
  1. T

    USTA junior tournaments - recovery tips

    Lately my son has been playing a lot of tennis in three day USTA tournaments. Last tournament he played 3 singles matches and 2 doubles matches in 24 hours. So his legs are almost gone on the last of day of the tournament and ends up losing to opponents he usually beats. This depends on the...
  2. E

    Managing heart rate and recovery during (recreational) matches

    I observed that my heart rate can go up to 165-170 during intensive runs/gets and cross-court sprints (baseline to the net), and it usually does not go down quickly enough between the points. When my rate stays high (~160 and above), I observe a drop in performance and concentration. Serve...
  3. K

    SLAP Tear, should i star playing after PT?

    Hello, i was diagnosed with SLAP Tear Grade I according to the my doctor. He gave me Cortisone and im doing PT till November. Then he said, if i have no pain anymore i can try playing tennis again. He means also it s really hard to avoid surgery. Especially if i wanna come back and hit hard as...
  4. R

    How hard should I use a stationary bike to increase endurance with weak knees?

    A little background here, I'm a 19-year-old college tennis player and I have a history of knee problems along with very bad tennis endurance. Hence, I have decided to start using a stationary bike as it is supposed to be easy on the knees. My question is how hard should I ride the bike? Like...
  5. M

    Eye muscle surgery & return to tennis

    I am having strabismus eye muscle surgery in about a month and have been told I cannot play any sport for 10 days after. Has anyone else had eye muscle surgery? How did it affect your game? Were you able to return in 10 days or was your recovery longer? I'm trying to think positive, but am...
  6. Manmeet

    Post Practice Recovery Techniques Around the World

    Which is your best post practice recovery technique to cope up with grueling practice fatigue?
  7. HetTheGreaterer

    Will wawa-mury ever come back to top 20??

    I doubt it, really... If they can not recover till 2019 season, I will be giving up on them Edit :-some poll options ha ve spelling mistake, *confusex* instead of *confused*, and *oy* instead of *only*
  8. Bolt

    Microdiscectomy Journal

    I figured I'd start a thread to journal my recovery from recent right L4/L5 microdiscectomy surgery. Background: 42 years old, 6'0", 185lbs, no history of back problems, reasonably high level of physical fitness. Some results during last 5-6 years ... backdoor brag ... (running: sub 18' 5k, sub...
  9. C

    Instep Pain First Time Running after Time Off for Any Injury?

    Note - I did not know that the word "Instep" has been used for 1) top of foot, 2) bottom of foot or 3) all around the foot. I used it to mean the top of the foot only. I am not young. Over the last few years I have taken off a few times for injuries. Typically I did not run for, say, 3...