
  1. A

    PolyTourPro or Alu Power BB for Vcore 100?

    Hello! Looking for some help; I play the Vcore 100 and have a PolyTourPro and an Alu Power BB set. Would these strings work on this racquet? At which tension? Many thanks.
  2. A

    Polytour Pro vs Hawk Touch

    Hello, I'd like to ask the forum if anyone can compare the Yonex Polytour Pro and the Head Hawk Touch for me. I have been using Hawk Touch for a while now in my Head Speed Pro (g360+) and just moved to a Yonex Percept 97. Since the Percept is already soft enough on impact I'm not appreciating...
  3. F

    Hybrid stringing with Tecnifibre Triax and Yonex Poly Tour Air

    Hi, I would like to try this hybrid stringing and would appreciate some guidance before I waste too many meters of strings with experimenting. :) Which one should go on the mains and what tension shall I use? I would like to maximize spin&comfort. So far I played mostly with full bed of Yonex...