
  1. G

    Need feedback on my rally video

    Hey everyone, I recorded a video of me rallying and would love some advice on how to improve. Here’s the video: Some things I’m working on: Timing: I feel like I’m hitting the ball late sometimes. Weight transfer: Am I using my legs and body effectively? Footwork: Is my movement and...
  2. dannyslicer

    Cross court rally drill. Best practices? Do you worry about the ball going wide?

    I was doing cross court rally drills with my friend today. Today, I decided not to care about the ball going inside the singles lines. I only cared about hitting it on the outside of the court, so he would get the correct stroke to drill (FH to FH) This made me cut a sharper angle, and sometimes...
  3. I

    Info on CPI & rally length evolution over the years?

    Does anyone have anything of the sort? I've been looking into CPI data for current and former courts, but the information seems extremely difficult to come by - it's pretty much non-existent for the early 2000s. Also, I found a very interesting post here about rally length evolution between...
  4. A

    My game sucks and I have no power, no spin, and lack consistency.

    I am a high school sophomore and have been playing for about 5 years now. I used to take group classes, and even a few private lessons, but have played primarily for school or with other people for the past 2 years. I played a lot of USTA last year and won a lot (I play in the Chicago area, it's...