2017 French Open FINAL: [3] Stan Wawrinka vs. [4] Rafael Nadal

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Talk Tennis Guru
Whatever happens, looks like Stan and his team are psyched for it.

Tweet from Magnus Norman on the women's final:

"What a fearless performance by Jelena #Ostapenko. Well done.


Man . . . there is a part of me that is dreading sitting through this match tomorrow. Not because I am nervous about the outcome or I've bet money on the match. Not cos it is gonna have any impact on my day or my life . . . in any way, shape, or form. Not cos I give two sh*ts about La Decima or GOAT status or Slam counts or winning percentages.

No, I'm dreading it for the simple fact that I avoid Nadal matches like the plague. But as a Stan fan, I'm gonna have to suck it up and sit through the final just like I had to during the semi against Murray (whose matches I also avoid like the plague). Four and a half hours of Murray with just one day of rest until God knows how many hours of Nadal?

I just hope I'm mentally prepared. I gotta fight through. I gotta be strong. For Stan. For tennis.


Bionic Poster
Man . . . there is a part of me that is dreading sitting through this match tomorrow. Not because I am nervous about the outcome or I've bet money on the match. Not cos it is gonna have any impact on my day or my life . . . in any way, shape, or form. Not cos I give two sh*ts about La Decima or GOAT status or Slam counts or winning percentages.

No, I'm dreading it for the simple fact that I avoid Nadal matches like the plague. But as a Stan fan, I'm gonna have to suck it up and sit through the final just like I had to during the semi against Murray (whose matches I also avoid like the plague). Four and a half hours of Murray with just one day of rest until God knows how many hours of Nadal?

I just hope I'm mentally prepared. I gotta fight through. I gotta be strong. For Stan. For tennis.

Have several seats.


Hall of Fame
Man . . . there is a part of me that is dreading sitting through this match tomorrow. Not because I am nervous about the outcome or I've bet money on the match. Not cos it is gonna have any impact on my day or my life . . . in any way, shape, or form. Not cos I give two sh*ts about La Decima or GOAT status or Slam counts or winning percentages.

No, I'm dreading it for the simple fact that I avoid Nadal matches like the plague. But as a Stan fan, I'm gonna have to suck it up and sit through the final just like I had to during the semi against Murray (whose matches I also avoid like the plague). Four and a half hours of Murray with just one day of rest until God knows how many hours of Nadal?

I just hope I'm mentally prepared. I gotta fight through. I gotta be strong. For Stan. For tennis.

Have several seats.




That you can be as butthurt as you like over Nadal, your loss :p hope you get some cushions for tomorrow.
But I'm not "butthurt." Not at all. That would imply caring. That would imply having something invested . . . which I already explained I don't.

All I said was that I'm dreading the match because I don't like watching Nadal. Kindof like how I don't really eat vegetables unless someone puts them on my plate.


No emotional investment there whatsoever :D
Well, the original post was not really meant to be taken literally, more tongue-in-cheek. I mean, right now I'm sitting in my comfy chair tapping on my laptop. I'm jammin' to some house music, the sun is coming through my windows, and I'm having tacos for lunch. I'm not cowering on the floor in the corner of my dark, damp basement in the fetal position with nervous sweat dripping down my face. THAT would be dread.

I also gotta do my laundry later . . . and I'm dreading that too. About as much as watching Nadal tomorrow, if you want some perspective. :)


Bionic Poster
Well, the original post was not really meant to be taken literally, more tongue-in-cheek. I mean, right now I'm sitting in my comfy chair tapping on my laptop. I'm jammin' to some house music, the sun is coming through my windows, and I'm having tacos for lunch. I'm not cowering on the floor in the corner of my dark, damp basement in the fetal position with nervous sweat dripping down my face. THAT would be dread.

I also gotta do my laundry later . . . and I'm dreading that too. About as much as watching Nadal tomorrow, if you want some perspective. :)

Cool story bro :p

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
I said Nadal in 4. I feel I'm being kind to Stan.

This is the weirdest Rafa final ever for me, I have not felt this certain in a long time, and that is due to what I'm seeing from Rafa and what I just saw from Stan, AND I think The Stanimal thing has gone too far, people have drawn too many conclusions from it. Like I said about 10 times elsewhere on these threads, he only beat Rafa in Rafa's slump years --2014-2015, once when Rafa was also injured. Visibly unable to serve, in fact. Rafa still took a set.'

