
  1. M

    Beginner racquet choice - WILSON

    Hello everyone! I play regularly and have been taking lessons for 2 years (previously, I only played occasionally as a self-taught player), and I'd like to start understanding a little more about racquet features and maybe find a new one for an upgrade. Here’s where I’m at: I’m 37, 170 cm tall...
  2. X

    Wilson Clash 100 vs Burn 100v4

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a new racket and am having a hard time deciding between the two listed. Perhaps briefly a few sentences about my game level. I am 23 years old, played in my youth for 3 or 4 years in a tennis club, but only training, no tournaments or the like. Now I have started to play...
  3. A

    What happened to Wilson burn

    I was recently on Wilson’s website and I didn’t see the wilson burn I was wondering why it was taken down or if it was replaced. Thank You
  4. Y

    Burn 95 CV vs Blade 98 (18x20) CV?

    Hey guys, I'm a pretty high level college D1 player. I have been using the RF97 for the past two years getting decent results but I have recently realized that the weight is too much for me, causing me to have problems with maneuverability. I have now decided to switch to a slightly lighter...
  5. Tonyflu

    Wilson Burn 100 Team

    Hello guys, I recently bought the latest version of the Burn Team and I still have some questions regarding as why the price is almost half of the other burns/100's. Is there so much difference in quality and performance ? Comparing it to other brands, the "Team" racquets (ex Babolat Pure...
  6. wferdinand

    wferdinand's racquet test experiences

    I'm using a Head Graphene XT Instinct MP stringed with tennisoutlet.at Orange Tiger @ 22/21 kgs. When I was comeback to court I wasn't test anything, just only bought this racquet about sympathy. Now I'm testing some racquets. I was started with an Wilson Steam 99S which saleable from my...
  7. N

    Burn FST 99 stringing possibilities

    I am a 3.5 player at best and am currently running wilson revolves on the mains and wilson syn gut power on the crosses at 55lbs. This has proved to be a terrible hybrid for me, very limited sweet spot which is hurting my game and has lost tension very quickly. Was wondering what would be a...
  8. W

    Best Wilson Burn?

    Picked up my old (original version) Wilson Burn 100 today and played well. Kinda remembered why I used to love it. It hits such a heavy ball, but just had a few too many balls flying on me. It's so overpowered. I'm thinking of getting the old 95 (on sale!) or the new 100 or 95 CV. Trying to get...
  9. H

    Which Wilson Racquet?

    So I have just finished playing with a Pure Strike 16x19 and really didn't like it, destroyed my arm and had that horrible trampoline twang when hitting, plus I also found it to be a strange shape (anyone else find this?). Also it wasn't 98 square inches as stated as in comparison to other 98s...
  10. leejayh

    Wilson Burn 95 Countervail - Any feedback from JP model?

    Really excited about the new 95 Countervail - but can't find data on the flex? Could be a great model for a little customization in weighing as well. Here is what I have found out there thus far: 95sq, 27.25 in, 309gms (10.9oz), 325 mm bal (7pts HL), 22mm straight beam, 16x20 From our...