forehand tennis serve

  1. oserver

    Why forehand evolved to the modern style by serve remain to be tradistional

    Why forehand evolved to a totally different stroke both form wise and techniques wise in recent decades, but the serve is still kept mostly traditional? I don't pretend to have the answers. I once asked an elite player during a presentation; then we had a conversation afterward. We kind of...
  2. oserver

    Division of Labor and Delegation of Task In Tennis Strokes

    Just wrote a short article - Division of Labor and Delegation of Task In Tennis Strokes (a Forehand Example) Your critiques are welcome.
  3. oserver

    Forehand Tennis Serve

    I've been advocating open style tennis serves fore a while now. Since my practices and my point of view were in direct contradiction to the 'official' recommendations for coaching/training tennis serves, one can imaging the overwhelming negative responses I got so far. Even so, I have been...
  4. oserver

    Open Tennis Serve

    This serve needs more spin, so someone spins me around, lol, to let the followthrough be free and unconstrained. I said two years ago that it may take 10 or more years to open the serve to use open stance, and later also added open grip to it. Seeing more 4.0 and 4.5 gals and guys use open...