
  1. G

    Wilson Blade (16x19) 2015 TWU Performance Analysis tool

    TWU Guys; You indicate in the "Performance Analysis Tool" that Wilson Blade (16x19)2015 has a strung weight of 329grs, when the real should be near 318grs. Also you state in that analysis a Swing weight near 343 when you suggested 321 in the original racquet´specs sheet. All of this "weird...
  2. Znak

    2 steps forehand 1 step back

    I'm slowly discovering my tennis game is like my golf game — I got the basics down quite easily then plateaued. To progress further it's taken/ing alot of time and discipline... I think I'll be 80 and have finally figured it all out. I'll shed old habits and play very well for awhile, then...