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  1. M

    Horror stories of choking, losing big leads, etc.

    The worst tie-breaker melt-down I've ever seen was when I was a 4.0 and we were in the 7.0 mixed final against Houston at Sectionals. I had already won my line. Our Line 3 was up 9-1 in the third set breaker. One of my teammates watching said "OMG, we're going to Nationals!!!!" My teammates...
  2. M

    Horror stories of choking, losing big leads, etc.

    E and I were up 6-2 5-1 30-0 on E's serve in the first round up in Denton. Lost that game and the next 5 after that to drop the set 5-7. We did pull it out though, 11-9 in a breaker. But that second set melt down is definitely the worst one we've had as a team.
  3. M

    Tennis scene on Houston

    Since you're a 5.0, the first thing you'll want to do upon moving to Houston is self-rate as a 3.5
  4. M

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    Thanks, will do. Just catching up on the thread now.
  5. M

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    Is this supposed to be gender neutral? Because I've found 4.0 ladies with a better number than me.
  6. M

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    NTRP: 4.5C Doubles: 15.3 Singles: 11.9 I've only played two USTA singles matches in the past three years, which were in one tournament my first year as a 4.5. Any other singles on my record are defaults, not real matches, where I was just tossed in the lineup as filler.
  7. M

    Doubles etiquette

    Technically a hindrance, but a huge number of people will call out "short" or "****" or something to alert their partner that they just got them murdered. No one ever calls for the hindrance.
  8. M

    From Adult Beginner to 4.0 - possible?

    New adult players can absolutely make it to 4.0. I see it quite a bit. 4.5 is much tougher. The only 4.5+ players I know that started tennis as adults are super athletic, like D1 athletes in other sports level athletic.
  9. M

    Service Yips

    Also, I think my back injuries (upper and lower) last year are weighing on me. I feel good now, but I'm so afraid of getting hurt again that during match play, I am really tentative on how I move, how I bend etc... I didn't think about it on my serve, but the more I dwell on this, the more I...
  10. M

    Service Yips

    Thank y'all so much for all the responses. Lot's of good stuff in here. I've been working on holding the ball differently so my fingers don't cling to the toss as much and roll it behind me.
  11. M

    Service Yips

    How do y'all deal with this? I'm a 4.5C but I don't know how to serve anymore. My toss goes wildly behind my head. The only way I can keep it in front of me is to throw it low but then I dump the serve into the net. My serve use to be a weapon and now I'm good for 3-4 double faults a game...
  12. M

    2022 NTRP Nationals - Who is here?

    The Texas group watching was wondering if your shoes come like that as a pair or if you buy two different pairs of shoes and then mis-match them. Either way, we were fans.
  13. M

    2022 NTRP Nationals - Who is here?

    I watched that match!! Such a great match. I was having to go back and forth between that match and the 4.5 ladies match on center court.
  14. M

    Petition to have Mixed doubles count toward NTRP rating

    Eh. As a 4.5 guy I can mostly control where I hit the ball. I'd argue that a 3.5 woman faces more danger playing 7.0 against a 3.5 guy who hits the ball every bit as hard as I do but has nowhere near the control, than she faces playing against me in 8.0.
  15. M

    Petition to have Mixed doubles count toward NTRP rating

    It's just whack-a-mole. Wherever someone can tank, cheating captains will have their cheating players use it to tank. Start counting mixed and you'll see a bunch of men's players sign up and make mixed their tank team.
  16. M

    2022 NTRP Nationals - Who is here?

    They were this year. I was hoping they would start rotating them. I believe they used to, pre-covid, but I might be wrong. As to 40's... Idk. I might do that if my 18+ partner gets bumped to 5.0 next year.
  17. M

    League loss to BRATTY ringer RANT

    If someone was tuning me up like that and screaming on every point, I would just be like, come on, man, you're killing me. The screaming isn't necessary. If they kept doing it I would pick up my bag and head for the beer cooler. I don't mind getting my head kicked in in a tennis match...
  18. M

    OK to troll outside of the match? (before start)

    I adhere to this practice, but at the same time I do kind of laugh at it. You only have to hit the ball one time to know it's flat. Also, idk if its different for indoor court players, but balls here are filthy after five minutes of play. No one is going to be able to pass off used balls as...
  19. M

    OK to troll outside of the match? (before start)

    I don't care about the bag thing. I don't care how many rackets you have (I have 4 of the same racket) but pulling them all out and lining them up on the bench is dumb. I've never once seen a player call a foot fault on another player. Pretty much everyone foot faults. No one cares. That's...
  20. M

    USTA 40 & Over eligibility

    ^ This I'm 39. I am on a 40+ team now and I don't turn 40 until July.
  21. M

    2022 NTRP Nationals - Who is here?

    I was out there playing 4.5. Tough competition. My partner and I played three tie-breaks and lost all three of them. I'm pretty sure we lost every single no-ad game point we played too. Pretty smooth tournament until Saturday afternoon. They took a long time posting the 4.5 elimination draws...
  22. M

    How windy is too windy for you ?

    I actually don't really like indoor tennis. Something about it feels too sterile. And I hate the sound.
  23. M

    How windy is too windy for you ?

    Vic and I disbanded our ATL team because we had to beg people to show up in good weather, lol.
  24. M

    Would you attend a tennis fair?

    Wouldn't really interest me unless the vendors/shops were offering deep discounts. I don't have much need for the networking aspect. If I was new to a city or something, that'd be a different story.
  25. M

    More etiquette

    I was playing in the tri-level state final last weekend and on the second point of the match one of my opponents hit a net-cord winner and screamed "C'mon!!!" Just gotta let it go. Getting you upset is exactly the point of their doing it.
  26. M

    Anyone already get a Golden Ticket (NTRP Nationals Surprise AZ)?

    How far down the list do they ask to apply? I was a lock last year, but I'd need some people to pass to make it this year. I didn't get the email.
  27. M

    The nice, friendly old guy that nobody wants to play with

    There's a team here in town that is run like this. Sounds absolutely awful. I think they finished fourth in the last advancing season, and many of their players have left for better teams that are also actually fun to be on.
  28. M

    How windy is too windy for you ?

    My bad, didn't realize you were trolling. Carry on.
  29. M

    How windy is too windy for you ?

    You realize cities like Austin and San Antonio have like six indoor courts total, put together, no?