Another bang-up-to-date review!
Just got a MaxPower (Kevlar-Reinforced), which is not the ones Steffi used (she had the ‘Graphite Reinforced’ and the 'Competition' model I believe), but since it’s 400g it doesn’t seem lacking in solidity. In fact I would estimate the flex to be in the low 50s...
Perhaps it could be a way to get a firm string that is more arm friendly and with longer playability duration- the poly part could be a very soft poly that the aramid ribbon would make it firmer?
I just grabbed this for 80 bucks at a racquet store.
As far as I can tell it's not a remake.
Which model of prostaff did I grab?
I am a **strong** amateur player, a member of the United States Tennis Association, a participant in NTRP rated tennis tournaments, and one picky guy when it comes to my tennis gear. I need reliable, long-lasting equipment that rewards me for good play and doesn't require me to change my...
I'm a decent 4.0 player, started playing and stringing last October. I pop strings too often (every 2-3 months), I play about 6 hours a week so I get about 50 hours of playtime until they break. I'm also hitting with heavy topspin and generate my own power so I'm not concerned about power or...
The purpose of this thread is to be a resource for DONNAY Rackets / Racquets.
Specifically the mid to premium / pro level models (as many companies make lots of lower end replicas & knock-offs).
DONNAY Experts – I need your help making this thread accurate so please chime-in and be detailed in...
My first criteria for choosing strings is playability duration and then spin. This criteria led me to a full bed of Ashaway Kevlar 18g @40lbs in terms of feel and spin; I love seeing the fuzz in the air after ripping a forehand. But yeah had wrist and elbow discomfort and cut it out. Went back...
It's very hard for me to get ZX Monogut in my area. I saw some posters recommend Mosquito Bite in the crosses, but this doesn't seem like a replacement for Monogut.
Should I go for a slippery multi, a soft poly or some syn gut?
I'll be taking shipment of a brand new Wilson Ultra Tour tomorrow. I've read enough stuff on here to make my eyes bleed but I have yet to see a thread dedicated to the ultimate setup for this players frame.
Fortunately I am a racquet stringer and know that the first string job should be...
Ashaway Kevlar is quit a bit boardy on the first hit. So, I've been experimenting with the best ways to loosen it up at the start.
The first step, of course, is a good prestretch of about 6 minutes on the full length of the mains before stringing. (I take breaks at every 2 minutes b/c my...
I've searched several older posts here but have been unable to get a good answer.
I play with an 105" Dunlop 300G with a tight 18x20 pattern. My favorite hybrid setup right now is Klip Legend 17 (double coated) with a smooth poly in the crosses. I string the gut mains at 66lbs and string the...