
  1. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head Sprint Pro 3.0 Shoes

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We will be playtesting a very limited number of Head Sprint Pro 3.0 shoes (launching January 2020) for a playtest. Playtest application is now closed. Chosen playtesters have been notified via email. If you are selected, you must reply to our confirmation email...
  2. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: adidas SoleMatch Bounce Shoe

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We will be playtesting a very limited number of the brand new adidas SoleMatch Bounce shoes for a playtest. This playtest is open to both men and women in the USA only. IMPORTANT: The requirement for this playtest is that you must post a review in this thread by...
  3. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Strike 100

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We have a very limited number of Pure Strike 100 racquets for a playtest. The racquets will ship out of our CA warehouse. This playtest is open to USA Talk Tennis members only. VERY IMPORTANT: Playtesters will be required to get their test racquet strung. Each...
  4. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Rush Pro 3.0 Shoes

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We will be playtesting a very limited number of Wilson Rush Pro 3.0 shoes for a playtest. This playtest is open to both men and women in the USA only. IMPORTANT: The requirement for this playtest is that you must post a review in this thread by the deadline...
  5. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse: Volkl V-Feel V1 Playtest

    Applicant period is now closed. Selected playtesters will be notified in the next few days. Attention Talk Tennis Members: We have a VERY Limited number of Volkl V-Feel V1 Pro, V1 MP & V1 OS racquets for a playtest. This playtest is open to USA Talk Tennis members only. VERY IMPORTANT...
  6. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Clash

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: The application process is over. Selected playtesters have be notified via email. Unstrung Factory Targets Clash: 27in/100in²/10.5oz Clash Tour: 27in/100in²/10.9oz *Specs may vary from sample to sample We have a very limited quantity of racquets to playtest. We...
  7. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse: Head Graphene 360 Speed (Pro, MP, S) Playtest

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We have a very limited number of Head Graphene 360 Speed Pro, MP and S racquets for a playtest. Grip size 4 ⅜. This playtest is for US Talk Tennis Members only. IMPORTANT: These racquets are shipping unstrung with a set of Head Lynx 17 (green or yellow) and Head...
  8. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat SFX3 Shoes

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We will be sending out a very limited number of the soon to be released Babolat SFX3 shoes for a playtest on the message board. Playtesters will be responsible for wearing the shoes for the given time and writing a thorough review. Playtesters who are picked will...
  9. SpinToWin

    STW’s Tier One Strings Playtest Thread

    many thanks to the awesome guys at @TierOneSportsOfficial I had ordered a set of three of their offerings that interested me, yet got a full demo pack! As a thank you from my side, I’ll try to post some detailed reviews of the strings as I play them (as promised). All strings are either 1,23 or...
  10. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Rush Pro 2.5 Shoes

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: We would like to offer a very exciting opportunity for our users to playtest the new Wilson Rush Pro 2.5 shoes. Playtesters will be responsible for wearing the shoes for the given time and writing a thorough review. Playtesters who are picked will be notified via...
  11. TW Staff

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head MXG Racquets

    Attention Talk Tennis Members: The Head MXG 3 and MXG 5 application period is now closed. We will notify selected playtesters early next week. This playtest is free of charge. We have a very limited quantity of racquets to playtest and unfortunately can’t select everyone. We select...
  12. T


    I am interested in being a part of TWs playtest. How may I get involved?