This stanimal is a creature that has gained its mythic proportions from what he did to Djok when no-one could do that to Djok. Fair enough. Yeah Rafa once on HC slump years and injured. And Rafa still took a set.

It took 5 sets to beat Andy and Andy is nothing on clay compared to Rafa, now.

Fugget about it. I think this a Fedcentric forum with a lot of denial going on, all hoping Rafa won't get more slams. The Rafa fans here seem ultra polite and almost meek by comparison. Gee, just like their respective players.

When I turned on the telly this am to see the women's final, my cable wasn't working. I went effing bonkers. It's working now, that's the worst that could happen tomorrow. (Or a terrorist attack in Paris? Sorry I've been kind of wondering about that too ...)

What, me worry?

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
Stan is the only player who has any legitimate chance against Nadal, so at least the right player has made it to the final. Rafa is the massive fav, yes fully agree, but he is not 100% lock with his opponent being Stanimal, it would be foolish to think that. Anyone else, and Nadal would have sleepwalked to the title, Wawrinka is the only one that Nadal will truly have to play and defeat to take the title.

Yes, I like your post, I had the same thoughts, happy Stan made it to the final for that reason, tho9ugh Andy would have been the easier opponenent.


Dal has only dropped like 30 games, but he hasn't faced anyone really challenging. Stanimal will be a whole different beast compared to Thiem et al.

I'll still say Nadal is the favorite though. Tight 4, maybe 5. Definitely don't see him winning in straights.


I said Nadal in 4. I feel I'm being kind to Stan.

This is the weirdest Rafa final ever for me, I have not felt this certain in a long time, and that is due to what I'm seeing from Rafa and what I just saw from Stan, AND I think The Stanimal thing has gone too far, people have drawn too many conclusions from it. Like I said about 10 times elsewhere on these threads, he only beat Rafa in Rafa's slump years --2014-2015, once when Rafa was also injured. Visibly unable to serve, in fact. Rafa still took a set.'

This stanimal is a creature that has gained its mythic proportions from what he did to Djok when no-one could do that to Djok. Fair enough. Yeah Rafa once on HC slump years and injured. And Rafa still took a set.

It took 5 sets to beat Andy and Andy is nothing on clay compared to Rafa, now.

Fugget about it. I think this a Fedcentric forum with a lot of denial going on, all hoping Rafa won't get more slams. The Rafa fans here seem ultra polite and almost meek by comparison. Gee, just like their respective players.

When I turned on the telly this am to see the women's final, my cable wasn't working. I went effing bonkers. It's working now, that's the worst that could happen tomorrow. (Or a terrorist attack in Paris? Sorry I've been kind of wondering about that too ...)

What, me worry?
Why would you worry about that though? More people die by dog attacks, drowning in their bathtubs and other things. Terrorism is a very insignificant issue, just enjoy the final. Whatever happens, happens.
Oh yeah, forgot to add:

weather forecast tomorrow: 90 degrees and sunny in Paris. Perfect for Rafa.
exactly and after a 5-set comeback win olasting 4.5 hrs... Stan has a huge opportunity here; I'll say that. But Thiem was crushing the ball and "goodbye, you are the weakest link" happened. Stan might oughta hope for another pre-match back injury.

And another thing that seems to have been missed (at least to my knowledge) in the threads is that Wawa's chip/bunt returns will be utterly torqued by Nadal... and ironically, I've heard from many folks how Wawa's ROS has improved so much. Perhaps so but try slicing against Rafa on Chatriere and see what happens


Bionic Poster
Man . . . there is a part of me that is dreading sitting through this match tomorrow. Not because I am nervous about the outcome or I've bet money on the match. Not cos it is gonna have any impact on my day or my life . . . in any way, shape, or form. Not cos I give two sh*ts about La Decima or GOAT status or Slam counts or winning percentages.

No, I'm dreading it for the simple fact that I avoid Nadal matches like the plague. But as a Stan fan, I'm gonna have to suck it up and sit through the final just like I had to during the semi against Murray (whose matches I also avoid like the plague). Four and a half hours of Murray with just one day of rest until God knows how many hours of Nadal?

