
  1. B

    Wilson Pro Staff 97L V13

    Hello! I want to buy this used Wilson Pro Staff 97L V13 and I would like you to tell me if it is legit. It has a fairly low price compared to the rest on the market and raised a question mark for me if it is legit or not. Thank you! Here are link for photos.
  2. K

    Tecnifibre Rebound Endurance Rackpack

    Hi TW Staff, Is TF Rebound endurance Rackpack made of the same material as Air Endurance Rackpack ? In product details,It says it is made from a lightweight material but i dont get what it is. is it same and water resistant ? Do you have any new colour coming for this bag ? Thanks for your...
  3. A

    Need Urgent Advise

    I am 3.5-4.0 level player. I like to play aggressive game and like to come to net a lot. I like topspin forehands.My current racquet is Head Xt Instinct MP(9 gr lead at handle+5 gr at 3&9). I want to buy a new racquet. My choices are 1) Wilson Pro Staff 97s 2) Babolat Pure Strike 18X20 I...
  4. A

    Wilson Staff 95 - I need your help identifying this

    Hello fellow players I was fortunate enough to stumble across this beauty at a barn sale the other day, but I cannot seem to find out much about it. It is a Wilson Staff 95 PWS High Beam Series, but I cannot find out when it was made or what the specifications are. I can find some vague...