
  1. R

    Premium Stringer 7600

    Hi Guys. We have limited stringing machines in South Africa. We only get dirt cheap drop weights or the Wilson Baiardo. A second hand Premium Stringer crank just came on the market. It says it is 9/10. Does anyone have experience with this machine. Accuracy? Clamps? Etc
  2. B

    Stringing Machine Advice

    Hi I'm looking at buying a stringing machine in Australia. It took me a long time to find any because it's not a big market. I was aiming to spend around 1000AUD. I ended up finding 3 crank machines that I was deciding between. The AEF Egret 200, the SpinFire Blaze and the Eagnas Flex 920. I...
  3. Znak

    LO Machine Maintenance

    Hoping to get some clear instructions on what I should be lubricating and what I should using isopropyl alcohol on my LO machine. Currently, I'm only cleaning the clamps (teeth), rails, gripper with alcohol — but now there's alot of squeaking in the base of the clamps. I tried taking off the...
  4. O

    Alpha Axis Pro or Tourna 300cs

    Don't know which one to go with. Seems I can't go wrong with either, but just to be sure. I would prefer the one with the best clamps, however if one is much better than the other I would obviously go with that one.
  5. Yoneyama

    Pro's Pro vs. Alpha

    Hi guys, So I am wanting to get a stringing machine. Not just to save money in the long run, but it is also something I have wanted to be able to do for quite some time. After doing quite a lot of research, the idea of a manual machine + a Wise 2086 tension head sounds like a good setup. I...
  6. Znak

    Clamp/Base release and tighten order

    Quick question — I was just watching someone string and I think I'm doing my order incorrectly. When I tension, I clamp then secure the base. To move the clamp, I then release the clamp and the loosen the base — on the latter should I be loosening the base first then the clamp as this is what I...