gravity mp

  1. iykyk

    Racquet Recommendation - 29-year-old former advanced player getting back into tennis

    I'm a 29 year old male (6'1", 190 lbs) who used to be an advanced player in high school. Not sure what my rating is these days (probably 4.0-4.5), but I'm just now getting back into tennis after a long hiatus. I've been playing 3-5 times per week for the past few months. In high school I played...
  2. H

    How much of a difference will a hybrid setup make?

    Hey there and thanks in advance for any guidance! I've been demoing racquets for a while and have finally narrowed it down to the Yonex EZONE 98 and Head Gravity MP. Pretty different racquets, I know. Anyway, the demos I've been playing with both have multifilament strings on them. I have some...