
  1. Rafa4LifeEver

    should Nadal play a grass warm-up?

    Instead of him skipping everything and directly playing Wimbledon, My take is that he should play any grass warmup, be it Queen's or Eastbourne or Mallorca; in order to test the effectiveness of the new medical surgery he's undergone in terms of how he feels on the court & whether the movement...
  2. LiceMan

    "Donnay 3set glass+ test", a racket so obscure(?) googling was useless.

    An elderly neighbour of mine showed me this vintage tennis racket couple of days ago and asked if I could find out any good info on it. I was intrigued by the "test" stamp on the frame of the head, so I agreed. And sure enough from what a gathered so far it seems like these test rackets were...
  3. Clara

    USPTA certification

    Is there anyone who recently took the uspta exam? I found some previous posts but those were from 5+ years ago. Thanks, C
  4. TBT

    What is my USTA rank?

    In Brazil we use a different classification, what is my USTA equivalent rank? This is my second match with a new racquet (Pure Drive +). Do not consider the bad edition, this is the first time I use gopro to record a game. Thanks!
  5. wferdinand

    wferdinand's racquet test experiences

    I'm using a Head Graphene XT Instinct MP stringed with tennisoutlet.at Orange Tiger @ 22/21 kgs. When I was comeback to court I wasn't test anything, just only bought this racquet about sympathy. Now I'm testing some racquets. I was started with an Wilson Steam 99S which saleable from my...