
  1. goldenhawktennis

    Going from full bed multi to full bed poly?!

    Okay, it's been a minute since I've hit full bed poly (or any poly for that matter), so forgive me if this is a common adjustment period thing/too many variables at play, but I tried going from full bed X1B multi (56 lbs) in my K90 yesterday to full bed Hyper G 17 poly (47 lbs) in my new 93p...
  2. Znak

    Favourite smaller brand: TierOne v Mayami v Grapplesnake v Toroline

    I already have so many strings in my box to test out, but seeing all these great reviews makes me want to test some of these smaller brands, (I didn't include ProsPro just because I don't have access to it). I know there are already individual threads on each brand, but curious to hear from...
  3. A

    Powerful polyester

    Any suggestions for polyester strings on the more powerful side? Thanks

    Which poly to hybrid with natural gut?

    I'm seriously considering trying natural gut again as the last time was when I was about 12 years old. I have no memory of the feel. The natural gut I would get is Babolat VS Touch 1.25 (which is apparently VS Team?) and get it strung on the mains in one of my VCORE 95 rackets. I usually have...
  5. H

    How much of a difference will a hybrid setup make?

    Hey there and thanks in advance for any guidance! I've been demoing racquets for a while and have finally narrowed it down to the Yonex EZONE 98 and Head Gravity MP. Pretty different racquets, I know. Anyway, the demos I've been playing with both have multifilament strings on them. I have some...
  6. Martves613

    Isospeed REXXXER - New oval poly on the market

    From Isospeed website: A different approach for sure. I´ve never heard of oval poly. It is also quite expensive.
  7. A


    Has anyone tried Pro Kennex's IQ Poly X Black tennis string?
  8. WilPro

    Best advice for anyone playing tennis more than 1 hour per month

    If you play tennis at least 1 hour per week. Buy the string you can cut the most often. Buy a stringing machine and cut strings as often as possible. Your arm will love it. For example Pro's Pro Blackout is a great string and very cheap. You should cut any poly or co-poly after 30 min and no...
  9. M

    Recommendation for cross string

    Hi, guys! I need a recommendation for my cross string. My racquet is a Wilson Blade 98S. For years, I played with Pacific Tough Gut 16L at 54LBS in the mains, and Luxilon Big Banger Ace 18 at 48LBS in the crosses. It appears that Pacific is now defunct, plus I was wanting to get away from gut if...
  10. Rudi Bergner

    String science, hybrid effects and doubts.

    Hi, I’m a bit confused about string properties because I’m trying to make a hybrid bed for myself. So I was checking strings and their specifications trying to achieve a softer feel and more pocketing on my playabilty. I use full bed of Hyper G with 23kg full bed but recently 23kg main/ 22kg...
  11. H

    Best Polys for 18x20 string pattern

    Old topic, new thread! What are some good poly to try for this string pattern in your opinion? I'm trying to look around for ideas to string my Head MG Radical MP. My priorities, in order from high to low, are: power, spin potential, overall cost (price + how long each sj last), control (since...
  12. Z

    Poly for 12 year old?

    Need advice here. My son got his first full-size racquet (Wilson UL100) last year, and the pro shop racquet specialist, who saw him hit, set him up with Wilson Revolve, I think 17 gauge (I didn't know enough tennis to state a preference). When we got the Revolve cut out, a different stringer...
  13. S

    Weaving Natural Gut and Poly Hybrids

    When stringing hybrids of natural gut and poly there is a significant risk of the poly strings damaging the more delicate (and expensive) gut, particularly when the crosses are woven and pulled. Our friends at Guts and Glory Tennis recently posted a live Facebook video demonstrating how they...
  14. M

    Signum Pro Strings Yellow Jacket and X-Perience

    These have to be some of the most underrated strings on the market. I have been using Volkl Cyclone and Solino Hyper G pretty exclusively but after testing these strings I may just switch. They provide the same bite and control I get from Cyclone and Hyper G, but in a much more comfortable...
  15. F

    Yonex Poly Tour Drive vs Babolat RPM Blast

    Hi, Has anyone tested both in full bed and compared them? What racquet and tension was used? Which one did you like the most? Which one provided more spin/tension hold/durability? I know there are other gear shaped strings for spin out there but here I am interested in these 2 only. Thanks...
  16. Znak

    RF97A poly question

    Question for Michelle or Troy, hope you can help! Looking for a recommendation on a poly for the RF97A, that has more feel to it than Hyper G, and that is not overly plastic-y or wiry? Open to round or shaped suggestions. Thanks in advance!

