...
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    Lower stiffness, but crisper feeling poly recommendations

    Some people like softer polys but I like hybriding syn gut with a medium stiff poly. You can also try a thinner string. Feel is also a function of frame stiffness and grip firmness. Feel is subjective.
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    Dunlop CX200 Tour - 16x19 vs 18x20

    Slices on the 18x20s are better. If one has good hand/eye coordination the cx 200 tour offers great control and feel. Stock weight is acceptable, but when weighted up, the stability and control are really accentuated.
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    Soft Poly with some extra liveliness

    Only string that will give extra pop is natural gut. Solid core syn gut gets close to multicore syn gut (multi). String a little looser, lift more weights, or work on your technique. You can try a poly on the crosses with a solid core syn gut main or the reverse for more longevity. Both may give...
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    Wilson Blade V9 2024

    If one has trouble with generating enough spin, then 16M makes sense. The 18M frame is more accurate on returns of serve and better for slices. Everything is a trade off.