stringing machines

  1. N

    Biardo clamps on a Gamma Crank?

    I have an old Gamma Crank (lock out) stringer and I want to use a 2 y/o set of Bairdo clamps on it. I can’t looses that rectangular lock under the base enough to get it to slide on the table. Any advice? The Bairdo clamps are just so much smoother easier and quicker to use.
  2. T

    Gamma 9900 els

    Do any have knowledge about this machine? Or experience with it I am currently stringing on Gamma Progression II els. How big of an upgrade would it be? I got offered a Gamma 9900 els stringing machine from 2016 for around $3600, is it a good deal?
  3. Michael7

    Gamma XLT vs X-ELS Machine Difference? Circular tension pull vs Linear?

    Hello, Does anyone know if there is much of a difference of tension pull quality between these 2 machines? Or between these 2 types of pull mechanisms? Thanks in Advance!
  4. B

    Yonex Precision

    Upgrading my current stringing machine (Alpha Axis 2003 w/ Wise 2086) that I’ve had for 17 years. I’m looking to spend around $5,000-$6,000 and leaning towards a Yonex Precision 5.0. Wanted to see if anyone owns, has used one or has any thoughts on any other machines at that price point.
  5. O

    Should I buy a Gamma 7900 els, Alpha Ghost 2 or a Tourna es 700?

    I have been stringing for a few years and string probably 100 rackets a year on a crank/lockout machine. I am looking to upgraded to a nicer, newer electronic machine. I have narrowed it down to these three: Gamma 7900 els, Alpha Ghost 2, and Tourna 700 ES. I am also open to other suggestions...
  6. A

    Which Way To Go: Tourna 300-CS/Wise 2086 versus Tourna 600-ES?

    Hello all! It's been a while since I was last on here, but I'm looking at buying my first personal stringing machine. I actually have quite a bit of stringing experience, having strung professionally at my local tennis club and part time at one of the largest mail-order tennis retailers (the...
  7. W

    Trying to save money by stringing

    I apologize if this is addressed elsewhere, haven't found a clear answer: I'm trying to save money in the long run by doing my own stringing. But it would be *very* long run if I forked out a ton of cash for an expensive machine. Anyone have experience with the cheap machines around $300? Do...
  8. S

    What are the differences between these two machines?

    I spend $200+ dollars a month on stringing. It just isn't worth going on like this anymore. The Gamma X-ELS and Gamma Progression II ELS are two portable electronic stringers sold on TW and I honestly can't tell the difference between them besides the color. These are my top picks due to the...
  9. P

    Pro's Pro Challenger I vs Penta Premium Stringer 3600

    ok so, I am going to buy one of these two stringing machines. the Penta costs a bit more and the only extra feature I can see on it is the diamond dusted clamps, and I can't tell if it has a ratchet like the Challenger I. Is "diamond dusted" a real worthwhile thing, or is it meaningless jargon...