2012 Wilson Steam 100


Why didn't this racket get more love? I hit about 40 rackets and the Steam 100 really stood out as great in all areas. The 2013 Steam models didn't feel and perform as well to me.

Did the lighter weight of the racket hurt its appeal significantly?

The Juice seemed to really out sell the Steam and the Juice is solid but the Steam seemed even better.


Arm troubles and similar rackets?

Has anyone had any arm pain out of the Steams?

Has anyone hit any racket that they found to be very similar?


Steam setup

I use poly/syn gut and I haven't had any arm problems.

What is your string setup (string brand, model, mains, crosses, and tensions)?

Have you done any all multi setups with your Steam that you liked? Please share if so.

Thanks for the help.


Alpha 2000 18 is so good all around in the Steam.

It has the perfect feel and level of power for me.

I would put it ahead of Rip Control, PPC, NRG, Bi-Phase, Hexy Fiber, and Forten 17s.

I hit a good bit of top spin and it is looking relatively durable enough so far.

It has to be on the 17 and 18 g multi short list IMO.