Sometimes rallies are good, but surfaces like this is just ridiculous, it's extending points that should have ended, just let the dead be dead...
Does one need any more evidence that this guy is juicing? It's just not possible to play at the level you left off after such a long break. Ask Agassi, Safin, Haas, Del Potro himself (took him a good year to come back to where he was).
Do NOT count out Delpo yet!!!!!!!!!!!
Make him serve it out!
3rd title in a row. 3rd IW title. 6th master title on hard. 22nd overall. He has the record. I'm gonna LOVE this season!!!! Ooh yeah... Rafa: greatest comeback ever. Unbelievable champion. Kudos.
F*** sake trust it to be Nadal who s**** on the guy who I want to win again.
Does one need any more evidence that this guy is juicing? It's just not possible to play at the level you left off after such a long break. Ask Agassi, Safin, Haas, Del Potro himself (took him a good year to come back to where he was).
Nadal is seriously moving as well as he has since, like, 2008. He's getting to everything.
3rd title in a row. 3rd IW title. 6th master title on hard. 22nd overall. He has the record. I'm gonna LOVE this season!!!! Ooh yeah... Rafa: greatest comeback ever. Unbelievable champion. Kudos.
Stream working again. Lol by the reactions from 90s clay and Towser I thought the match was over already
(oops posted too soon ha ha)
Come on, Rafa deserves this. He's had a hard life lately and definitely could use a hc title.
Well Agassi came back better then ever at 29 years old (which is pretty old for tennis) after a complete MIA session for 3 years
Quoted in case DelPo somehow wins this
Quoted in case DelPo somehow wins this
Yeah, that will show him - what exactly?:?