
  1. D

    Multi string for Prokennex Q+20

    Hi all, I have bought one of this frames, used. It came stringed with Babolat Syn Gut Force 1.30, at tension of about 24/23 kg. Great forehand, great slice backhand, great service, I’m really satisfied. Now, it is almost time to restring it and I’m selecting a good multi for flat/ low spin...
  2. AlexKangaroo

    Value Multifilaments

    Hello all, I'm looking for some opinnions on Multifilament strings with great value (low price). I'm planning on buying Wilson Blade 100 for my racquet and don't think my arm likes Poly strings that much. So I've considered Full Multifilaments. I searched TW Europe for their value reels and I'm...
  3. Skoooch

    Head Prestige Classic 2.0 Multifilament Strings

    I ordered X-One Biphase 18g to put in my new Head prestige classic 2.0. I know multifilament strings work best at tensions above 50, but has anyone had a good experience with multifilaments between 40-48 lbs? This is a 89.5 sq. inch racquet with a dense 18x20 string pattern. Any tips would be...
  4. M

    Most low Powered Multifilaments Compared

    I have been looking for a low powered multifilament for a while and couldn't find any information comparing their relative power, spin potential, control ect. I ended up just buying all low powered multis to try. I will leave this here for reference if anyone in the future is looking for the...
  5. R

    Replicate multifilament string with polyester string

    Hello, I have noticed in my tennis game that I have an extremely short swing motion ([semi]-western grip, small grip size and a lot of wrist action) and therefore produce a lot of spin but little power. As this is my natural swing and all attempts to change it with the trainer failed, I thought...
  6. G

    Recommendations wanted for a budding beginner

    Hey all, I'd love to get your recommendations for my string setup. I currently play with a Yonex Ezone 100 strung with Tecnifibre Triax 16 at 52 lbs. I've been playing for a little over a year, and this string works well for me after starting with Syn Gut then transitioning to Wilson Sensation...
  7. galahad

    We all know about Bi-phase & NRG..but what else is there?

    I’m looking for the lesser known quality Multifilament, the ”off the beaten track” quality string, which has qualities of these two great stings..and don’t give me NXT, or Sensation…I want the OFF-OFF Broadway string, the one heard about but forgot to write down… you have used...
  8. T

    Prince 93p 18x20 Full bed of multifilament

    My main racket is a Pure drive plus (2015), but ive been taking the 93p 18x20 out more often lately. It really has a nice feel on contact. I strung the 93p with Tourna Big Banger rough 17 at 48lb. Although it felt great for the first 2 hitting sessions, the tension dropped very quickly and im...
  9. D

    Wet/damp Weather alternative to Wilson Champions Choice

    Hi All, I currently use the Wilson Champions choice hybrid and I am loving it. However, I am reluctant to play with it when it is raining or when it is damp as I’ve heard natural gut will easily break if it is exposed to water. Is the any alternatives to Wilson Champion’s choice that can be...
  10. C

    Multi/Multi Hybrids that can do it all?

    So a lot of us all-courters (and others) like to play with control oriented more traditional feeling players racquets. I myself am currently in love with my PS97 V13 which offers a ton of feel and great precision. Great from every angle, except if you cannot generate your own power. The problem...
  11. T

    [Request] Can anyone post a video of stringing synthetic gut/multifilament with a drop weight and floating clamps?

    I have a the basic 2 point mount Gamma X-2 drop weight stringer and stringing synthetic gut/multifilaments have been unpredictable for me and that's because the string stretches and so the drop weight keeps dropping after leveling the drop weight. In the end it's caused me to sometimes have a...
  12. S

    CLASH 100 a Recommendation for multifilament strings

    Hello, I am getting Clash 100 and would like to have your recommendation for an arm friendly multifilament string. I have intermittent arm and shoulder issues and cannot use poly. I am 3.5 player, 50 years of age. Have been using Prince Phantom Pro versions with TNF Biphase 17 but arm and...
  13. H

    How much of a difference will a hybrid setup make?

    Hey there and thanks in advance for any guidance! I've been demoing racquets for a while and have finally narrowed it down to the Yonex EZONE 98 and Head Gravity MP. Pretty different racquets, I know. Anyway, the demos I've been playing with both have multifilament strings on them. I have some...
  14. T

    help for hybrid multi/multi or stinging please ?

    Hi, I know there are millions of topics out there about hybrid strings, but I did not find what I was looking for ... my background : low level player, I successfully catched a very severe elbow issue back in december, on a pure aero team 2016 with full bed multifilament (prince premier...
  15. NoStringsAttached

    Prince Phantom 100x 305 String Success?

    Hi All, Firstly a huge shoutout to all the stringers/experts on here for their time on this board. This is my first post but I’ve been the beneficiary of an enormous wealth of information from the likes of @g4driver , @uk_skippy , @Irvin , @esgee48 , @jim e , @scotus to name a few. For those of...
  16. R

    Will a multi and poly hybrid always notch quickly?

