
  1. Rovesciarete

    Joao Fonseca and Damage Down the Line

    A great article by Jeff Sackmann, which underlines aspects of the qualities the Brazilian has shown so far: Power is power and we are living in a different world compared to two decades ago: Fonseca's win percentage increases also strongly with the length of the rallies, which is in my book...
  2. A

    Deep Analysis of Roger Federer's Explosive Forehand Technique!

  3. Rovesciarete

    The decline of net play and the rise of baseline potency

    Great post over at Heavy Topspin, with numbers to back it up. Very difficult to see a markedly higher frequency of net play in the future, unless we see specific technology and surface changes, imho at least: Sinner seems to be the new prototype of this trend, after Nadal and Djokovic led the...
  4. A

    Analysis of Novak Djokovic's Forehand and What Can We Learn from It

  5. A

    A Deep Analysis of Carlos Alcaraz's Explosive Forehand Technique!

    Are you using Carlos Alcaraz's forehand technique to play? What is your feeling?
  6. C

    Zero Backswing on the Forehand - Can't Extend Hitting Arm!

    About a year ago, I tried to learn from the Ricc Macci "ATP-forehand", keeping the backswing compact. After a few months I noticed that I had lost some power in my shots, and my coach was saying regularly that I swing too close to my body. After filming my forehands for the first time in half...
  7. P

    Angle of racquet to get more topspin

    I'm flat hitter with dense pattern racquet but looking for adding more topspin. Fundamental and must mechanism should be swing from under ball to upright through path. Question is, do you maintain racquet face vertical, or close racquet angle to get more topspin?
  8. G

    Seeking advice on groundstrokes contact point

    Hi Friends, I am working on my groundstroke techniques, and due to limited coaching availability in my town, I seek advices through online coaching. He mentioned the following: 1. My hip and shoulder were not turned completely when I make contact with the ball, which meant my body was working...
  9. G

    Regarding forehand take back

    I have developed the kind of forehand take back a lot of WTA players have where the racquet goes behind my body. My coach recommended me to shorten the take back to create more lag, which I got confused...shouldn't the longer swing create more lag? I can try to work on it but I hope it's a...
  10. Rovesciarete

    ATP’s best clay backhand in 2024 among the (ex) Top10?

    Quite an obvious one, if you want you can add other candidates! Here we have a graph of the most recent - and slowest - clay 1000 tournaments:
  11. Rovesciarete

    Spin and Speed - Forehands of the current ATP

    Just found a neat graphic of Tennis Insights which places most of the top players of 2023 in relation to the tour. Keep in mind the sample bias, more so for guys blasting away with little margin. The relative positions of the elite is usually much better supported. If they read the data at the...
  12. R

    Tennisspin's breakthrough on his FH

    So I like this coach's energy and enthusiasm especially since they're hitting on a wall. However, I 'm not sure I follow his ideas on weight transfer/kinetic chain. Is he recommending keeping your hitting leg loaded 90% and keeping the weight there? I understand he's talking about a neutral...
  13. J

    Help with forehand

    Hi All - Long time reader of this forum. This community has helped me improve my tennis a lot over the last couple of months. I have finally gotten to a point where I'd thought that it would be great to upload some videos of my (as of late) struggling forehand, mainly having some issues with...
  14. Rovesciarete

    Hunting down Forehands: What does it tell us?

    Can Lorenzo Sonego Hunt Down Enough Forehands? by Jeff Sackmann tackles this new stat presented during the 2024 Australian Open by looking at the Italian. So unsurprisingly most players try to follow up the serve with their stronger stroke which is almost always the forehand. What is the...
  15. J

    Forehand similarities between Djokovic and prime Fed

    I was watching some clips of Federer at the 2004 us open and noticed his forehand looked similar to Djokovic’s. Obviously the grips are different for each as Novak uses a strong semi-western and Fed an eastern/strong eastern, but their backswings were pretty similar once you account for the grip...
  16. S

    Angle at contact point (Forehand)

