
  1. Krulik

    Grip Size Question

    Second post! This one is kind of a continuation of my "Tall & Athletic" post about which racquet (size, weight) to get. I think I'm measuring my hand correctly. From the crease in my palm to my ring finger is 5". Does that sound right? I'm 6'5" 215lbs. and my total hand size from base to tip...
  2. A

    Tips for relaxing my grip?

    I grip the racket way too tightly, especially on my forehand, which I believe reduces my racket head speed and also sometimes leads to tennis elbow flare-ups. I've been doing this for years, so it is difficult to stop. Anyone have any pointers for drills or exercises to help train myself to...
  3. Jay Sean

    Grip Modifications with Athletic Tape

    Does anyone else use layers of athletic tape to fill in the little gaps in your palm? Your hand has a concave shape that doesn't physically contact the grip (more or less depending on hand and grip style) and I create a little bump/bulge to fill that spot on all my racquets. Grip feels much...
  4. N

    When is a grip 'done'?

    At the moment I am testing some rackets to get a new frame, but this raised the question for me. I have been playing with the same frame ( Wilson 95 ) for about 5-6 years. I have two frames and I play an avarage of 2 hours a week. I play some tournaments in the summer, but not all too...
  5. L

    Wilson Pro Staff grip size

    Hi! Isn't there a Wilson Pro Staff 97 with grip 4 5/8? I just found the RF97 with 4 5/8, but this one is really heavy for me, I prefer the 315 grams version. Where could I find it? Thanks! P.S.: I'm not a big guy, but I like to remove the cushion grip and play with 2 overgrips in a 4 5/8 Wilson...
  6. C

    Help me understand grips

    My 10 year old plays a good game and is competitive in tournament tennis. Overall, her game is more about consistency than power. She has fast feet and a will to win. We have noted that her forehands are good but that the other kids at her level seem to have a more powerful forehand across the...
  7. B

    Automatic Re-Gripping Machine: Is there a need?

    I'm in my final year of a Mechanical Engineering degree at the University of Bath, and I've been tasked with designing a machine which can automatically apply a new grip to a tennis racquet. Part of the task is to assess the market for such a machine and to do that, I need the help of tennis...
  8. Znak

    Grip on Yonex DR 98

    Hi there, Wondering if you sell the Yonex grip that comes stock on the DR 98? Do you happen to know of the thickness or another grip that is similar? Thanks
  9. Znak

    Racquet Grip Size Advice Needed

    I've been demoing the Yonex DR 98 and loving it so far. I usually play with an L4 grip, but I've been using L2 and L3 racquets on this demo and very happy with the switch. Problem is, I can't decide... the L2 just feels right in my hands but my fingers occasionally touch my palm depending on...
  10. L

    What-A-Grip alternative? Discontinued Tourney Overgrip

    Any alternative products? I loved using this product when I was actively playing tennis everyday years ago, and was wondering if I could find something similar again. It appears Tourney has discontinued the product, and I have yet to find an alternative. Give me anything from badminton to... I...
  11. K

    Pro's Pro Grips

    Which Pro's Pro Grips should I buy if I want: softness stickiness moisture absorption medium thickness Thinking about Kudeta or Super Tacky or smth else...
  12. B

    installing Sorbothane grip

    Hi guys, I read the installation process for a Gosen Sorbothane grip was "rather problematic" because of the material's characteristics. Do those of you who have experience installing them have any advice you can give? Thank you!
  13. J

    Luxilon Overgrip

    Hi, have a quick question. Just bought the new Luxilon Elite Dry overgrip and it has the plastic wrap on the same side as the sticky thing at the beginning of the overgrip... So then which way do you grip it- with the sticky side down as with most grips? On lots of other grips the sticky side...
  14. Yoneyama

    Compensating Balance for Fairway Leather

    Hi guys, First time poster here. I've recently started playing tennis again at 24 years after having 6 years off. I'm appreciating the technicalities more rather than just hitting a ball with whatever racquet. I bought a Yonex Vcore DuelG 310g and have been really enjoying how it plays. I...
  15. michael_1265

    Wilson Black Grips........aaack!!

    What is it about older Wilson black grips? They were perfectly okay back in the day, but they hide in an old thermal bag for a few years, or under some overgrip, and the next time you see them, they have metamorphosed into a sticky, fragmenting, staining ectoplasmic bit of hell-goop. Is it...