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  1. Rafaboy

    Smacking the ball at the guy at the net as hard as you can

    Never hit directly at an opponent. ive seen people get seriously injured by this. my friend got hit in the eye, could have lost her eyesight. but its ok, if it feeds the egos of no name wanna be losers, that need to prove they are somebody in the tennis world. hey, no problem right? we all...
  2. Rafaboy

    Anyone here played 2HB and 1HB?

    I can use all the strokes, all the styles.
  3. Rafaboy

    For swing weight a racket, is the fulcrum where you hold the racket, or the balance point, or your wrist?

    it depends on your technique. it can also change during the swing, if u have advanced techniques like, shortening or lengthening the radii on a particular swing.
  4. Rafaboy

    Lighter alternative to PS 97 v13

    your racket is too light, thus the shock is transmitted toyour body. i had the same problem. i went to the bab rafa origin. prob went away. i would suggest you to go to the Rf97 v13.
  5. Rafaboy

    Asics Court FF3

    im 210 lbs. i dont wear socks. it feels even cushioned from heel to toe. feels quite level. maybe if i went down a hlaf size, it would feel less. but feels a bit roomy now, since no socks.
  6. Rafaboy

    Asics Court FF3

    these shoes really upped my level of play. my suggestion: dont but these shoes. we have enough good players around without having a new wave of them rolling over us, that these ff3 would create. btw, just to be clear, i have the novak ff3, and cannot speak for the regular ff3, which i hear...
  7. Rafaboy

    Asics Court FF3

    i totally disagree, have no idea what you are talking about. sounds like a complete different shoe than my ff3. the padding feels thicker from toe to heel than the ff2, little wider in the forefoot, slight raise in the heel no longer gives that clown shoe raise in the front mid. played with...
  8. Rafaboy

    What NTRP would you guys say these two are?

    its hard to say. when are they going to start playing? seems like all they can do is serve.
  9. Rafaboy

    New Limited Edition Osaka Ezone

    osaka is done. washed up by the media. its a cruel world.
  10. Rafaboy

    New Asics Court FF 2

    actually, i take it back. it is funny, considering they already sell them in europe.
  11. Rafaboy

    A Question for the 5.0 players

    exactly my point
  12. Rafaboy

    A Question for the 5.0 players

    ha yeah. especially if they are self rated? lol
  13. Rafaboy

    New Asics Court FF 2

    did asics ever claim that they were going to release it? if not, then i dont see why thats anything to laugh about. i just picked up a novak in cranberry, and its awesome. why bring out a new model, when the current model is really good? youre like the kind of person that will buy the latest...
  14. Rafaboy

    A Question for the 5.0 players

    4.5 and 5.0 is not that big a difference, depends on the player, either can win.
  15. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    whatever you can benefit from it, i am glad!
  16. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    4.0 and 3.0, depending on the location.
  17. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    feel free to call it as you see it. np with that!
  18. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    i wasnt questioning, they asked for opinion so i gave it. if i violated anything then i apologize
  19. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    would you believe it if i said this is me? of course not, because of various reasons. 1)it would debase you and your level 2)youve already made up your minds that it isnt my vid. 3) im not very good to your playing standards, because im asian, therefore not a valid subject. but just to appease...
  20. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    your ship is filled with holes and sinking fast. its too late to start bailing.
  21. Rafaboy

    "How To Reach Your Ideal Performance In Your Tennis Matches".

    "Believe in yourself, and you will become a giant." -Revenge of the Nerds, 1984 funny, but true.
  22. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    yes sir. i can see that. they get so easily offended at the slightest perceived threat to their egos. fragile! handle with care.
  23. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    im not the ones attacking anyone here. unlike yourself and others. maybe you can go start a war someplace else?
  24. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    therefore, he has lesser rights to play tennis than you do, with your certified and validated cookie cutter lessons, and smug validational attitude? maybe they should require a membership card with priority rankings to determine who getts more rights at a public court. thank goodness those...
  25. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    are u referring to the chris rock oscar incident? that happened to me before. i regret to this day, that i did not answer with a counter hit immediately!
  26. Rafaboy

    5.0 vs Former Futures Player (Former 12.6 UTR)

    hey youre pretty good, solid 4.0-4.5? i believe you can easily get to a higher level with a slightly lighter racket, to improve timing and swing speed. but at times its ok, when your takeback is not rushed and timing is correct. still, a lighter racket will make you more explosive, with a...