13 year old tennis prodigy


Most players are not talented enough to copy Fed's game. You have to be more athletic to wield a one-handed BH than a 2. The less talented players should stick to 2 hands and baseline grinding.


Speakng of Aussie prospects, how is Todd Reid doing ? Haven't heard too much about him lately....
First thing he needs to do is get rid of that western grip

dude, your right. theres this guy named.....wait what is his name.......oh yeah, Nadal......he sucks with that western grip.

anyways, there's a lot of stuff that can happen to a kid that is just 13. the pros are still far away from him and there are a lot of obsticles to making it there, such as burnout, but i think thats been pretty well covered.

as far as the remarks are concerned, he's 13, you shouldnt excpect him to be modest. that is what every 13 year old tennis player wants.


wilsonplayer said:
dude, your right. theres this guy named.....wait what is his name.......oh yeah, Nadal......he sucks with that western grip.

How weird... He's the world's #2... Who r u? You're NOBODY!
And then, Nadal sucks...

Funny world...
I'm pretty sure you couldn't manage to get 5 points OFF Rafael. I know I wouldn't


New User
Andres Guazzelli said:
How weird... He's the world's #2... Who r u? You're NOBODY!
And then, Nadal sucks...

Funny world...
I'm pretty sure you couldn't manage to get 5 points OFF Rafael. I know I wouldn't

Does nobody understand irony on this board?



i have talked about this before. a 13 yr old cannot beat a reasonable 20 yr old fully developed (physically) player, unless they are fully developed too.

Now if the kid is already fully developed, he has got the jump on other juniors, giving him a clear advantage. Some of these talented juniors will catch up to him physically by the time he is 17/18.

So, Tomic may be a star, but we won't know until he is around 17 yrs old.


Hall of Fame
Skppr05 said:
kids just being a kid right now. Sure he has some major predeictions for himself, but what's wrong with a little confidence? If he does burn out (which is my predection as well) then he'll learn from it and hopefully become a better player. Let's just hope he doesn't grow up to be a snot-nosed brat expecting everything to be handed to him. He reminds me of prince of tennis.
yes i also am worried about this


Hall of Fame
gaspard said:
Does nobody understand irony on this board?


I find it kind of ironic that you sign your user name gaspard at the end of all your posts when it sounds pretty anonymous and probably is not even your name. 8)


c'mon! He's just a kid.
He has a few tests in front of him though.
Patrick McEnroe was a No. 1 Junior at 13 yrs of age too.
By the time he was 17, all the kids caught up to him, and his advantage was lost.
But if Tomic can have a caerer like Pat McEnroe's, which is what i'd say is most likely, then what wouldn't be so bad, now would it?


New User
VolklVenom said:
c'mon! He's just a kid.
He has a few tests in front of him though.
Patrick McEnroe was a No. 1 Junior at 13 yrs of age too.
By the time he was 17, all the kids caught up to him, and his advantage was lost.
But if Tomic can have a caerer like Pat McEnroe's, which is what i'd say is most likely, then what wouldn't be so bad, now would it?

Do you mean No.1 in his state, because Patrick Mcenroe barely had a junior career on the international scene?



The gosford itf

I played in that ITF that he won in Gosford just last week...
I was watching him play in the first round against a fella i know, and he won in three sets....
BUT a major contributor to all his success, is on all the big points(ie 30-all, break points, deuce etc.) during a close match, he will call balls that are 1 foot INSIDE the line OUT. That's right, he cheats. And in this case, his opponent got so frustrated that he couldn't concentrate, and lost in three sets.
Tomic made 25 (im serious 25!) BLATANTLY wrong calls. Each call was INSIDE the baseline.
His opponent called the ref, and the ref came on to the court, of course, while the ref was on the court he didnt make anymore bad calls... but the moment the ref turned around to watch another court, he made another bad line call...
ANd the other bad thing was the ref couldnt do ANYTHING about it. (this rule needs to be changed).

Naturally all the aussie kids hate him(who likes a cheat??)

ANother thing is his father.... HES a FREAK!!!
During the 14/u world team champs in europe last year Tomics father punched one of the tennis australia coaches, and Tomic was then sent home.
He has also been involved in many other incidents, one of them which i saw where he threatened the female referee at the Gosford ITF.

Obviously the father has instructed bernard to Cheat on the big points, and call all close balls in.(only during clost matches of course)

Yes, he is a good player.... but also a cheat, and his father looks like another demir dokic

Will he make it???
Well Jelena Did... so maybe this kid will too......
But something needs to be done about his father


dude, i bet that i can do mathematic better than this guy...
who cares about tennis .. lol

well, it's pretty amazing to see a 13-year-old boy is at this level .
I think if I play against him right now, he'll kick my ass within 30 minutes .. lol (I'm 15 , 4.0 Player)



no u didnt.....