    I did NRG2 in the mains and Gosen polylon crosses just to try it (it sucked). The NRG2 notched immediately. Is it because of how soft it is? Will all multis do this? What if I’d put the multi as the cross instead? I see what people mean by a locked up string bed now. (I assume this is bad)
  17. F

    Arm friendly string set-up

    Hi all. I'm in my late 40's, 5.0/5.5 level, and had rotator cuff surgery last year. Play with a Wilson 95 BLX One. Looking for advice on a good soft string pattern. Played with cheap polys my whole life due to ignorance! Recently changed to Polyfibre black venom mains and Head Rip Control cross...
  18. Roquestil

    Hybrid suggestions? (Multi + poly)

    2 Head pro Tour racquets coming my way. I will start with Volkl Cyclone (16 g) + Head Velocity MLT hybrid (17 G) and will string one racquet with Mult mains and the other racquet multi crosses. Has anybody tried this configuration? My assumption is that I will be liking multi crosses more...
  19. M

    Is there a multi that's lower-powered than NXT that is still has feel/control and is comfortable? And a bit more spin friendly?

    Hey everyone, So I'm looking to find a string that fits my flatter-hitting style while I tend to some arm soreness. Natural gut is too powerful, but I've liked NRG2 16's very consistent play and higher playability duration and NXT 16's excellent feel and control while it lasts. I had...
  20. Pitti

    String advice for Ultra Tour 18x20?

    Hi everyone. I’ve registered to this forum to see what string advice can you give me: I’ve recently returned to tennis after a 10 year hiatus. I was a consistent club player by the time I gave it up. I’m an all court player, with a 1hbh. I’m aggressive, and like to open angles and attack short...
  21. B

    Looking for a Syn/Multi: Pop and Tension Maintenance

    Let me know respective thoughts please. Tend to use Prince Premier Control - good maintenance but lower pop. Interested in trying Prince Lightning Pro. Not Brand-tied. Could be interested in Wilson Syn Gut Power, Gosen OG Sheep Micro, Head FXP Power as examples.
  22. liftordie

    Solinco X-Natural 16

    Is this the best control/spin multi on the market? Who tried it? Is it better than: RIP Velocity HDX Multifeel Isospeed Control Yonex Tour Super 850 Pro ??
  23. liftordie

    Best multi with control and spin

    I have made serious research to find the best multis for control and spin: Head RIP Control Head Velocity Yonex Tour Super 850 Pro Gosen AK Pro CX Solinco X-Natural Tecnifibre Multifeel Tecnifibre HDX Tour Isospeed Control Double AR 666 (Origin like) Please could you share with me your...
  24. GeoffHYL

    How long do your multifilament strings last?

    I have been tracking use of my racquets, and now have about 50 hours on my Volkl V-Sense 10 Tour with Gamma Live Wire XP 17g strings. I have used Babolat String Savers to extend the life of the strings, otherwise I would have broken them after about 25 hours. I play rec level doubles, so not...
  25. Andrew Park

    Hybrid String Recommendations

    May I ask your help on selecting right set up for my racket? I am heavy top-spin hitter using Babolat Pure Aero La Decima. I've been trying a few string setups but cannot tune in to the "optimal" setting. Can you advise me on what I should try next according to the comments I made while I was...
  26. Tecnifibre Official

    Tecnifibre Official - Strings

    Hello everyone! This is Eric/Nick here with Tecnifibre and we’re here to create a new thread to better engage with the community and answer all of your questions. Below is a brief introduction on the two of us, how we got into tennis, and what we do for Tecnifibre. We look forward to meeting...
  27. wferdinand

    Mains or crosses from gut/multifilament in hybrid?

    Hello! I had a wrist operation 9 weeks before, i had a broken "os scaphoideum" bone. I started playing with Isospeed Control 1.30 string and stage 2 orange/yellow coloured balls yesterday. I think I switch to green pointed stage 1 balls next weekend and I wanted to starting hitting training on...
  28. liftordie

    Multi on Prince ESP 14x16

    Hi, Anyone here already tried a multi (TGV or HDX) 15L on a Prince ESP? I spin a lot but without too much power, do you think it can last at least 10 hours?? o_O My Prince is the Warrior Pro 100T ESP (275g unstrung) with 14x16 pattern. Thank you! :D
  29. kingp1ng

    Synthetic Gut or more expensive Multi for spin

    I'm currently using Prince Syn Gut w/ Duraflex. Pure Drive Tour. If I use a multi string like Babolat Xcel ($20) or Head Velocity MLT ($10) will I gain noticeable spin production? Or am I wasting my money? I don't really care about comfort in this case, since I know none of these strings are...