    FB Poly vs. Hybrid - Evaluating String Bed Stiffness

    A friend of mine is a solid 4.5 1,2 singles USTA player that hits with a Volkl V1 Classic racquet. Last fall was the last time I saw him play and he was using Luxilon Element. Sometime over the winter he switched to 4G at 52 lbs and developed arm issues and had taken some time off. He reached...
  18. liftordie

    The most slippery round strings on the market in 2019

    What are (for you) the most slippery round strings on the market in 2019 (for using as a cross)? Thank you
  19. liftordie

    Best tension poly/sgut hybrid for spin?

    I'm using Signum Pro X-perience 1.18/Pro's Pro Synthetic 1.30 hybrid in my Prince Phantom Pro 100. I actually string at 49lbs (22kg) and I like it a lot. BUT I'm curious to know if lowering the tension of sgut crosses could give me more spin and wider sweetspot?? :unsure:
  20. R

    Pro Staff RF 97A

    Hi, for all PSRF97A Black users, what are good polys to use in full bed in this frame, my favorite right now is Rs Lyon 1.25 at 50, I have been tried different polys like; Alu Power, Max Power, Rpm Blast, etc. Anyone use Hyper G 1.30 in this racquet? Still searching for the perfect poly for this...
  21. T

    Crisp feeling poly with max playability duration and spin?

    My first criteria for choosing strings is playability duration and then spin. This criteria led me to a full bed of Ashaway Kevlar 18g @40lbs in terms of feel and spin; I love seeing the fuzz in the air after ripping a forehand. But yeah had wrist and elbow discomfort and cut it out. Went back...
  22. C

    Wilson Ultra Tour hybrid stringing and frame shape

    Need your help here.... I have been experimenting with several string setups in my UT (18x20) and in order to determine tension for mains and crosses I have consulted tension adviser (http://www.stringway-nl.com/en/TAonline/calc.php). It recommends slightly higher tension in the crosses e.g...
  23. Andrew Park

    Hybrid String Recommendations

    May I ask your help on selecting right set up for my racket? I am heavy top-spin hitter using Babolat Pure Aero La Decima. I've been trying a few string setups but cannot tune in to the "optimal" setting. Can you advise me on what I should try next according to the comments I made while I was...
  24. P

    Best polyester tennis strings on the market today?

    What makes a polyester string better than another? and what makes a string bad? Everyone's preference varies making choosing the right string a personal preference. Is there anything quantifiable about a tennis strings properties that make one better than another? In my opinion, the top 5...
  25. Moosch

    A Smooth/Round Poly or Co Poly To Cross With Natural Gut

    I am looking for a Smooth/Round Poly or Co Poly to cross with Natural Gut being in mains. The biggest factors I'm looking for is Play Duration, Durability, Control, Spin. More or less in that order. There are a few that I have researched that seem to fit the bill: Tourna Black Zone Lux 4G...
  26. wferdinand

    Old but unused strings

    I got two MSV string, a Co Focus 1.18 and a Focus HEX 1.23. These are have old style packages, may be 6-8 years old, but unused. Can these strings produce same performance compared to equal but manufactured in the last time?
  27. smithie

    Multi that plays like a poly?

    I’ve recently switched to a full multi setup post TE after being a long term user of poly (Yonex tour super 850 pro). I played with this string for the first time yesterday and after only an hour of solid hitting it is already frayiny, has notched significantly and the strings have to be moved...
  28. M

    Soft or Plush Poly Strings

    I haven't had to opportunity to play with many strings as I mostly used ytex quadro twist for a few years but recently i've wanting to try something different. I remember using one of my friends frames and he had it strung up with luxilon 4g. I know that 4g is marketed as a stiff string and many...
  29. mark b.

    Gut Kevlar Hybrid in OS

    I've searched several older posts here but have been unable to get a good answer. I play with an 105" Dunlop 300G with a tight 18x20 pattern. My favorite hybrid setup right now is Klip Legend 17 (double coated) with a smooth poly in the crosses. I string the gut mains at 66lbs and string the...
  30. LaZeR

    How Long does Natural Gut / (co)Poly Hybrid Last?

    Hi folks, I tried searching > sorry if this has been asked & answered but just wondering > if I have cheap, 16 gauge Natural Gut on the Mains @ ~52 lbs, and 1.2mm gauge, smooth/soft (co)Poly on Cross @ ~48 lbs, do you know for how long, or how many hours, I can play without having to re-string...