I was at the claycourts last yr and he didnt lose 61 62
He lost to the top seed like 64 64 something

I dont see u winning 4 straight itfs at 13yrs and 3 months.......

Deleted member 3771

Todd Reid won Junior Wimbledon, now he is nowhere. His backhand is soft and ugly, i don't know where he learnt it. I saw him play in a challenger, his backhand was even soft by challenger standards. He was pretty average allround. He was coached by Nick Bollettieri and his father, but they obviously didn't teach him the backhand the same way they taught it to Agassi, sharapova, Pierce etc.


Yeah, its a shame for todd because he was going alright there for a bit... His ranking was in the Low 100s when he got struck with a very severe case of glandular fever, which put him out for 18months.... Being unable to train for the majority of that time can do that to you..

Its hard for him because he finally made it to the Elite level of the game -(past the challenger circuit) and then be forced to pull out of the game and have to start back at the bottom of the futures curcuit


Well if u ever come up against this little ****, please keep in mind that if its a close match... he WILL cheat (unless there's umpires)
WHen he does cheat, dont call the referee.. because they can't do anything about it... Just cheat back..
Trust me thats the best thing to do.


Wondertoy said:
Did IMG actually sign this kid? What ever happened to Brendan Evans?

Brendan evans, got endorsement with Nike,
for a million $ when he was 15. now he is about
18 or 19,but I hardly hear his name on tour.


West Coast Ace said:
I thought prodigy was like Tiger Woods going on the Mike Douglas show when he was 4. 13's almost middle age for a junior.

That grip is something else - at first I thought he was trying to hit it with the edge of the frame until someone pointed out that it was an extreme Western grip. :) I see wrist problems in his future.

Good luck to him. After these claims, if he didn't have a big bullseye on his back, he does now. One thing I remember from one of the books I read when I was a kid learning the game was to 'travel light' - don't talk much about your game, just go out and play and people will notice.

I don't believe on prodigies on tennis, hey boy, show me when
you are 17 or 18 years old playing in pro tour. i'll see if are
still a prodigy then.

the ball is round,it could bounce here and there.

in chess i believe there is prodigy, because you are
using your mind and until you are old enough to
compete in the international level. tennis is different,
you are using brains,arms and legs. it's "mostlyl" physical
rather than mental


i remember reading somewhere that a scout or someone said he was ten times more advanced than hewitt at the same age. provided he doesnt become overwhelmed, i think he will go very far


K-kita said:
I've read all this excitement in IMG, Nike, Adidas and australians mass medias and the best of all is that in Spain is a kid younger, smaller and better and nothing cares about him...
I care! But I'm from Europe so.... ;)
Anyway I think it's better for Boluda (glad he doesn't live in argentina with this name ;) ) if they don't care as much. Apart from getting a great sponsorship, hype at this stage of his career can be a real thread at his age. I don't think any 13y old can cope well with pressure. Let's see how Tomic and Boluda will develope the next few years!
Personally, I fancy Boluda to be more successful, but I admit I haven't seen Tomic play yet. At least Boluda isn't a brat like him! :p


New User
Shabazza said:
I care! But I'm from Europe so....
Anyway I think it's better for Boluda (glad he doesn't live in argentina with this name ;) ) if they don't care as much. Apart from getting a great sponsorship, hype at this stage of his career can be a real thread at his age. I don't think any 13y old can cope well with pressure. Let's see how Tomic and Boluda will develope the next few years!
Personally, I fancy Boluda to be more successful, but I admit I haven't seen Tomic play yet. At least Boluda isn't a brat like him!
I agree with you, but Boluda hasn't any economic assistance by anyone (spanish federation either) until now. He hasn't sponsors, and you know that it's very expensive for a middle class family to support all this expenditure in trips, hotels, material...etc. It seems that after his performance in Tarbes all this could change, but it's regrettable that a kid with his results has been ignored by the own federation until now.

And yes, in Argentina everybody takes Boluda as a joke :mrgreen:
Probably they won't find him so funny when in 4 ó 5 years Boluda plays with argentinian players...:cool:


Anyone know how big this kid is? Looking at the pic I'd guess 5'3" 100lbs. How big a serve can someone that size have? At 13 and training full time every day, anything can happen; he can get a bad case of TE or injure his back and be out a year. Predictions are premature...


New User
i think he will peak to early

name a junior this good whos mad it number 1

federer used to crack his rackets

i think he will peak to early