I said Nadal in 4. I feel I'm being kind to Stan.
This is the weirdest Rafa final ever for me, I have not felt this certain in a long time, and that is due to what I'm seeing from Rafa and what I just saw from Stan, AND I think The Stanimal thing has gone too far, people have drawn too many conclusions from it. Like I said about 10 times elsewhere on these threads, he only beat Rafa in Rafa's slump years --2014-2015, once when Rafa was also injured. Visibly unable to serve, in fact. Rafa still took a set.'
This stanimal is a creature that has gained its mythic proportions from what he did to Djok when no-one could do that to Djok. Fair enough. Yeah Rafa once on HC slump years and injured. And Rafa still took a set.
It took 5 sets to beat Andy and Andy is nothing on clay compared to Rafa, now.
Fugget about it. I think this a Fedcentric forum with a lot of denial going on, all hoping Rafa won't get more slams. The Rafa fans here seem ultra polite and almost meek by comparison. Gee, just like their respective players.
When I turned on the telly this am to see the women's final, my cable wasn't working. I went effing bonkers. It's working now, that's the worst that could happen tomorrow. (Or a terrorist attack in Paris? Sorry I've been kind of wondering about that too ...)
What, me worry?