Hello everyone!
I play regularly and have been taking lessons for 2 years (previously, I only played occasionally as a self-taught player), and I'd like to start understanding a little more about racquet features and maybe find a new one for an upgrade.
Here’s where I’m at:
I’m 37, 170 cm tall...
I'm looking to buy a new racket and am having a hard time deciding between the two listed. Perhaps briefly a few sentences about my game level. I am 23 years old, played in my youth for 3 or 4 years in a tennis club, but only training, no tournaments or the like. Now I have started to play...
Hey guys,
I'm a pretty high level college D1 player. I have been using the RF97 for the past two years getting decent results but I have recently realized that the weight is too much for me, causing me to have problems with maneuverability. I have now decided to switch to a slightly lighter...
Hello guys, I recently bought the latest version of the Burn Team and I still have some questions regarding as why the price is almost half of the other burns/100's. Is there so much difference in quality and performance ? Comparing it to other brands, the "Team" racquets (ex Babolat Pure...
I'm using a Head Graphene XT Instinct MP stringed with tennisoutlet.at Orange Tiger @ 22/21 kgs. When I was comeback to court I wasn't test anything, just only bought this racquet about sympathy.
Now I'm testing some racquets. I was started with an Wilson Steam 99S which saleable from my...
I am a 3.5 player at best and am currently running wilson revolves on the mains and wilson syn gut power on the crosses at 55lbs. This has proved to be a terrible hybrid for me, very limited sweet spot which is hurting my game and has lost tension very quickly.
Was wondering what would be a...
Picked up my old (original version) Wilson Burn 100 today and played well. Kinda remembered why I used to love it. It hits such a heavy ball, but just had a few too many balls flying on me. It's so overpowered.
I'm thinking of getting the old 95 (on sale!) or the new 100 or 95 CV. Trying to get...
So I have just finished playing with a Pure Strike 16x19 and really didn't like it, destroyed my arm and had that horrible trampoline twang when hitting, plus I also found it to be a strange shape (anyone else find this?). Also it wasn't 98 square inches as stated as in comparison to other 98s...
Really excited about the new 95 Countervail - but can't find data on the flex? Could be a great model for a little customization in weighing as well.
Here is what I have found out there thus far:
95sq, 27.25 in, 309gms (10.9oz), 325 mm bal (7pts HL), 22mm straight beam, 16x20
From our...