luxilon element

  1. C

    Luuxilon Element Forest Green

    Saw this on tennisnerd then googled. Looks sweet, tempted to buy a reel just because it looks sweet. Like a slightly darker Big Banger Ace, loved that string @innoVAShaun Can you help my sad post with some pics? Sorry for the personal shout-out but you really have the product pic posting down...
  2. 18*20

    String tension recommendation/Lux Element Rough

    I played earlier with a 1.25 16L Element @ 48lbs, and loved the feel of it - except when the string broke. This is the only poly string I have ever broken. Now I bought a reel of 16G (1.30mm) Element Rough at a discount - I am wondering if the thicker gauge or Rough needs any adaptations for...