multi vs poly

  1. galahad

    We all know about Bi-phase & NRG..but what else is there?

    I’m looking for the lesser known quality Multifilament, the ”off the beaten track” quality string, which has qualities of these two great stings..and don’t give me NXT, or Sensation…I want the OFF-OFF Broadway string, the one heard about but forgot to write down… you have used...
  2. puppybutts

    I can't tell a comfort difference between multi and poly - anyone else?

    Got back into tennis after many years. Tried Luxilon Element Rough at 54lbs. Tried Babolat Xcel at 56lbs. I couldn't tell a difference in comfort. For me, tennis elbow is not a problem, but I have some knuckle pain and back of hand tightness due to computer overuse for work, so I've been trying...