
  1. J

    5.5 player looking for the ideal string setup of my prince 93p

    Hi guys, I'm a dutch former teaching pro looking for the ideal string setup op my prince 93p 14x18. My style of play is an allcourt game with very high ball speeds. I control the ball with a combination of launch angle and spin. My baseline strokes have a rather flat trajectory, while still...
  2. T

    What string does Miomir Kecmanovic use?

    This kid is a consistent beast, I love his playing style. I was wondering if anyone knew what string he uses in his Pure Aero? I can't seem to find that info online.
  3. Znak

    String setup for a string breaker

    My friend that I'm stringing for is a string breaker, usually gets anywhere 3-10 hours from his strings... Heavy top spin hitter (not a form issue). He wants something relatively arm friendly for his RF 97 — he used to do nat gut but it was getting too expensive. His 2nd last setup was Gamma...
  4. Znak

    Poly/Multi Hybrid Tension Question

    When I first started out, I used full beds of multi, then more recently to full beds of poly. Now I'm just getting into hybrids and I'm loving the combination of both. My question is; I usually know my tensions for full beds, but how do I know say if I want more power or control which string...