natural gut

  1. ritches

    Wilson Natural Gut 2022 vs 2023 Onwards

    Hi All, Wanted to reach out to the community if any one has noticed the same thing and/or has any interesting pieces of information regarding this. Trying to save money I buy Wilson Natural Gut (40ft) and use half for my "Champion's Choice" setup with Luxilon Alu Power Rough but I noticed the...
  2. Paleo.F

    Natural gut hybrid for blade 18/20 v8

    Hi guys, I play with the blade 98 /18/20 v8 and my current setup is usually full bed of nxt at 54 pounds. I found using my nxt at around 50ish pounds (when it started dropping) helped but I’m still having to really swing into the ball to get that plow I need, against heavy hitters. I’m looking...
  3. A

    Gut crosses notching super early in Poly/Gut hybrid

    Hi, I tried both a gut/poly and poly/gut hybrid for the first time, and after a few weeks, i preferred the characteristics of the poly mains, however there was insane notching after just a few hours. The poly was basically drilled far into the gut, and really decreased the spin potential. On...
  4. N

    Poly on main started to move around like crazy - time to restring?

    I had Luxilon 4G on main and Gut on cross strung at 52/52lbs about two months ago, I played roughly 2-3 times a week. I just notice that the gut on cross started to fray badly and the main string moving around like way too much. Say like if i want to keep the main string looks tidy i would have...
  5. legcramp

    Klip Legend, NGW, 15L-16G Ball-Pocketing MIA?

    Hello TTW peeps, I recently moved to natural gut / poly hybrid from using full poly or poly/ZX and I have some questions regarding the ball pocketing, or lack of ball pocketing from my latest two racquets strung up with the following nat/poly hybrids: Clash 100 Tour Klip Legend 16g uncoated...
  6. delosalpes

    Natural Gut: Significant Tension Loss

    Hi folks. I recently strung a new Yonex VCore 98 with NG (Babolat VS black) in the mains @23kg and Tier One Ghost Wire 1.22 in the crosses @23. My usual poly set up is between 20-22kg...depending. I did a light pre-stretch of the VS before stringing by hand. I use a constant pull maching (Gamma...
  7. chagazzo

    Wilson Pro Staff Six.One 95 V.13 (Pro Labs)

    So I just ordered this stick from Wilson Pro Labs. UPS should be delivering it today. As soon as it arrives, I'm taking it to my stringer and putting on a full bed of 17g Babolat Gut, string savers, a tan Wilson leather grip and just for the nostalgia, some power pads. How many of you guys and...
  8. M

    Rolls of natural gut

    Where do you buy natural gut (Babolat VS touch) in rolls? I can only find sets of 12 m. I'm ordering from Sweden.
  9. D

    Wet/damp Weather alternative to Wilson Champions Choice

    Hi All, I currently use the Wilson Champions choice hybrid and I am loving it. However, I am reluctant to play with it when it is raining or when it is damp as I’ve heard natural gut will easily break if it is exposed to water. Is the any alternatives to Wilson Champion’s choice that can be...
  10. Shotmaker75

    Luxilon 4G soft better in a hybrid or full bed?

    I played for many years with NG mains /Alu power crosses. Love it for its power, feel and spin....control was there but for me the “perfect” balance between all this aspects never lasted long, making me restring very often and I always needed to have at least one or two fresh string rackets...

    Which poly to hybrid with natural gut?

    I'm seriously considering trying natural gut again as the last time was when I was about 12 years old. I have no memory of the feel. The natural gut I would get is Babolat VS Touch 1.25 (which is apparently VS Team?) and get it strung on the mains in one of my VCORE 95 rackets. I usually have...
  12. Y

    RPM Blast vs Hawk Touch for crosses with gut mains?

    Also, how do you think the two compare against each other? Any feedback is appreciated! :)
  13. pico

    How much do speeds increase with gut?

    I play with full poly but curious as to speed gains on serves and strokes if i hybrid with natural gut. Say I max my serve at 96mph with full poly, what could I possibly max at if I hybrid with natural gut?
  14. J

    New babolat Vs natural gut strings?