I just hope I'm mentally prepared. I gotta fight through. I gotta be strong. For Stan. For tennis.
On the bright side, his match against Nadal may actually be very short :D;)


Bionic Poster
- what would be Bulltards excuse if he lose
- How many strategic MTO from Bull if it gets right

Just would love Stanimal to appear for a good 3 hours tomorrow. Would be lot of fun.
More like: what will be the Wawa fans' excuse if he gets crushed. Oh wait, they're already coming up with a pre-emptive truckload of them :rolleyes:
Wawa SHOULD put up a good fight given his recent record at RG. No excuse if he doesn't.


Bionic Poster
There is no parralel between the women and men involved at all.
And actually, technically, it is Nadal who will "Upset" Waw as Warinka came in the 3rd seed, Nadal the 4th.
The biggest difference between JO and Wawa is that Wawa is the older of the finalists, very experienced with multiple slam titles to his name (including RG).
Neither of the girl finalists had won a slam title before even though Halep had already reached the final.

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
The biggest difference between JO and Wawa is that Wawa is the older of the finalists, very experienced with multiple slam titles to his name (including RG).
Neither of the girl finalists had won a slam title before even though Halep had already reached the final.

Just no parralels at all, except the idea that the one you expect to win may not win. That's always true.
I say this because I had the same thought myself, for about a nanosecond.

That woman's final was a mess. I remember one freak ball bouncing off the post that gave OSt the critical break. Ost reminded me a wee bit of Thiem, trying to smack the daylights out of every third ball. For her, it paid off.


I said Nadal in 4. I feel I'm being kind to Stan.

This is the weirdest Rafa final ever for me, I have not felt this certain in a long time, and that is due to what I'm seeing from Rafa and what I just saw from Stan, AND I think The Stanimal thing has gone too far, people have drawn too many conclusions from it. Like I said about 10 times elsewhere on these threads, he only beat Rafa in Rafa's slump years --2014-2015, once when Rafa was also injured. Visibly unable to serve, in fact. Rafa still took a set.'

This stanimal is a creature that has gained its mythic proportions from what he did to Djok when no-one could do that to Djok. Fair enough. Yeah Rafa once on HC slump years and injured. And Rafa still took a set.

It took 5 sets to beat Andy and Andy is nothing on clay compared to Rafa, now.

Fugget about it. I think this a Fedcentric forum with a lot of denial going on, all hoping Rafa won't get more slams. The Rafa fans here seem ultra polite and almost meek by comparison. Gee, just like their respective players.

When I turned on the telly this am to see the women's final, my cable wasn't working. I went effing bonkers. It's working now, that's the worst that could happen tomorrow. (Or a terrorist attack in Paris? Sorry I've been kind of wondering about that too ...)

What, me worry?
Ok so you're basically saying you're a 110% sure Nadal will win. Then why even watch? Just turn off the tv and bet your house on him, you'll be rich at the end of the week.

Don't act cocky, you should know not to underestimate Wawrinka. He could lose in straights but he could win as well. You should know that if you've followed the tour in the last 4-5 years. If he's on his best and Nadal somehow comes out flat then there's no telling what will happen.

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
exactly and after a 5-set comeback win olasting 4.5 hrs... Stan has a huge opportunity here; I'll say that. But Thiem was crushing the ball and "goodbye, you are the weakest link" happened. Stan might oughta hope for another pre-match back injury.

And another thing that seems to have been missed (at least to my knowledge) in the threads is that Wawa's chip/bunt returns will be utterly torqued by Nadal... and ironically, I've heard from many folks how Wawa's ROS has improved so much. Perhaps so but try slicing against Rafa on Chatriere and see what happens

I have always wondered how Waw gets away with not hitting real returns, everything bunted back. I also wonder how he serves so hard with very little involvement of the legs. And his really bad overheads. At least I saw a few really bad ones. He has blistering groundstrokes and that will take you a good ways ...
He's not nearly as fast as Rafa either.
Boef! I like Stan (he always lets me down against Fed) but I think his threat here is being exaggerated. Because he beat Djok here.


Bionic Poster
Just no parralels at all, except the idea that the one you expect to win may not win. That's always true.
I say this because I had the same thought myself, for about a nanosecond.

That woman's final was a mess. I remember one freak ball bouncing off the post that gave OSt the critical break. Ost reminded me a wee bit of Thiem, trying to smack the daylights out of every third ball. For her, it paid off.
The parallel I see between JO and Wawa is that they're both offensive, big hitting, going for winners players.

