
  1. J

    Sportswear clothing brand logo

    I was given a project at college to open a business and I chose to open a sportswear clothing brand with a slightly focus on tennis. What kind of design would you guys go for the logo? tennis related or not. What would be your guys inspiration for a logo? I have no clue on what I'm going with
  2. T

    Pro Staff Butt Cap

    Does anyone know what the notch on the butt cap is for?
  3. T

    How to pick a new racket

    I'm a HS tennis player that is trying to figure out what new racket to get before season comes. I've been using a BABOLAT PURE STORM TENNIS for a little over a year now and overall it has been a positive experience although I haven't used too many rackets throughout my time playing tennis so I...
  4. kharerit

    ATP Points and Calculations

    Can someone explain how points come off and on for players during the year in the SIMPLEST of terms? Why does Novak have 500 points coming off next week, when he gained 600 points making the Paris final around this time last year? How many events played throughout the year/Calendar are...
  5. J

    Should i buy a new raquete?

    Hi guys. This is my first post, so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know. I recently started playing tennis and i was presented with a used Wilson Aggressor 4000 from my father-in-law as a way of encouraging the sport, but I never got used to the racket very well. I find it difficult...
  6. M

    Wilson Blade pro V7 - V8 stiffness rating RA ?

    Stiffnes rating RA?
  7. M

    Why there are no public Tennis court for poor citizens? There are alot of free public basketball courts, and free football ground courts in Europe

    Why there are no public Tennis court for poor citizens? There are alot of free public basketball courts, or free football ground fields available for people We need to give more acces to poor people to acces this sport in the cities, but it seems that building a tennis court is more expensive...
  8. M

    Difference between Blade Pro V8 - V7

    Difference in feel ?
  9. M

    Wilson Blade Pro VS Ultra Pro

    what is the main difference between the H22 and the H19 ? also compare H19 with Artengo TR 960 Control tour the H19 looks to have a longer throat and the H22 a shorter throat ?
  10. M

    Any Wilson news leak?

    Im looking forward to see more pro labs models, something like a Blade Pro Light, Pro staff v13 Light
  11. M

    Looking for the lightest shoe ???

    Something like 200gr - 250 gr brands: Asics, Nike
  12. M

    Wilson Blade 100 v8

    string pattern: 16x19 My question is how is the good is the control is in this racket compared to the 16x20
  13. M

    Comparison wilson Blade 100 vs 101 square inches

    I cant see a difference, the 101 (left) it is supposed to be bigger but the Blade 100 (right) is bigger and roundier shape ? Im I blind ???
  14. M

    Buttcap staple gun

    What kind of stapler tool do I need to not destroy my buttcap with the staple. I have an air compressed staple gun with a long staples that pierce and damage the buttcap
  15. M

    new Tecnifibre TF40 305g vs Old TF40 305g

    any major differences on the 305gr ? different feel? different swing-speed ?
  16. AnOctorokForDinner

    Nadal: 2019 AO vs 2022 AO

    In 2019, Nadal dominantly stormed to the final over Tsitsipas and others, but got harshly massacred by in-form Djokovic for the title. In 2022, Nadal struggled through the draw losing six total sets, but ended up winning against some odds over the current world number one. Yet surely Medvedev...
  17. M

    Head prestige vs. Yonex vcore

    Which of these rackets do you guys prefer? Head graphene 360+ prestige MP or Yonex vcore 97 HD. I'm on the fence which one to buy.
  18. M

    Annoying changing specs

    Every brand keeps changing every racket setup specs. There were old rackets that currently are different, different buttcap, different feeling , different everything WHY KEEP UPDATING EVERY SINGLE racket in the market if the customers buy something they liked in the past why u just update it...
  19. M

    Head graphene prestige 360+ MP (2020) vs. Yonex score pro 97 HD (2019)

    Hey fellow Tennis enthusiasts! I have done lots of research to find a good stick for myself. Unfortunately, I can't demo rackets at all, because of the place I'm from. Both these rackets are not available for demo where I'm at. Otherwise I could have tested myself which one I would buy. I'm now...
  20. E

    Tennis Mentality Components?

    What is the skillset which makes up a good tennis mentality? What do I need to master to become mentally strong? Thanks all :)
  21. M

    Silicone handle mute?

    Does putting a little bit of Silicone in the buttcap area for shock absorption mute the feel? Does it works like a dampener?
  22. E

    How important is mentality in tennis in comparison to physical ability?

    Hey everyone, I'm doing a project investigating how important mentality is in comparison to skill, at professional and recreational levels. I was hoping that this was the right place to post a question like this just to get some different inputs and perspectives. Feel free to ask any questions...
  23. M

    ATP current average serve speed km/h

    Anyone got the list from the main pro players and their average serve speed ( 1st and 2nd serve ) Im asking the current and updated list from 2019-2021 serves not from the juniors or adulthood era Federer: ? Nadal: ? Djokovic: ? Medvedev: ? Tsitsipas: ? Zverev: ? Kyrgios ?
  24. M

    Novaks racket

    I know he uses that pro stock code mold, But the most similar racket out there is the Head Youtek Speed MP right? Im talking about the shape
  25. M

    Custom string pattern

    So i want to make a stock blade racket from 16x19 to 18x19, I know im crazy but is it possible ? Is it gonna play good or I need to buy some more grommets ?
  26. M

    How good is the Serena Williams Blade compared to the blade pro ?

    How good is the Blade 100L compared to the blade pro ? sorry I checked the SW and its 28 inch Blade Pro v7 (left) Blade 100 v7 (right)
  27. M

    Where to buy used rackets old in Europe ?

    Where can I buy second hand old rackets in Europe,at a decent price.? Ive looked at e-bay, but its pricier
  28. M

    Babolat buttcaps

    Are the Aero and Strike comes with the same buttcap? the buttcap is horrible
  29. M

    When did babolat changed their buttcaps ?

    They updated their buttcaps on which year ?
  30. M

    Cant find a new good stick

    Hard to find out of stock old rackets, im wondering what do, maybe pray for a better upcoming sticks?