    Went to my regular stringer that day and he had only 3 packets of babolat vs team left, he said babolat is working to distribute new natural gut strings. Has anyone heard of this new development as well? and if so,what are the new strings gonna be like? Cheers
  15. F

    Looking for a hybrid combination for good power and tension maintaincane.

    I currently have a babolat pure aero 2018 and looking to change my old string because its dead. I am looking at hybrids because I want a string that have good tension maintance, power, control and spin. For the main I might go for babolat VS nat gut but for the cross im not sure because luxilon...
  16. FREDerer_NadAUGUSTO

    Needing a suggestion for a new hybrid set

    Hello, dear fellow tennis players and fans of ther sport! I am new to the forum but I follow it since long time ago! Nice to meet Ya! I ve decided to star posting here, because I haven't found a thread about the strings I am intending to use. I play tennis casually since ten year old and...
  17. R

    New Setup RF97A

    I wanted to switch from my 90 BLX to a larger head size and I was wondering if this setup would be good: Racket: Wilson Prostaff 97 Autograph String: Full Bed KLIP Legend 16 Tension: 60lbs Overgrip: Yonex Super Grap I actually want to try the high power that comes from a full gut, if it's too...
  18. Moosch

    A Smooth/Round Poly or Co Poly To Cross With Natural Gut

    I am looking for a Smooth/Round Poly or Co Poly to cross with Natural Gut being in mains. The biggest factors I'm looking for is Play Duration, Durability, Control, Spin. More or less in that order. There are a few that I have researched that seem to fit the bill: Tourna Black Zone Lux 4G...
  19. LaZeR

    How Long does Natural Gut / (co)Poly Hybrid Last?

    Hi folks, I tried searching > sorry if this has been asked & answered but just wondering > if I have cheap, 16 gauge Natural Gut on the Mains @ ~52 lbs, and 1.2mm gauge, smooth/soft (co)Poly on Cross @ ~48 lbs, do you know for how long, or how many hours, I can play without having to re-string...
  20. Austin B

    Babolat Natural Gut Help

    I am looking to get some Babolat Matural Gut strong for Christmas. I am debating between the Babolat VS Team Natural Gut 17 1.25 & 16 (130). Just wondering if there is a big difference between the two? I’m looking more for control. Thanks for your help!
  21. Yoneyama

    Klip Legend Pro Tour Hybrid Stringset

    Hi all, Has anyone ever used this in any gauge: Hybrid set by Klip consisting of Natural Gut and their own Poly. I currently use Klip Legend Natural Gut 16 mains and Alu Power Rough 16 crosses and absolutely love it. I just noticed Klip have their...
  22. D

    Multi to full bed Nat gut tension?

    Hi all. After trolling this forum for so long I have been finally convinced to try some natural gut. Currently playing with a full bed of x-one biphase 17g at 52lbs with a 2015 PS97 and I have found a good deal for 17g klip legend Nat gut and wondering how much higher should I get the tension...
  23. I

    HS string help

    I am a high school tennis player and started last May and played on varsity doubles for my school (probably somewhere around 3.0). I use a | Prince Tour Pro 98 18x20 | that weighs around 330 grams strung overgrip and everything. I was thinking about switching to a cheap natural gut like tonic or...
  24. B

    Ball hitting the squares of the stringbed diagonally - equal bounce?

    Do the mains and the crosses have equal bounce? Based on TW customer reviews I have strung two racquets with gut mains and nylon crosses at 2 lbs higher tension. The Blade 104 racquets are weighted to about 331 gm. Babolat VS 15L / Wilson Sensation Control 16 at 56 and 58 Babolat VS 17 /...
  25. Rezmund13

    1993 Made In Austria Head Radical Tour OS 690 18x19 string tension recommendation?

    Hi Looking for some advice I picked up a mint 1993 original Agassi Head Radical Tour OS recently and want to string it with a hybrid set of vs touch black 16 mains and rpm blast 17 crosses. The original manufacturer's recommendation is 65lbs plus which seems high by modern standards. Am...