    I've been playing tennis for quite sometime now (10+ years as a junior, and been consistently playing for the past 3 years now at 28 yo). And I just discovered the following: At almost 100% of my forehand shots, I hit the ball in a contact point where my hand is tilted like this, creating an...
  17. H

    Forehand yips

    I’m an intermediate player (roughly 4.0 US I think - in the UK though so guessing) and play roughly a singles match, 2 practice hits and 1 lesson per week and have been steadily improving and climbing my local singles league since I resumed the game a few years ago after a long absence...
  18. P

    Review my forehand (video)

    Please review my forehand! My level: I'm a UTR 5.8 (around 4.0 NTRP). My goal: Generate more spin consistently on my groundstrokes. My analysis: Some things I notice on my forehand... Contact tends to be late. I seem to take back my racket further right before swinging forward so maybe that's...
  19. E

    Forehand approach backswing

    I was working on forehand approach shots with a coach at the Nadal Centre last week. Since I have a pretty big backswing on my forehand, the coach suggested two possible techniques. Either 1) Start the backswing early while moving toward the ball or 2) Use a shorter backswing, similar to what...
  20. P

    The Yonex Vcore Pro 97D, after 12 months, switching

    strung weight, 345g, swing weight 327, leather grip, 5pt HL, 2 gram led tape at 10 and 2. VS touch Natural gut on the mains 55lbs, Poly rev tour on the crosses 50lbs. I absolutely love this frame as a single backhander, this was one of the best rackets to swing through the ball for a...
  21. tennis doggo


    My friend is looking for help with his forehand I think it looks great and the technique is proper Any tips and suggestions to improve/change? We would appreciate greatly Tennis Doggo
  22. T

    Forehand grip change for a 9 year old?

    My kid hits with an extreme semi western grip, where his knuckle is on #4 bevel but closer to the bottom bevel ( #5 bevel). He generates a ton of racket head speed and the balls still land a feet inside baseline. Some of the coaches he worked with tried to change the grip so the knuckle is...
  23. Zardoz7/12

    Alberto Berasategui's grip?

    What was his forehand grip? He was an unorthodox player if I recall.
  24. G

    Drills and advice on how to get to the ball earlier

    I have a player who is slow when going for the ball. Both FH and BH. When the ball comes and is ready to attack, he just waits too long and never gets in. How should I approach this? Work on explosion? what are your thoughts?
  25. D

    Kids rolling like corkscrew around front leg after FH

    Hi all, I'm having problem to explain papa an son (15) how to stop that corkscrew effect after their FH, both of them can rotate shoulders almost 180 with the stick, no problem. And both of them after FH rotate without any steps forward.-) Without moving any legs they can do couple of shots...
  26. Bram Hendriks

    Any tips how to fix my semi-western forehand?

    Hi guys, Maybe you can help me out. I am struggling with my forehand for way too long now. I use a semi-western grip, as you can see in the video's below (regular speed and 0.25x speed). I tried to change it to a western or eastern grip but that was no success at all, so I hope you can give me...
  27. tennis doggo

    Forehand Help

    NTRP 4.0 player Ever since I torn my left elbow ligaments and came back to tennis, my forehand hasn't felt the same... so I would like to rebuild my forehand from 0. What can I do to improve my forehand?
  28. S

    Tips on improving forehand/one-handed backhand form?

    I’ve been playing tennis for over 6 years but in that span of time, I’ve never been coached so my form looks very strange and awkward. I hate how people would make fun of it so I want to improve and make it look nicer and also become more consistent. I have a video of my forehand and one-hand...
  29. Waltonkidd

    Any tips on my FH??

    Hey just curious if anyone had some tips for my FH. I’m a solid 4.0 player and use the internet for coaching.
  30. C

    Advice on improving forehand (VIDEO)

    I'm trying to learn proper forehand technique and looking for advice. I snapped this video of practicing with a ball machine the other day, alternating between cross court and down the line shots. Of course not a optimal camera angle since you can't see the resulting ball trajectory, but will...