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
Ok so you're basically saying you're a 110% sure Nadal will win. Then why even watch? Just turn off the tv and bet your house in him, you'll be rich at the end of the week.

Don't act cocky, you should know not to underestimate Wawrinka. He could lose in straights but he could win as well. You should know that if you've followed the tour in the last 4-5 years. If he's on his best and Nadal somehow comes out flat then there's no telling what will happen.

Wow you distort hugely. I said I have never felt this certain. It's you who put a percentage on it.
I know enough to know nothing in tennis is ever 100% certain.
You'll have to have a fake argument with someone else.

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
Why would you worry about that though? More people die by dog attacks, drowning in their bathtubs and other things. Terrorism is a very insignificant issue, just enjoy the final. Whatever happens, happens.
You take me too literally.
I was doing an ironic riff on worry.
And terrorism is not an insignifigant issue. Tell that to people on westminster bridge, or Paris on the horrible day, two horrible days.


I said Nadal in 4. I feel I'm being kind to Stan.

This is the weirdest Rafa final ever for me, I have not felt this certain in a long time, and that is due to what I'm seeing from Rafa and what I just saw from Stan, AND I think The Stanimal thing has gone too far, people have drawn too many conclusions from it. Like I said about 10 times elsewhere on these threads, he only beat Rafa in Rafa's slump years --2014-2015, once when Rafa was also injured. Visibly unable to serve, in fact. Rafa still took a set.'

This stanimal is a creature that has gained its mythic proportions from what he did to Djok when no-one could do that to Djok. Fair enough. Yeah Rafa once on HC slump years and injured. And Rafa still took a set.

It took 5 sets to beat Andy and Andy is nothing on clay compared to Rafa, now.

Fugget about it. I think this a Fedcentric forum with a lot of denial going on, all hoping Rafa won't get more slams. The Rafa fans here seem ultra polite and almost meek by comparison. Gee, just like their respective players.

When I turned on the telly this am to see the women's final, my cable wasn't working. I went effing bonkers. It's working now, that's the worst that could happen tomorrow. (Or a terrorist attack in Paris? Sorry I've been kind of wondering about that too ...)

What, me worry?

I worry about local weather, and my local NBC station putting a massive weather graphic up covering a quarter of the screen/court :)

fortunately weather in northeastern Ohio and Paris look the same tomorrow...clear, warm, dry, sunny 80's

p.s. around 12:30, if the match is still going, I may get big lottery balls on the screen for a couple minutes if there's lottery on Sunday?


I'd be happy to see Nadal fans smile and be happy after watching their player struggle in 2015/2016, those loyal fans deserve that, the Vero's, the Michael Nadals, Clayqueens, Vanio and others who still stuck with him.

I'd also be happy for Wawrinka and his fans because he went from a top 20 player in 2012 into a 4 time slam winner in 2017 at the age of 32 under the tutelage of one of the best coaches ever.

FO Final is a win win.

Get A Grip

Hall of Fame
I worry about local weather, and my local NBC station putting a massive weather graphic up covering a quarter of the screen/court :)

fortunately weather in northeastern Ohio and Paris look the same tomorrow...clear, warm, dry, sunny 80's

p.s. around 12:30, if the match is still going, I may get big lottery balls on the screen for a couple minutes if there's lottery on Sunday?

LOL NBC! I was really enjoying Tennis channel (which in Canada, I never get, we get US or UK feeds via Canadian cable) NBC is like being back in tacky land.
This am when i turned on the telly for the women's there was no cable! I had a knipsh#t. Got that fixed, but worry about tomorrow. Worry about terrorist attacks in Paris (Federistas) Worry about it seeming so obvious that Rafa will win. It's so bloody obvious.
I like Stan, but tomorrow he can go to Hale.


Bionic Poster
- what would be Bulltards excuse if he lose

What it's always been: Rafa was "injured." Many even claimed he was injured at the AO this year as well as IW and Miami. In their world, Nadal has never, ever lost a match when he's been healthy. That's no exaggeration!


Talk Tennis Guru
I was like, this **** doesn't exist, Sysyphus is trolling again.

Then, hmm, let's check it to be sure...

This **** exists :confused::confused:

Absolutely does!

This guy was famously filled to the brim with Stanozolol (again no troll). Hopefully Stan brings the same killer stare to run over the gonadal one tomorrow.
